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Everything posted by BBM

  1. My thoughts? These are all the people I find/have found suspicious, in no particular order. If I don't mention them, it means they're not really worth talking about, for the most part. Mancer- Has had some really bad posts, but he seems to be genuinely trying, and it feels like he's sincere, so I'm going to leave him alone for now. Scorri- Active lurked hard in the time she was here- she didn't comment on anything in a worthwhile way at all, and didn't even make a single vote. She just popped in and made some general comments and then left. Cited irl issues though. Boron- Some hypocritical actions and kind of waffly, especially wrt Mancer. Criticized him and then said he was town in the very next line with no real in-between reasoning. Looks like she might be trying to play both sides here. But she's not feeling well. Elieson- In his first few posts he comments on stuff and says things, but then persists on an RVS vote for Boron even though there were people he was actually saying were suspicious. Did what Boron did with Mancer to Shinori- said he was acting anti-town but was probably just dumb town, also with no real reasoning until later prodding. Also voted Manix for fakeclaiming even though he then claimed Friendly Townie, which is like the most provable role ever? But he said he wasn't feeling well either. Helios- Hasn't done anything other than tunnel Kay with cruddy logic (IMO). Also seems to be barely trying and hardly motivated. Plus his logic against Prims was kind of weird and I don't like how he dropped it either. I'm not particularly finding Prims too scummy as of yet, but if Helios flips scum I might, because the entire Helios/Prims interaction reeks of distancing. What about you, Blitz?
  2. ##Vote: Helios Hasn't done anything except tunnel Kay (when she's not even here, too), and the Prims vote and unvote was just weird. I don't feel as if he's very motivated to help town either.
  3. Well, generally when you say that someone is doing something you don't like, as Kay did in that post, it's implied that you think they're scum.
  4. Yeah, I'm definitely not seeing how anything Kay did was worse than anything Paper did. Yet nobody who finds Kay scummy is seriously finding him scummy too. Also, although Mancer's posts haven't really improved, his latest ones have had a... sincerity? to them that makes me think he's prooobably not scum. And while staying on his case for the rest of the game would probably help him become better, it probably wouldn't help us win this game. ##Unvote Going to re-read my FoSes to see whom I should vote for next.
  5. To be fair, I think that in the time Mancer has been playing, all the games have had scum quicktopics.
  6. Scum only know who scum are- they don't know who's town and who's ITP (generally). And if Prims was mafia, shot Manix, and then fakeclaimed Vig, the real Vig would shoot him. That theory is also really confusing and I don't understand it, so let me give you some advice. If you're town, it's generally best to not suggest possible theories that could explain why something has happened to someone who looks scummy. If they're scum, they'll latch onto what you're saying and pretend that that's what they were doing the whole time, when it wasn't. Also, Mancer, we don't really care about who you think is town, especially if that person is not really in any danger of being wagoned/lynched. All that does is give the mafia the names of people they know they won't be able to push a mislynch against (so, good nightkill targets). We want to know who the people are whom you think are scum. If you don't have much time or are having trouble deciphering things, focus on things that are more helpful to the town rather than less. I also need to reread Kay's posts, but I don't really understand the suspicion against her at all.
  7. My favourite part about Mancer's last post is how he said that it's difficult to tell if Prims was town or mafia, and then said that he was most definitely pro-town in the next line. >_> Blitz, you were in the midst of posting for so long that I was sure you'd caught all the scum already. But yeah, this is Bizz's game- there probably is a SK and he probably is overpowered and she probably will cancel the game if he dies. Also, I'll let you finish reading, but Manix is probably not the SK.
  8. Prims, you mention that you would have voted Kay, and mention that you wouldn't mind wagoning her, but your argument against Kay seems a lot more lackluster than anything else in your post. Also, I didn't know I had any scum meta other than horrible fakeclaims, lol.
  9. On another note, while there might be a lot of posts for this stage in the game, I don't actually think that much, if any of it, is spam, so people shouldn't really be complaining. I mean, the last few games have been filled with people complaining about the lack of activity.
  10. You mean 8 pages- 20ppp masterrace!
  11. BBM


    If you want to talk about it from a less humanitarian perspective, we could talk about how that injection into GM prevented unemployment from rising more?
  12. BBM

    Cold Days

    Hey, Canada is not a place where chumps live. And I used to live in India, so yes, I know how it feels for the temperature to not go below freezing. Dresden is in a kind of cold place right now, I imagine.
  13. Also, most of that post seemed like really obvious stuff to say. "Survivor claim was bad, doc claim was dumb" is a really generic response that wasn't really necessary to make.
  14. Rein, this early post of your's implied that you believed pushing for a survivor lynch to be slightly scummy, or at the very least, not inherently town. Yet your recent post implies that pushing for a survivor lynch is a good thing, or at the very least, not a bad thing. It seems rather contradictory to me.
  15. Manix, who do you think is scummy? You poked a bit at Shinori, but other than that and everything that went around the Survivor claim, I don't think you've actually done much so far, even though you've had a sizable amount of posts. Also, I should mention that I changed my name.
  16. FoS on Helios. I don't actually find his Prims vote as bad as his Prims unvote. Helios, you were voting for Prims because you thought he might be scum trying to waste a day phase on lynching ITP. Regardless of whether or not this was a good reason to vote for Prims, if you genuinely thought that what Prims was doing was scummy, why back off like that just because it turns out that Manix isn't ITP after all? What matters is that at the time that Prims was attacking Manix, he believed that Manix was ITP. So Manix not being ITP doesn't really change what you thought was scummy about Prims. The unvote doesn't make sense to me at all. I also have way too many FoSes, which either means that I'm being really paranoid or people are not as good at this game as me.
  17. BBM

    Cold Days

    20 days left until Cold Days, the 14th book in the Dresden Files, is released! Who's pumped? I know I am! Fans, we should follow Charlie's example and change our names to characters from the series. Unfortunately there are like no pictures of anyone except Harry, so we can't really change our avatars and sigs... I call Thomas.
  18. If your initial point against him was that his first couple posts were overly defensive, and then you say that his first few posts weren't actually that defensive, that is indirectly saying that his original actions weren't really that scummy after all. And other than finding faults with your posts, I also found faults with Elieson, Scorri, and Boron. Those are all things you could be commenting on. Finding scum is very rarely so easy as looking at the people in the midst of the biggest controversies and then picking one of the sides. Especially since half the time it's town infighting anyways. And if nobody is doing anything, then it becomes your job as town to look for something that somebody is doing wrong, not letting others do the scumhunting for you.
  19. If you give people who're playing badly passes every time, they're going to keep playing badly. And if you let him get away with it because he's played like that before, then when he does roll scum, he's going to get past you.
  20. On another note, Boron's last post was okay, until I got to the end part about Mancer. You're doing something scum often do, where they give reasons for why someone is suspicious and then end it with a line saying "but I don't actually think they're scum". It lets them push lynches and then back off right after. If you're going to point out all that stuff about why he's suspicious, then why do you think he's town? FoS #3.
  21. Other than Mancer, I notice that Scorri has also just posted here and there without actually saying who she thinks is scummy or even making an RVS vote. Add a small FoS on her too.
  22. ##Vote: Mancer I honestly don't understand or like what he's been doing. First he waffles and says he thinks Shinori is scummy but wants people to weigh in on the doc claim before he votes. Then he threatens to vote for Shinori because Shinori started panicking when he realized that there were more votes on him than he thought (why is starting to freak out when you're at L-3 a few hours into the phase scummy?), and then, as Boron is sort of pointing out, he's sort of waffling again, saying Shinori wasn't actually that scummy, but now is, or something to that sort. Then, he says again that he thinks Shinori is scum, but isn't going to vote for him. If you think he's acting suspicious, but might still be town because of the Doctor claim, then why are you still focusing on him with all your posts? Why aren't you trying to go for someone who you might be willing to vote for, if you don't want to vote for a Doctor claim? This is the definition of active lurking to me. Also, FoS on Elie. In his first post, he comments on his surroundings in a serious manner, but then instead of having his vote have anything to do with what he's commenting on, he decides to make a random vote instead. Then in his next post he says he finds Shinori's behaviour suspicious/anti-town, but he's still not going to vote for him, because he might be dumb town. If you think he's dumb town and not mafia, why make a post about why he's suspicious, and then say he's probably not mafia at the end? Makes no sense. Then, you vote for Manix for fakeclaiming Survivor even though his new claim is Friendly Townie, the role of which is to prove itself. As in, if nobody confirms Manix's role tomorrow, he's an easy lynch anyways- why are you focusing on him? My vote might very well be on you instead of Mancer, but you DID mention at the very beginning that you weren't feeling well.
  23. Are you even serious? BTW, at our new/returning female players with whom I have not played before- I will get your genders wrong. Don't take it personally.
  24. ...You guys realize that if Shinori has a Hated modifier that he is not directly allowed to claim, you guys could be lynching our Doctor right now? In fact, regardless of whether or not he is hated, Shinori is at like L-3 right now (correct me if I'm wrong, Stoly). That's wayyyy too fast, and I'm going to look at everyone who jumped on his wagon for shitty reasons.
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