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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Forgot about the grace period... but still, I wasn't defending him. For some reason, my sentence at the end didn't get finished. What I'd meant to say was that even though I ask people to stop voting for Rapier, I also say that he looks pretty bad.
  2. @Helios- When did I say I found Rapier townie in any way? I told people to stop voting for him because hammer is 8 votes and for some reason I thought there were at least 5 on him. In that same post where I ask people to stop voting for him, I also @Rapier: Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what I interpreted from the first line of this post: "Shinori did something stupid. But stupid doesn't mean scummy. So Shinori's not scum." Just because A doesn't cause B doesn't mean they can't occur simultaneously. @Eclipse- First off, my mistake. I totally missed the post where Cam said he was going to reread and come back. So your vote for Cam wasn't random. As for Bizz's vote, she voted him for being "wishy-washy" due to the post I quoted above. The first sentence says we shouldn't lynch him, and the second takes it back and says, "well he did still do this scummy thing..." But the post you link to where you said I was being defensive is exactly the one I quoted when I said I wasn't being defensive. If you think that's being defensive, then I can suppose why my last post must give you superscumvibes, but I don't really see how it's being defensive at all. And my listing inactive people is trying to get people to say something, because lurkscum is a thing, and I hate forming first impressions that stick with me for most of the game when a lot of people aren't there. Helios did post, kind of, so ##Unvote: Helios. But Nightmare and Aere still haven't (I don't count Nightmare's "Hi, I'll read and post later"), and I forgot to mention this earlier but I saw Aere surfing the thread yesterday, after I'd made two posts asking him to say something more.
  3. BUMPING this with my next update. Chapter 25: 3/78 Taking an extra turn on C20 for the Whip let me 3-turn instead of 4-turn this chapter, so it all balances out! I had Isadora rescue Athos and carry her northwest first turn, dropping him on Turn 2. Pascal attacked on Turn 2 EP, moving out of their way, and then they seized Turn 3. Kind of tricky because if Pascal hit, whomever of the two he attacked had to dodge a lot to make up for it. Promoted Heath had enough movement to reach the Bishop boss on Turn 2 PP and kill him. He seized Turn 3. On Turn 1, I also purposely placed him in range of the ballistae so that they wouldn't attack Isadora, because she would otherwise have had to dodge more Cavaliers. Now, the southwest castle was also tricky, mainly because it required Dart to proc SPD so that he could double with a Hand Axe, and because he had shaky hit-rates. He rescued Louise, and then got danced so he could move over the river and drop her. Dart basically clears one of the Pirates blocking her on Turn 2 PP so that she could kill the boss, and then again of Turn 3 EP so she could seize. Chapter 26: 11/89 Defend. I managed to feed Lucius and Dart a couple levels here. I didn't kill Lowen, but I still bought some Killer weapons. I didn't even bother fielding Wallace this chapter because he's still a level 4 Knight, haha. But it's okay, the 392 experience he got sent me to Kenneth instead of Jerme! Chapter 27: 6/95 I tried, I really did, but I couldn't 5-turn it. I couldn't see any way to do it but to rig a crit with Athos on the SM near Kenneth, which I didn't feel like doing, especially since it was on EP. Chapter 28: 15/110 I promoted Lucius at the beginning of this Chapter and he Torch spammed all day. WHen it ran out, he Healed until he got to B and then Physiced. Heath is awesome and killed both Maxime and Ursula. Louise is starting to fade slightly. Also got all the items. Chapter 28x: 20/110 EXP and Staff EXP. Sadly I couldn't have Lucius use his staff every turn, so he didn't get to A. BUT everyone but Louise and Athos got quite a bit of EXP. Also got Speedwings and gave them to Athos. Unit Level HP STR SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Athos 20 25 20 13 14 11 12 14 Louise 17/08 34 17 16 21 21 11 14 Isadora 16/10 42 20 16 25 18 13 9 Heath 20/18 57 27 25 23 17 21 9 Ninian 9 21 0 1 18 16 9 10 Dart 20/07 51 26 16 19 10 14 6 Lucius 16/07 36 19 17 17 5 6 18 Chapter 29: 5/115 I probably could have 5-turned this with more effort, but ugh, I just couldn't be bothered. Boots Heath dropped Dart near the Heroes on Turn 1, got the Warp village Turn 2, went up Turn 3 to aggro the Snipers and Berserker, and then killed Linus Turn 4. Dart wiped out everything near him on Turn 2 PP and EP, and then went northeast towards the Knights and General. Isadora went straight north to deal with the guys in the northeast, and this was where I could have 4-turned it, but she kept missing because of all the forests and naturally high-evade Nomad/Nomad Troopers around. This meant that a Paladin and a Cav couldn't reach her on Turn 4 EP, meaning they had to be killed on Turn 5. Chapter 30: 4/119 No WARP, ugh. Turn 1, Heath carried Athos north, was danced, and then went further north and dropped Athos. Turn 2, Athos Rescued Ninian, and then I repeated what I did on Turn 1, except this going west. Then Heath killed Kaim on Turn 3 PP+EP and Athos seized on Turn 4. I REALLY have to get Lucius to Warp for VoD. Chapter 31: 11/130 Fed as much EXP as possible to Athos. Chapter 31x: 5/135 Bought loads of shit, and had Athos rape the arena as much as I could. Chapter 32: 3/138 Heath rescues Athos and moves forward, Lucius Warps Ninian beside them, she dances and Heath moves forward and drops Athos. Turn 2, Athos moves as far forward as he can and Rescues Ninian. Heath rescues Athos and moves forward, and then gets danced. He drops Athos near Limstella. Turn 3, Heath attacks Limstella with Brave Lance, and, I swear I didn't rig this, crits twice, allowing Athos to seize same turn. Funnily enough, the same thing happened to Horace in his draft run, so maybe that's just how the RNs roll? Chapter 32x: 1/139 Lucius Warped Heath, then got danced and Hammerned Rescue. Then Heath Killer Lance crit Kishuna.
  4. That would be a huuuuuuge help! If you could start from the end and work backwards until we meet, it'd be great.
  5. I'm calling Eclipse's vote random, not your's. Unless that's in conjunction with Iris's prod to get Cam talking about the votes on him.
  6. Well, since we had a SK who the mods were probably not expecting to die N1, therefore not only killing any townies but also using up the mafia nightkill for that night, I think there are probably only three more scum, and I'm calling them as Blitz and two of Iris/Subieko/Eclipse/Manix/Elieson. Iris and Subieko are probably not scumbuddies. Eclipse and Elieson might be scumbuddies- it depends on whom Eclipse targets tonight.
  7. Huh, Rapier only had 3 votes on him? I thought there 5 or 6, which is why I asked someone to unvote him. I suppose that's not really necessary if there are only 3 votes. I don't like how some of you guys, especially Rapier, are putting words into my mouth. I never said that there was nothing to talk about, nor did I say that the votes on Rapier were unimportant. I didn't even say that I couldn't form opinions until everybody was there. To me, the game hasn't really begun until everyone's here, and still, 2 people have made only 1 post, and a third hasn't posted at all. Some people say that inactives shouldn't be gone after until later in the game, ut I don't agree with this mindset at all. I find that inactives can do just as much harm in the beginning, where people are (I am, anyways) forming their first impressions and gut feelings, and if people aren't there during this crucial phase of the game, it's not good. Now, Rapier. In addition to putting words in my mouth, he says that just because having stupid logic doesn't make one automatically scummy, scum can't have stupid logic, which is a huge fallacy. I'd vote him just for that if having stupid logic actually did make someone scummy by itself. Also, Eclipse. You made a post, and I don't like it. To me, it feels like a subtle attempt to move the wagon off your scumbuddy Rapier and onto someone else. Let's look at it: So first, you reply to a joke that Paperblade made at your expense. Then, you say that you don't like BBM/Shinori being defensive this early. This is the only post which can be termed as "defensive" because there was no "offensive" against me prior to any of my posts before this one. Except I don't really say anything in this post at all. I make a small point refuting that I haven't contributed at all, and the rest of it is either all what I've said before or irrelevant. But because of this post, you're lumping me together with Shinori, who's been yelling and swearing at people. It's not the same at all. Then you talk about Rapier, and this is the second part that gets to me. You try to point out something that Rapier has done that's townie, the SK comment (except it wasn't really that townie because IIRC at least one, maybe two people had already made it before), but then say that it doesn't really mean anything. Looks like you're playing both sides here. Trying to get him off, but then if he gets lynched and flips scum, you can say "Well, I did say that him looking a bit more townish than usual doesn't mean much". I don't know, I don't like it when people present both sides of an argument but then don't really pick one. The rest of that paragraph doesn't say anything either, and then we get to the end, and this is maybe the worst part. After making a small point against me/Shinori, and not mentioning Cam at all, you turn around and make what is essentially a randomvote against him?
  8. No, I haven't claimed yet. And Marth really was town... ugh. This confirms my suspicion that Blitz is scum, and I think he should probably be lynched tomorrow. I never saw what happened on D3 that suddenly made him switch in everybody's eyes from scummy scum to obvtown. Just because he joined in on the wagon of somebody who was looking really scummy? Because he claimed a Pokemon Trainer pokemon even though on D2 people were talking about how one of those pokemon could be scum?
  9. I'm tired as fuck, so I'll post more tomorrow morning, but I'd just like to say that I'm not going to Fountain of Dreams. I'm going to Halberd, because going to FoD would waste my role.
  10. I gave opinions on several people- Helios, Elieson, Iris, and Rapier. I just don't feel comfortable with saying a lot when such a huge chunk of our playerlist has yet to do anything meaningful. Rapier is looked bad, but he's got enough votes on him for now. Unless someone on his wagon unvotes, I'd ask others not to vote him. I can't be assed to pull up how many votes there are on him (this is why we need votals Excellen), but he can't be too far away from getting lynched, and we don't want to hammer this early.
  11. Did I miss something? What scumslip did Shinori make?
  12. Whoa, activity explosion. Also, uh, I think Marth is scum and Shinori is town, and Blitz is scum bussing Marth. For a couple reasons. First off, meta. Town Shinori tends to get angry when he's about to get lynched/has a lot of suspicion on him. Town Marth sort of gives up and gets depressed, he doesn't get angry like he's doing right now. Then, why I think Blitz is scum. On top of the other stuff, why didn't he out that he was Squirtle D2? People were already discussing how 4 pokemon characters were too many, his makes 5.
  13. I agree with PPB but I want Psych, Eclipse, Aere, Nightmare, and Helios (especially Helios) to all contribute first.
  14. And I'll take EIRIKA, meaning SB is left with Neimi.
  15. Well I realized that NATASHA replaces INNES and so won't come until CHAPTER 15, so MOULDER.
  16. FRANZ since I'm going Kyle route and he replaces DUESSEL.
  17. Was I questioning it passionately? o_O I just didn't like that Iris had said one thing and then was doing the exact opposite. As for my reads atm, like I said, I found that Iris thing a bit suspicious at the time, but the point you made afterwards was valid. I suppose the effectiveness of that type of reaction test depends upon the player against whom it's being employed. Also, Eclipse, Helios, and Aere have posted only to make a random vote, and Psych, Nightmare, and Bizz haven't posted at all. I might be missing someone else, but just counting those people, that's nearly half of our players who've done nothing or close to it. I don't think there's a point to inactive voting any of the latter 3 at this point in time, and as for the former 3, Eclipse and Aere at least made their random votes at the very beginning when nobody else had posted yet. Helios came in just an hour and a half ago, when we were moving past that stage, and just dropped a one-liner about Elieson's claim, made a randomvote, and then left. So for now ##Vote: Helios
  18. Dude, it's not your turn and Amelia has already been picked anyways. The drafting order goes: 12344321, and then it repeats, in a snake-style. It's Jedi's turn first, and then your's.
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