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Everything posted by BBM

  1. ##Vote:Blitz We need Watcher reports, Tracke reports, and Pokemon reports.
  2. My gut tells me she's telling the truth.
  3. These are the claims. Iris: delayed Role Swapper (Manaphy) Luster Purge: vanilla (Charizard) Helios Prims Delirium: Doctor (Sandbag) Serious Bananas: Watcher (Wolf) eclipse: Networker Cap'n Flint: vanilla (Squirtle/Blastoise) BigBangMeteor: ??? Folgore Pink Tableskitty: Tracker (Sheik) Psych: vanilla (Ivysaur/Venusaur) Shinori: Redirector (Shadow) StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw: Role Booster- allows someone to use their role twice Elieson: Stage Revealer- makes someone pick their stage in thread Manix- ??? Also, I'm guessing the mods made a mistake in their update that gave away something crucial and Prims saw it, so he had to be subbed out.
  4. I have a hard time seeing Iris's claimed role as mafia. If she's telling the truth, she's probably town. ##Unvote I don't like this post, btw. It subtly says what we've been telling Aere is highly unlikely, that there's a possibility I'm the scum rolecop. But when Aere was saying that (and she was there at the time, as she made other posts unrelated to my alignment) she said nothing about it, even though she clearly has an opinion on the matter.
  5. ## Unvote I feel that if Aere was scum, he wouldn't be harping on for so long about the probability of an alignment cop over a rolecop. His scumbuddies would probably have told him to shut up. So ##Vote: Iris That last vote doesn't make sense. Strawman was not indifferent to my lynch at all. In fact, he was too much on my side when it was too late to make a difference, which is why I'm finding him scummy. Plus, you said that you've been meaning to vote Strawman for a while, yet two hours ago you asked me in our CPS convo why I found him scummy, saying that you had a null read on him. Then half an hour later, you said in the convo, yeah, Strawman is looking bad, probably worse than Aere.
  6. Except if an Alliance Cop checked Elieson, they'd just see that he was a third-party, which could be harmful or beneficial. It wouldn't get Elieson lynched like a Rolecop/Fullcop report saying that he was a Serial Killer would.
  7. Aere, if I was the mafia rolecop, don't you think I would have been CCed by the town rolecop? And before you say "Well, there might not be a town rolecop!" if only the mafia had a rolecop, what would be the point of making Elieson a Serial Killer Miller?
  8. Prologue: 2/2 Found a BETTER STRATEGY. Chapter 1: 6/8 Unfortunately my BETTER STRATEGY for Prologue makes the 5-turn strategy of this chapter impossible. So the 2-turn Prologue only makes a difference if you have either Duessel or Rennac so you're not doing a Knoll solo of C1. Chapter 2: 5/13 EWAN ORKOS EVERYTHING ON THE MAP WITH FIRE GG. Chapter 3: 7/20 Waaaaa Ewan couldn't ORKO the boss.
  9. You find yourself scummy? Also, there's a pretty good chance we have a Vig. It's entirely different from ICBINSFMM2 where although a kill was stopped, there was a claimed hooker and town should have realized that could've meant no Doc. Unless Castle Siege killed Scorri, there's got to be a Vig.
  10. This was Bizz's softclaim. Also, hey, Nightmare's here. If you don't have any town/scum reads, can you give your opinions on me, seeing as I'm the player with the most votes on them right now? Also, I don't know what Cam's playing at, but I think Aere or Strawman would make better targets right now. Strawman posts like 10 minutes before we thought I was getting lynched, saying he's "uncomfortable about my lynch", as if there was still something we could have done had the phase actually ended at that time. And Aere, that last post was half bad and half flat-out wrong. I'm choosing Aere over Strawman right now because while that last post seemed like a way that he could look townie after my flip, IIRC he did defend me once earlier as well. ##Unvote, Vote: Aere
  11. Yup, I just responded to Paperblade's conversation, and Bizz replied to mine a couple hours ago.
  12. Last update! Light Part 1: 4/143 I was an idiot and I forgot to buy Door Keys, so I only had 2, or I could've done it faster. But I had Unlock! Turn 1, Lucius uses Unlock to open Ursula's door. Athos stands above the room and Rescues Lucius. Then Ninian dances for Lucius, who walks right a couple spaces (enough so that he can open Darin's door next turn) and Warps Ninian north. Dart stands in Uhai's range with Tomahawk and waits; Louise is just outside his range. Heath, Isadora, and Hector go up. Turn 1 EP, Dart counterattacks Uhai, Athos counterattacks and kills Ursula, and Jerme walks out of his room. Turn 2, Dart attacks Uhai with Tomahawk while staying in Jerme's range, and Louise finishes him off. Lucius Unlocks Darin's door, and is then Rescued by Athos who goes up. Heath kills the Sage blocking Kenneth with Spear, and then Ninian dances for him so he can kill Kenneth with the Spear too. Isadora opens the Reed brothers room and then retreats. Turn 2 EP, Heath kills the Druid, Darin and his crony walk out of their room, and Dart counterattacks Jerme, who's left with only some health. Lloyd and Linus both attack Isadora, who dodges both attacks, but misses Lloyd. Turn 3, Louise finishes off Jerme, and Dart kills Darin. Hector attacks Linus, and then Athos Luna crits to kill him. Ninian dances for him, and then he Lunas Lloyd as well, allowing Lucius and Heath to finish him off. Turn 3 EP, Brendan and his crony walk out of their room. Turn 4, Isadora ORKOs Brendan with a double Killing Edge crit, and Heath kills the Warrior. Dart and Louise kill the two Longbow Snipers who were with Uhai. Nergal's door opens, and with Ninian's help, he Warps Athos and Hector north, who kill him together. Light Part 2: 1/144 Hector, Athos, and Athos again kill Fire Dragon with Armads and Luna. SUMMARY Wow, I really can't think of anyone who was useless, except Matthew who never got recruited. Sorry! Wallace was horrible and got dumped after a while, BUT the couple levels he got me sent me to Kenneth. Dart started off slow, but when he got going, holy shit did he get going. He absolutely RAPED the last few chapters. Lucius wasn't too great a combatant as I had to feed him a lot of kills and he was really frail even after a Robe, but he was my Warper and did a great job at it. Louise was incredibly clutch for the first 15 chapters or so. When everybody else (especially Heath and then Dart) started to get going, she sort of fell behind a bit. I think part of it was because I tried to feed more kills to people who had more endgame potential, and especially Lucius for more Warp range. Still, she was also crucial in finishing off Dart's leftovers in Light. I think she's definitely still a 3rd/4th round pick. Isadora was pretty good. Mount and decent combat. Her STR lagged behind in some places and she was incredibly frail though. Certainly 2nd round, however. HEATH was the star, the MVP. Great combat as soon as he started doubling, which was only a few chapters, and once he promoted, got the Drops, and then the Boots, he was a monster. That 23 SPD cap was never an issue, he doubled pretty much everything except some really fast bosses like Lloyd. But that 27 STR was a great help, and I definitely think he should be first-pick, even over Farina and Vaida (if she gets unbanned). ATHOS was also great. He level-capped hard, but since he hit RES, he never fell behind. His SPD lagged a bit (expected with Hector's growths) but he was still a great combatant since he could OHKO a lot of what he couldn't double. Also great with Rescue in the last couple chapters.
  13. BBM


    I'm into mainly sci-fi/fantasy. My favourites are Harry Potter, LotR, The Dresden Files, The Wheel of Time, The Hunger Games, and Rick Riordan's mythology books. The Night Watch tetralogy (originally in Russian) is also really great and not as well known as the other ones I've listed. Currently I'm reading China Mieville's Bas-Lag Trilogy and Tad Williams's Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series. The first book of Bas-Lag was quite good, but the second one is starting off a bit slow. Same with the first book of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, slow at the beginning. The books in that trilogy are also incredibly long (I think the last one is 1600 pages), and long books with slow beginnings are generally annoying to read at first. But I've heard good things from people who've finished it.
  14. I'm so used to Emerald that I forgot you can get Mawile much earlier in Ruby. I'll edit my post
  15. Abra gets a 5.36! Day 28: Machop/Machoke/Machamp Remember, Machamp IS counted!
  16. What are you talking about man. Clearly, Lilina x Gonzales is almost canon! Also, while FE5 canonized Levin x Fury, it's not like it wasn't pushed enough in FE4 by being the only non-forced pairing that had a conversation that made them automatically fall in love.
  17. Blah, I might not have had to claim... But whatever, I'm going to sleep, and I hope to god people are here and active for tomorrow. So for the people who come tomorrow, do you guys believe my claim? If so, who would make a better lynch target?
  18. NVM there are 4 votes on me. Helios, Rapier, Bizz, and Aere. Ughhh..... I don't think there are enough people here to swing the vote, and a randomlynch would be horrible even if we could tie. So I'm going to repost this, and some more stuff: Nightmare- D1's almost over and he still hasn't done anything. If he can't play, mods please sub him out. Cam- I made a post about why I found him scummy. Aere- That last post was bad. His point about Rapier made no sense, and had sort of circular reasoning. His point about me was flat-out factually wrong. Bizz- I'm leaning town on her. Paperblade- Same here. Eclipse- Started off sort of scummy but is looking better. Neutral. Elieson- I know you were busy, but I don't think you did much this phase either. Helios- Post more. Rapier- Fuck I don't even know anymore. Shinori- ^^ Iris- Didn't do much after early-mid day, but she was much more active than usual. Don't know if that means anything. Strawman- No clue until that very last post. I don't know what to make of it. He knows I'm getting lynched at this point. TBH it seems like he's trying to get town cred and make it seem like he was on my side all along after I flip. Now I'm leaning kind of scum on him. Scorri- No clue.
  19. I highly doubt that we're going to get an extension. It's really our own fault that the largest wagon currently (I think me) consists of like 3 people. If I had to choose someone to lynch, I'd pick Cam, but at this point basically any lynch except me is going to be a last-minute power wagon, and neither of us like those. Cam also hasn't been here to defend himself, so I think that just this one time, I wouldn't be averse to a D1 Nolynch.
  20. Okay, screw this, I'm the town rolecop, and if anyone at all is here, we need to lynch someone other than me.
  21. This is my vote, but without the negative bias. BTW Lucina, I hope to see this same negative bias against GARchomp if we ever do Sinnoh.
  22. I didn't expect Cam to make a great post that found all the scum. That's why if you notice, my post against him says nothing about the quality of the points he makes, just the (scummy) way in which he makes them.
  23. If nobody tells me I need to claim, I go to sleep, and I end up getting lynched anyways, look at these people after my flip: Nightmare- D1's almost over and he still hasn't done anything. If he can't play, mods please sub him out. Cam- reasons above Aere- That last post was bad. His point about Rapier made no sense, and had sort of circular reasoning. His point about me was flat-out factually wrong.
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