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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Only Blitz has to do it in thread, because Elieson used his role on him.
  2. DAMNIT SCREW YOU GUYS I WANTED A MAGE KNIGHT Lucina picks Falcoknight Tana.
  3. Also, also, we shouldn't waste this day phase just because we're pretty sure that Tables is scum. We've got at least 2, maybe 3 more scum, who should we go for tomorrow? And what are we planning on doing if Tables flips town?
  5. I still think we should save Halberd as our stage for cleared people for tomorrow.
  6. The part about the Camus archetype is because they are loyal to the villain, not because they hate you for killing their countrymen.
  7. This, but how Shin is making it in his FE8 RR script patch. Valter, the Moonstone: I am Valter, the Moonstone, Grado's finest general! And you're just a sandwich who does not know he is bread."
  8. Can we switch the people on Halberd with the people on Castle Siege? The reason for this is that Halberd's effect, if I'm interpreting it correctly, doesn't allow anyone to be on it multiple times in a row. And Castle Siege's description reads that there's a "terror lurking underneath" which will probably be later. So IMO we should save Halberd for next night when Castle Siege is more likely to go off.
  9. Okay, I'll adjust your TC to 1, and then subtract the 4 point penalty. Also, your point total actually went UP. You took a 4 point penalty, but removing 4 turns from your 2-E performance gained you 3 points in LTC for 2-E, and 2 points in LTC for Part 2. This change also caused CR to lose 3 points and Quint to lose 1.
  10. Maybe. I'm going to Brinstar at the moment because looking at the last cycle's stage distribution, not many mafia will follow me there. Brinstar is probably more dangerous for other people though, so I'm thinking people should split up between Castle Siege and Battleship Halberd.
  11. It's highly unlikely that SB is scum because if we lynch you and you flip town, he's probably getting lynched next for not claiming that he was also a Tracker until several days after his Watcher claim.. And we're not in MYLO/LYLO, meaning a 1 for 1 trade is not something mafia would want at all if they could choose it. It's also a different case from Shinori vs Tables, where at least one of you HAS to be scum, meaning the best the mafia can do there is a 1 for 1 trade.
  12. Day 29: Bellsprout/Weepinbell/Victreebell
  13. Tables, can you provide a possible explanation for why the town might have both a TrackerWatcher and a Tracker?
  14. Really SB? If you'd outed that you were both a Tracker and a Watcher earlier, we could've lynched Impy D2, because a TrackerWatcher and a Tracker would be redundant. I'm pretty sure we're not in MYLO/LYLO so changing your claim would be pretty risky at this point, especially as Tables would probably have been lynched today even without your claim. Please don't hide your role like that in future games if outing it would mean an easy lynch. ##Vote: Tables
  15. Chapter 9: 13/66 FUCK FORT RIGWALD JUST FUCK IT. ALSO FUCK REFA'S AMELIA WAS SO MUCH BETTER THAN MINE. Chapter 10: 5/71 RECRUIT FRANZ AND PROMOTED EWAN AND AMELIA RUSH. DIDN'T GET VANESSA'S KILLER LANCE SADLY. Chapter 11: 6/77 Can't really do it faster without a flier, since some of the Mogalls don't reach you until Turn 6 EP. Torch Staff Ewan MVP. Chapter 12: 4/81 Danced Amelia ahead, she killed stuff and could have killed the boss on Turn 3 EP, but I had her take an extra turn so Franz could get to Boulder. Chapter 13: 8/89 Whoever has Artur needs to do some editing. Currently he's a Dancer who can both use Light magic and dance, with Dancer caps. Anyways, Amelia and Franz went right; Ewan, Kyle and Ephraim went left. Ewan ORKOd everything (including Selena with a Thunder crit) but Kyle couldn't and sadly Ewan couldn't be everywhere. Moulder used Physic once but was mostly useless because he was OHKOd by Bolting. I think Ephraim killed a Shaman. No flier or Pirate sucks. Chapter 13: 6/87 I redid this, sending Ephraim down over the river and Franz right instead of left. Any 5-turn strategy I could think of required either Ephraim to dodge far more stuff than he was capable of, especially as I forgot Pure Water, or would have needed Ewan to ORKO Selena, and rigging crits with Thunder is lame. Chapter 14: 5/92 ALL MY RAGE GRAAAA I hate this chapter so much. Ewan killed the boss over Turn 4 PP and EP. Again, I could have done it in one turn less if I'd rigged a crit. As it was, I had to rig a lot of status staves missing, because Ewan couldn't use Restore and Moulder is a chump with 5 movement who kept getting silenced anyways. Basically, using Tethys, I had Kyle drop Ewan further ahead and they destroyed the Fighters. Then on Turn 2, Ewan killed the Knight with the Door Key. Kyle traded, opened, and Canto'd ahead far enough that the Shaman with the next Door Key would suicide on EP. Amelia rescues Tethys after she helps Moulder double-Physic Kyle, and moves forward. Turn 3, Amelia kills a Knight blocking Kyle's path, Ewan takes and drops Tethys, and Kyle opens the door. Now on Turn 4, Amelia unblocks the path and is then danced forward to kill the Sleep Bishop. Ewan moves forward and heals Kyle. Here, I could have had Tethys dance for Ewan and rig a crit to let him ORKO Vigarde. Now, Kyle retreats so all the Mages can't attack him. Turn 5, Amelia and Ewan kill Vigarde, and Tethys helps Kyle seize and complete the chapter. Basically, if the Berserk Druids had hit Kyle/Amelia I would have been screwed. Ewan was the only one whom I could trust to dodge those staves. Chapter 15: 5/97 Ewan slaughtered the entire bottom half of the map, while my paladins went top. Natasha killed the Mercs, Berserker, and a couple Wyvern Riders until Kyle could get there to take care of the Peg Knight reinforcements, as she couldn't ORKO them. Meanwhile, Amelia and Franz took out Caellach and stuffs. Undrafted Ross saved me a turn like a boss by blocking off a path that a Javelin Peg Knight could have taken to attack Steel Sword Franz on Turn 5 EP. Chapter 16: 4/101 This was kind of tricky because Kyle sucks and Moulder has base Warp range. Basically, I had Amelia rescue Ewan, and then she was danced. Moulder warped them just over the wall, and she went her full range before dropping Ewan. Then on Turn 2, Moulder warps Kyle over, who moves as far as he can and Pure Waters, while Amelia and Ewan also move forward. Turn 3, Amelia and Ewan combine to take down Orson (who tinks Ewan at range, lololol), while Kyle still moves forward. Turn 4, Ewan and Amelia clear up some guys in Kyle's way (a Druid and a Priest on the throne) and Kyle seizes. While this is happening, people are fighting for EXP outside the castle.
  16. This makes pretty good sense actually, combined with Proto's argument that they're both scum trying to get one of them cleared when the other flips scum. But I think Tables's claim is looking worse right now.
  17. Everyone who claimed one of the Pokemon Trainer trio has posted at this point. Were you guys informed of any changes at all?
  18. Waiting on CR and Quint for 3-1. Also, Nano, clarify your data from 2-E. Did you complete it in 5 turns without an Elincia penalty, or did you complete it in 1 turn and then take a 4-turn penalty? Or was it 5 turns plus the Elincia penalty?
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