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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Another thing- a backup rolecop? That's... too strong for my liking. The rolecop/cop is the town's main investigative role, its main way of finding out scum through roles. Allowing the role of the rolecop to essentially come back from the dead seems extremely town-sided to me, in a game which is already slightly town-sided because mafia can only bypass stages when they kill twice.
  2. Normally when I iso someone with a space in their name, like Luster Purge or Daigoji Excellen, I just put in a space and it's replaced by the %20 automatically.
  3. Forgot the bold, ##Vote: Marth. Also, Marth, how is that an action summary? That's the role! The only part other than that in the role PM is the flavour, character name, and alignment, which Kay's role PM says Dedede doesn't get.
  4. So then why didn't you get the role of whomever you targeted? Why only the actions? ##Vote: Marth. You're contradicting yourself and have also managed to make us waste a good chunk of our time when you could have posted this at the very beginning.
  5. Proto, I see your point that Scorri using her role with a Tracker on the stage isn't the best play, but you can't assume that everyone plays optimally. See SFM, for example. The mafia didn't realize that a Lynchproof fakeclaim could draw a test lynch until the claim had already been made, after which it was simply too late. And then after that, I made another bad move and attempted to act just scummy enough that I'd draw a cop investigation (since I'd been Tailored), but all that resulted in was everyone being okay with testing the claim since it had been made on someone who had acted kinda scummy. Not everyone plays optimally or considers every possibility, and you can't assume that they will either. Also, Eclipse, while I did make an early post talking about the Vig, it was only one small post- I didn't intend for it to be a whole discussion, and I thought it had gone on long enough. Elieson, your point that we've mislynched people based on scummy behaviour is true, but we've also correctly lynched someone for scummy behaviour many times, when it wasn't based on roles at all. See Marth in GSM. And there've also been cases where a town had a scummy role before. Shinori, Town Kidnapper in Higurashi. Bizz, who I believe was Town Bus Driver in Schoolgirl.
  6. So one member of each team goes on Knoll route and the other member goes on Kyle route? They can't both go on one of them? Regardless, in.
  7. So you'd prefer lynching Marth over Blitz today? Marth will probably be the first person whom I vote for if Blitz somehow manages to convince me once he comes back that he is town, but I think Blitz is worse right now.
  8. Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs) - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no CATERPIE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0. - The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST. - A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating. - We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time. - Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur all as one pokemon. Paras/Parasect: 2.15 Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill: 2.44 Ekans/Arbok: 2.57 Rattate/Raticate: 3.20 Zubat/Golbat: 3.25 Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff: 4.21 Venonat/Venomoth: 4.28 Vulpix/Ninetales: 4.38 Meowth/Persian: 4.44 Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume: 4.92 Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot: 5.00 Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree: 5.21 Sandshrew/Sandslash: 5.86 Pikachu/Raichu: 5.94 Psyduck/Golduck: 6.00 Spearow/Fearow: 6.21 Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Politoed: 6.79 Growlithe/Arcanine: 7.78 Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard: 7.80 Diglett/Dugtrio: 7.9 Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur: 8.25 Nidoran-F/Nidorina/Nidoqueen: 8.58 Mankey/Primeape: 8.96 Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise: 9.36 Clefairy/Clefable: 9.50 Nidoran-M/Nidorino/Nidoking: 9.75 I am going to say that Alakazam should be counted. If you must take points away for being a trade evo, do it a part of bias.
  9. I think Proto will lose the battle, as his role PM requires him to visit all the stages to become more powerful, which he hasn't done.
  10. What are mode are those stats from? Normal?
  11. I think the collar is part of the Hero outfit.
  12. I feel that if this was the case, SB's role PM would have had a hint about it, like "in some special weathers, you see more clearly".
  13. Nothing's stopping the town from all being on one stage, I'm just saying that it's a bad idea. Other than Fountain of Dreams (which will probably be unavailable after tonight), they all seem to have negative effects. Brinstar screwed up Shinori's role, Mushroomy Kingdom roleblocked you after you were there for too long, Battleship Halberd gives me the feeling that you can't stay on it for too long, and Castle Siege also has a "hidden terror". And look at Excellen's role- it wiped out stage effects for a cycle. If the evidence we already have isn't enough to tell us that the stages can have negative effects, that definitely implies it. And if something bad happens on all of the stages, I think it's unwise for the whole town to gather up one one of them. You might say that if everyone is one only one stage, it increases the chance that nothing bad will happen to anyone, but it also increases the chance that something bad will happen to everyone. I'll admit, I can have a bad habit of OMGUSing at times, but if OMGUS votes are defined only as voting for the person who finds you scummy, without taking into account reasoning for the vote, then they are justifiable in many cases, this being one of them. If you remember, I said that I didn't like Marth's bit of unnecessarily buddying up to me in D1 by saying that we saw eye-to-eye on so many things, and that was when he was buddying up to me, not when he was voting for me. And the logic in his vote for me right now is just really bad IMO. He's basically calling me scummy for not wanting a no-lynch, and not starting a new wagon that would have done nothing. Also, is it the whole post you dislike? Because you're sort of going along with the latter part where you list more people whom you find scummy. And okay, even if Scorri was killed by the stage and not a Vig, talking about stages is still a way to get around actually scumhunting. And Eclipse, you've said things like this many times in other mafias, about paying less attention to flavour, even important flavour, or less attention to third parties, and more attention to scumhunting. Why are you now having a problem with me saying it? Also, Marth, what's the point of this half-claiming breadcrumbing nonsense? If you feel that you've given enough information out that anyone can guess your role, claim fully so that we don't have to waste time doing it, or don't claim at all.
  14. Yeah, thanks Eclipse! Now that I've taken over the FE10 Rankings, I can see just how time-consuming updating must've been.
  15. Really? That was probably my favourite S support to date- it was cute and built well off the CBA supports, not seeming out of place in any way.
  16. One more thing- can we stop discussing the exact details of the role of the Vig, someone whom we know is town, and get back to looking for scum? There are quite a couple people in Blitz's wagon atm. However, Blitz seems to be pretty certain that he can respond in an effective manner to most of the points against him once he hears from Shinori. But Blitz won't be able to post for more than 24 hours, meaning if he comes back and can indeed prove his innocence, most of us will have wasted more than half the day on someone who isn't town. So to the people on the Blitz wagon, whose lynch would you currently support after Blitz's? It's Marth for me.
  17. Haha really? Do you actually think I should have started a new wagon that late? First off, last-minute power wagons suck, as demonstrated by Higurashi and Draft. Secondly, even if I had, it would have been useless because the town did not want to lynch anyone except those two . The tie was between SB and Shinori- if I'd voted for a third person, like how Shinori and Blitz voted for Prims, I'd essentially be giving up my say in the lynch. I don't like this post at all. Not one bit, and this, coupled with that earlygame buddying up you were doing, has moved you up to #2 on my scumdar. I agree with Elieson kind of. Iris's role is kind of too similar to Shinori's for my liking, and I'm more inclined to believe a claim under lynch pressure than a claim made for no apparent reason. Also, Iris, did you use your role last night or not? Also, I'm not sure if Eclipse's idea of throwing everyone on the same stage near endgame will really work. Look at the stages- Battleship Halberd says it keeps people moving. That gives me the feeling that it forcibly moves you if you're on it for too long. Castle Siege says that something might be lurking underneath, giving me the feeling that something bad might happen to people who're there later on. Fountain of Dreams is okay, but will soon be unavailable. Mushroom Kingdom will roleblock us if we're there for too long. The poisonous gases on Brinstar could screw things up. So I'm pretty sure that the stages were designed exactly to counteract against this kind of strategy.
  18. Aww, that was easily the best of Krom's supports. It was like a less crack version of Hector and Florina where they actually talked to each other a bit. Definitely doing Krom x Olivia.
  19. My very first draft win! To commemorate: Ardan Can't Draft
  20. Wait that's right. The flavour implies that he's a tracker who gained the abilities of a watcher for the night. That's... odd. Also, isn't it kinda odd that SB got his role upgraded from being on Mushroom Kingdom but Eclipse got her's downgraded?
  21. Guessing you got ninja'd but that's exactly what happened. SB's role got a boost from the stage.
  22. Alright, I feel quite a bit better about Prims after that Scorri flip. He was the first person to push for anything on Scorri, and asked for the vigshot (which is how I'm assuming Scorri died). He could've done it for town cred, but he pushed for a lynch/vigshot on Scorri when there was only the slightest hint of suspicion on him. I'm going to sheep him here on Blitz- ##Vote: Blitz. Also, Strawman was able to prove his role, so him lying would only make sense if he was mafia and one of his scumbuddies had that ability. But if he was mafia he wouldn't have killed Scorri in the first place. Tracker is also a strange fakeclaim to make for a Vig, so I don't think it's Impy either. It probably means that the Vig can kill cross-stage. Also, Iris, did you use your ability?
  23. Well, it is the night. I'm more disappointed that we spoke almost as much in the night as we did in the day.
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