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Everything posted by BBM

  1. No, my vote wasn't an OMGUS at all. I made a vote when someone did something I thought was suspicious, less than halfway into the first phase of the game. There was plenty of time for Elieson to defend himself, and plenty of time for me to move my vote. Yet you make a huge post about me being scummy, the logic of which was that I voted for someone you thought was town. But no one is confirmed town enough less than halfway into the first phase of the game that you can say anyone who votes for them is auto-scum. Also screw you guys I don't overreact.
  2. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Lol, sometimes I eat rice and ketchup together.
  3. I was responding directly to this Even if I was scum, as a Lynch Bomb, there doesn't need to be a death the night before for me to take someone down with me.
  4. To be fair, CPM is in a much more critical phase than this game is.
  5. No, I agree with you. I think Shinori would make a better target.
  6. Remember, whether or not I am town, Psych confirmed that I am indeed a Bomb. And I'm a universal Bomb. So if you lynch me, whatever my alignment is, there's a chance of a townie going down. Or you could get lucky if I take a scum down with me.
  7. Helios has a point though. That might have been what happened. However, if Eclipse had been redirected to Scorri, why the hell didn't she out her Watcher results on the night of Scorri's death after it became obvious what she was?
  8. But remember, Haze was perfectly willing to use his mass!LR last Day when mostly everyone left was not vanilla/passive. It was Prims who told him not to. So I'm thinking they're either both innocent or both scum. About the dayvig ability, it depends if the redirecting ability is a LR, a Martyr, or just someone who deflects abilities used on themself. If it's the last one, they can't do anything unless that person is given the dayvig ability, and if it's the Martyr, they'll have to guess who Subieko targets, meaning they've got like a 1/4 or 1/5 chance of stopping it. If it's the LR, then we'll be screwed though. I'm inclined to think it's not a LR though, because Marth was a LR and the same role on both sides is kinda bleh. Of course, both Strawman and nano were Fullcops, so meh.
  9. ##Unvote, ##Vote Shinori You overreacted even more than I did.
  10. I agree, I didn't have a good day phase just now. I kind of flip-flopped a lot and basically followed other people's opinions. I was getting a bad feeling near the end about Nano flipping town, but I didn't want to seem indecisive, and seeing as I wasn't going to be back before the phase's natural end, I didn't want to vote Iris and possibly move it towards a nolynch either.
  11. Well, he could ask "Are any of the people who posted on page 7 that are still alive, mafia?" That limits it to asking about only Subieko...
  12. Meh. I say we go ahead with our plan. If it clears Subieko, I'm thinking either Helios or Iris should be lynched tomorrow.
  13. Right, now I remember why I kept thinking Leaf Blade was a OHKO. Don't forget it has a high critical hit ratio.
  14. Meh, I guess take whichever game is best for it. I'll edit that into the rules. Or rather, Orange should, because I'm not managing the R/S/E thread and FR and LG are mostly the same. I've swept Tate+Liza with Sceptile and Mightyena so many times. >_>
  15. Level 20 is when it starts becoming bad, a couple levels after evolving into Grovyle, and Bullet Seed's low BP starts becoming an issue. Alright, I was wrong, not OHKOs. Consider that any pokemon that comes with Sceptile that can also do similar damage to Claydol and outspeeds it can help. 60% damage against Claydol and 80% damage against Solrock while taking only 60% damage in the sun (same as Blaziken against Psychic, but without a Sunny Day setup requirement first) still makes it the best starter there. In fact, even with Light Screen up, Overgrow should allow it to 2HKO Solrock if it takes a Flamethrower first. If Sceptile flat out sucks against Tate+Liza, Blaziken doesn't even deserve to be on your team when you fight them.
  16. FE9, for me, is the best storyline-wise because although you still have the reclaim your kingdom storyline, it's more than that. It's also a coming-of-age story for Ike (and to a lesser extent, Elincia) as he struggles with his father's death and attempts to get revenge. It also has some of the best character development in Ike, Jill, and Lethe. FE8 does have better villains though. Lyon, like the FE10 Senators, is there constantly, and is one of the only villains in the series (besides the guy from FE2) who has a motive beyond "lol rule the world"
  17. 210 power after SE and STAB off a 105 base Sp. Atk is good enough for a OHKO. Seriously, have you used a level 40ish Sceptile at Tate+Liza? He wipes the floor there. Like I said, level 20 to 29 is its weakest period. Then, Leaf Blade and GG.
  18. Xatu does not have Light Screen or Flamethrower. Xatu is the only pokemon getting a chance to use any moves at all, because Sceptile outspeeds and OHKOs everything else. And a Treecko solo has trouble against Brawly. After that, when it's going through it's worst period, from level 20 to 29, it's overleveled enough that it doesn't matter. Then Leaf Blade and GG.
  19. Shinon. ORKOs mostly everything from the get go. Unfortunately, he can't do it at EP until quite late. I mean, he has Crossbows, but those have good Mt for only a small little time. His STR growth is a bit low, but he caps SKL, HP, and SPD pretty quickly, and then he can BEXP it up to cap. It's not difficult at all for him to cap everything but Luck in Tier 2. And 3-range is great for taking no counters at all. 8.0/10
  20. Tate+Liza roflstomp all the starters? What? Sceptile can outspeed and OHKO 3/4 of their pokemon, and your other pokemon can help with Xatu. And Swampert, IIRC, 2HKOs, but might be slower, and hits both pokemon at once. Also, hitting for neutral won't help Blaziken against Wallace at the E4 in Emerald. And I can give Sceptile Dragon Claw and it can do the same, while owning Drake, which Blaziken can never do. Not STAB, but so what? Good enough. Also, solos are a horrible way to properly measure a pokemon's strength. I took something like 20 damage against Flannery in my Treecko solo. Does that mean Treecko normally does well against Flannery? No, it means my Sceptile which I shouldn't even have had at that point) was vastly overleveled. You're overstating Torchic's strengths and understating his weaknesses. But funnily enough, you only gave Torchic a 9 before bias. You can give more than like Mudkip a 10.
  21. Wait, nvm, he'd be using Scorri's ability. Right... Then, if, instead of the protection, he gives Haze the dayvig ability? Haze would be informed of that, and that would confirm Subieko.
  22. Wait, wait, wait. I just read Subi's role again, and it says that at night, he copies the role of the person who died the last night phase, to use the next night phase. So even if she takes Elieson's Doc ability, she won't be able to use it this phase. Or did I read it wrong?
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