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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I think that you should adopt a promotion system similar to FE10's. Everyone can promote through both level-ups and one universal promotion item (Master Seal/Crown). That being said, I think the class tree itself is quite good. I just don't really see the difference between Corsairs and Berserkers, other than different promotion methods. Plus, other weapons have only 1 mono-weapon class, but Axes have two?
  2. Sorry, this is the post that I meant to say clears things up.
  3. Okay, that makes more sense.
  4. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Those are all roles that can harm the town, yes, but all of them (Except Millers, I forgot about it, and I can see why you bolded it. Maybe Silencers/Kidnappers too, but they can idle.) can also help the town. PGO/Bomb/Vigilante can kill mafia guys as well, and Safeguards can protect townies from mafia rolecops or something. I just can't see any way in which Shinori's role could help the town.
  5. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Huh? Yeah, well, I guess I can see why you outed your role, it's just that my first reaction upon seeing your role was like o_O >_> Also (please don't take this as me trying to change the subject), Eclipse got kidnapped/silenced.
  6. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    I don't know, aren't town roles supposed to help the town? I mean, there's the traitor, but he full out joins the mafia. I haven't heard of any other roles like the Traitor. At the very least, Shinori's role would signify that there is either a strong town or a weak mafia, which I suppose is comforting.
  7. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Shinori, you've basically just painted a target on yourself. You might not even have died otherwise... Also, if you hadn't asked for a cop claim, I'd be suspicious of this. Even then, I at least think you might be hiding some part of your role, because a townie role that actually helps the mafia more than the town is dubious.
  8. asdsafadgauklktj I am a failure who thought that 12 am meant noon tomorrow, ##Vote: Marth Also, Prims being aggressive makes more sense now.
  9. I see why I would make a good recruit, I just don't understand how they'd still be 1 recruit behind if they'd attempted to recruit me. Unless you thought that I was omitting the fact that I got recruited, to which I can say, no I definitely did not get recruited. inb4 I get recruited this night
  10. I guess that makes sense. It's just that I partially suspect you (even though you haven't really done anything scummy), and combined with how hard you're pushing this Marth lynch, I'm just a bit uncomfortable. Why would them attempting me result in one less recruit? Also, Strawman, I seee youuuuu.... And you weren't there earlier either, so stop active lurking.
  11. Not exactly averse to lynching Marth, but I still think either Prims or Haze must be lying, because it just doesn't make sense for two townies to have such conflicting roles. Either way, there's no rush in lynching Marth. We have nearly 17 hours left in the phase. I don't want what happened last time to happen again either, but there's no reason to hammer this early.
  12. I am... not sure what to do with this. While Eclipse would have a reason to end the game as early as possible, it's entirely possible that someone Shirou-aligned (possibly Shirou himself) wants me to kill Kaoz (who I assume is Shiki).
  13. If there is absolutely nothing that Prims can do about his role blocking Haze's, that is horrible and means that either the hosts are trolling Haze or either Haze or Prims are lying.
  14. Aaaand I got ninja'd by Prims, so he can just explain how canceling it will work.
  15. This is Prims's post, took me way too long to find. >_> I'm not sure whether this means that using his role on someone else will make it fail or whether just idling passively will make it fail. But a town role that makes another townie's role useless even when idling makes no sense.
  16. Well, it's possible that Prims is scum who is bullshitting to make Haze delay his mass LR. Alternatively, Pride didn't realize that his role would cancel out the mass LR.
  17. Also, Subieko, the wincon is for his guy to have more fans at the end. One way to do this is to make as many people of one side (either town or mafia) your fans, and then help that side to win.
  18. Remember, Prims said that his role would basically cancel out Haze's mass LR if he used it (which makes me wonder why Pride didn't say anything about it).
  19. Wood x Mark was nice, especially as we saw another side to Wood's normally crazy personality.
  20. Eh... I'll trust Manix for now. ##Unvote: Elieson
  21. This is really annoying sometimes. I mostly prefer dubs when I'm watching an anime that's finished, but when I was watching Code Geass, there was one episode halfway through the first season that I couldn't find dubbed, so I watched it subbed, and I just couldn't go back to listening to Nunally and Euphemia squeak after that. I also watch subs for shows that are ongoing because I'm too impatient to wait for the dub. But that's most people, I assume.
  22. Marcia is still okay. Her main problem is cruddy availability than her stats. Titania gets a 10/10 for good bases and good growths and having a horse and having an axe and being close to T3. Her speed isn't actually bad (better than Haar's) but I always get her SPD screwed which is disappointing. But she caps STR early enough for her SPD to be brought up to par. And her RES is very good for a physical fighter.
  23. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    But PGO's role makes sense. Like, this guy has a gun, and he's paranoid, so he shoots people who visit him at night. But Granny's role makes no sense. She's an old woman, so she likes stabbing her knitting needles into the jugulars of people who visit her at night?
  24. Blah, Blitz was Tracker, not Watcher. Bleh. Either way, as Helios said, you are admitting that you targeted Paperblade because you don't have a choice. IIRC, you didn't respond to the claim made in the SMS that you were the Silencer until after Blitz was dayvigged, meaning you could no longer pass off the SMS as a lie.
  25. BBM

    Shining Force Mafia

    Lol, Psych is the host of the game. I'm pretty sure he knows what a PGO is, especially if Elieson is indeed the PGO.
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