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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Jill's pretty cool. She comes with Laguzguard, which is good because she gets doubled by all the Ravens in her joining chapter. She has some troubles doubling early on, and her accuracy is a bit shaky, so she'll probably need an Archer/Thief band, some BEXP, and maybe a forged Steel Lance to get going. Once she does get going, however, she's pretty awesome. She flies and has good physical durability and good offence. She's got a pretty quick support with Mist too. Gaining Axes on promotion is good. She basically becomes Titania on wings. 10/10. I suppose she'd get a +1 bias too, because I find her story pretty engaging.
  2. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I don't really get the plan, to be honest... What's the mayor test? I originally thought that a mayor's vote just counted twice, but it seems like you're hinting something else. Also, won't be back for like 6 hours. Ugh school.
  3. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Well, that was Snike's role. He made someone more vulnerable to votes. Doesn't make sense for another mafia to have the same role.
  4. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Hmm, I think I can guess your role... Mafia rolecop makes sense.
  5. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I didn't unvote because at the time I didn't quite get what you meant by "re-tie the votes"" (I do now) and at the time I thought Excellen was mafia.
  6. Apparently Lunatic Mode has a unit that can OHKO Frederick in Chapter 1. I guess some kind of effective weapon?
  7. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Also, ssuming 4 Mafia for 4 Guardians, this puts us at 6-2. If there's a third party, 5-2-1. If there are 5 mafia... 5-3 has us in MYLO.
  8. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    4 people got killed? Excellen was town... ugh. Why are my predictions always off? At least someone got Snike, who was scum. 3 townies got killed. So 1 was a town lynch, 1 was the mafia kill, and 1 could be from Snike's Djinn, if he used it C2 on Manix or JB. He probably used it C2 on Manix, because Manix said that he was going to use his Djinn this cycle, which would have protected him from the regular mafia kill, but not last cycle's poison. If he used it C2, I wonder why PPB didn't also use it C0... And JB's Djinn... is that what happened to Manix C2? Did JB think Manix was scum? I suppose it's possible someone else has a similar Djinn... And we thought Mia was the obvious doctor... And a third lighthouse got lit. Considering Proto removed all the other flavour, I think we can safely say that this will have an actual effect when the Mars lighthouse is also lit.
  9. Well, according to what some people playing Lunatic have said, it's super difficult, so the extraordinarily high DEF base the Generals have might be good. Also, the Double System allows them to be ferried much easier, since you don't need super high Aid to Rescue them, and you actually get bonuses for Doubling up.
  10. I don't want MU to have unlimited reclass options either, but there are other ways for the class options to be chosen than Birthday...
  11. Yay, SOMEONE else who likes Sansa. Everyone I know is like "Sansa is such a dumbass, I hate her!" Yeah, she's a bit of an idiot in GoT, but I really like how she evolves after that.
  12. Sounds cool, I'd play. I voted for Jugdral because as someone else said, the Holy Blood would make it interesting. However, can we just RNGs instead of 10-sided dice, because I have no idea where I'd find those.
  13. I don't really want reclass options to be based on birthday... It'd mean that I might have to give a fake birthday for Wyvern Rider to be one of the options. Also, can the kids reclass too? The info on them has only one class for each of them. Or is that just the default?
  14. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    TinyImp subbed in and removed Iris' vote on Snike as well, so if you remove your Snike vote, Snike is left with only 2, and Excellen 3. Also, doesn't a tie in votals automatically mean a nolynch?
  15. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Both Excellen and Snike have 3 votes on them.
  16. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    My suspicion of Snike is based solely on PPB's actions. My suspicion of Excellen are based both on his and Spike's actions, so ##Vote: Excellen
  17. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    You know Iris and Spike subbed out, right? TheTinyImp and Daigoji Excellen subbed in for them, respectively.
  18. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I seen Excellen's gone to bed, but for everyone else, I'm an inch away from voting for him because half that post was bullshit.
  19. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Is that what you think of me? Interesting. Well, I'll try my best to explain away some of the inconsistencies. I said both that I was not the first person to post about Djinn and that I started my post before Shinori. This is true. PPB said I was the first person to POST about Djinn, and that I was asking people for information and not volunteering my own. I started my post first, but since Shinori finished his first, he was the first person to actually post, and his post was the one that PPB was talking about, not mine. So in response to him, I said "I didn't post first". And I agree that saying who has each Djinn is giving the mafia information. That was never my intention. But just figuring out what some of the Djinn might do helps everyone equally. The Djinn ability is basically like a second role. Figuring them out seemed to me like knowing "Hey, someone in the game might have the ability to revive, because some of the Djinn can do that,". Maybe that was wrong. It made sense to me at the time. Next, Shinori softclaimed a power role to divert attention away from actual power roles. Did you miss the bit where he admitted that? That's why I said he had a weak role. And I said before that maybe a nolynch was better, and then voted to lynch Shinori, because I changed my mind. I said that too, that I realized it actually isn't a good thing to do, after reading what people said both in this thread and the Training Mafia thread I quickly read. I said Marth couldn't have used his Refresh Ball C0 because that would clearly have been a waste? And he couldn't have C1 because he got lynched. Also, Bizz never said that she confirmed Prims' role, just that he had been roleblocked. And she couldn't have Roleblocked him for finding him scummy because Bizz was the Tracker. Prims was the Roleblocker. And Marth had a Roleblocking Djinn. Later I hypothesized that the reason Bizz confirmed that Prims had indeed been roleblocked was because Prims tried to roleblock Bizz and Bizz reflected it back using her Djinn ability, resulting in Prims himself getting roleblocked. Finally, I find it funny how you ended the C1 section of your post by saying "OBV MAFIA THANK GOD YOU GUYS SAW THROUGH THAT" when most of that post was about me. You had 2 lines about Marth, and one of them was based off the incorrect notion that someone had softclaimed roleblocker.
  20. But a level 20/20 Mia with Vantage + Gamble still only pulls off like 57 crit, because with a Silver Sword her crit is only 28.5%. If you give her Vantage + Wrath instead, she has a 78.5% crit rate when under half health. Sure, this is only when she's under half-health and not all the time, but I'll take that over having to field two OTHER poor units for a lower crit rate.
  21. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Mia as the Doctor is probably the only example. I went through all the other Adepts and I couldn't think of an obvious role for any of the other ones. But whatever, if you guys all think it'll help the mafia more, I'll let it go. Excellen and TinyImp, have either of you formulated any opinions yet?
  22. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Brock 34 Misty 20 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Claire 43 Roxanne 20 Brawly 13 Winona 24 Roark 20 Wake 6 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 16 Cress 20 Chili 20 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  23. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    If someone has to character claim and they say they're Isaac, and someone else says that they are Isaac, we know that one of the two must be mafia. And I'll turn the question around on you. What use are a bunch of character names to the mafia? Felix, for example, is the main character of Golden Sun 2- he didn't have a particularly strong role. Hell, the role had only a small connection to his character in the game. They won't be able to figure out who has the strongest roles from the character names. Also, at least a chunk of the people here haven't played Golden Sun. If any of them are scum, how effectively are they going to be able to make up the name of a character they don't know? They could go to a guide or something, but there's still a greater probability of someone tripping up.
  24. IIRC, Krom even has a skill that gives him extra bonuses when Doubling. Or maybe that's MU.
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