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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Why the Bran hate. He's pretty cool.
  2. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Brock 35 Misty 20 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Claire 45 Roxanne 20 Brawly 7 Winona 26 Roark 20 Wake 2 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 14 Cress 20 Chili 20 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  3. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I can't counter the arguments anymore than I have. I admitted it, I got riled up by Excellen, which is why I voted last minute for him. And then I apologized for getting riled up because there really isn't anything I can do about it now. I'm Sheba, Adept Watcher. The flavour is that I learnt Reveal in Air Rock. There are a couple people still alive whom I observed visiting people I watched. I can prove it to them, if you trust them to not be mafia and lie to you.
  4. Reloading a state allows you to go back and alter the RN string without redoing the whole chapter though.
  5. If you ever get a Treecko you must name it BBM. And yes, you CAN get a Treecko in HG/SS.
  6. If playing emulated games on the PC doesn't count, then all I can provide is this: 1. Runescape 2. League of Legends 3. World of Warcraft 3. Maplestory There are some other games I played on the PC, but these are all that I played for any significant amount of time, or currently play.
  7. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I'm sorry if it seems that I am getting riled up over the smallest things. :( I normally tend to be a pretty easygoing guy, I just get really competitive sometimes. Again, if people think I'm mafia, I'll claim. On a side note, my activity will probably go down further. My exams start the week after and I have practice exams every day next week, so I need to start studying. I won't have as much free time.
  8. Yeah, but you (I)'d also want to level up to 15 as a Sorcerer for Magic Slayer. The Slayer skills are pretty ridiculous. And consider a Dracoknight can get both Lance AND Sword Slayer.
  9. I don't think you understand my point. You probably think that I don't understand yours. Maybe I don't. So this conversation doesn't have much value left to it.
  10. Rating units by how much easier the game is made rather than how many turns they save is uncertain. That's why I'm arguing it in a rating topic, where the metric doesn't need to be as clear-cut as in a tier list or something. I also prefer killing everything I can in the BEXP turn limit and getting all the chests and items. It feels more complete than just rushing to the objective, and considering how good your units are, not actually very much more difficult. The Sleep Staffers, even if you don't have Restore, only disable one unit. You have more mounted units who have good combat and durability than the enemy has Sleep Staff uses. I suppose you would define this is casual play though. And also, even when playing for turns, simply using the best units in the game every time is boring. I like bringing along different units every time, and I like giving them the resources they need to be good, and see the impact it makes. And if I just dumped the same amount of exp into Marcia/Jill and used the same tactics with them as I would normally, I'm really not playing the game any differently, and my experiment is moot, and the game loses most its replay value. To me, anyways.
  11. I like Jon Snow as a character. I don't mind Dany either. But I dislike their parts of the books, because it feels like a disconnect from the rest of the story. It slows down the pacing of the books which are slow to begin with anyways. Also, with Dany, her story almost makes you feel the rest of it is pointless. Because what does all this scheming and plotting and warring in Westeros matter when her dragons are fully grown up and ready to absolutely decimate whoever is left? Of course, she's kinda dumb, so she's like I HASTA DO IT NOW!!!!!
  12. But you only responded to my point in a speedrun perspective. Jill and Marcia can destroy maps in the second half of the game a couple turns quicker because of flight, but you still have other units who can destroy the map- they'll just take a couple turns longer. No one can destroy maps like Titania can in the first half of the game- the harder half of the game, IMO. And I think Titania's ability to do that is more valuable than Jill/Marcia's contributions. Also, we can't just assume we're using the best units in the game and nobody else every playthrough. Just because Marcia/Jill make the best use of the BEXP doesn't mean dumping 1000 BEXP into them is not a cost- it still is. Just not as much of one as say, dumping it into Mia. Vergil, netting a faster and more efficient clear in many cases only saves you turns/time. It doesn't make the chapter actually easier. Say the Shiharam chapter- Sure Jill can fly over and kill Shiharam 3-4 turns earlier than if you just lead your Pallies around the mountain- but the chapter doesn't become any more difficult. Remove Titania from earlygame, and those chapters become markedly more difficult. Maybe this is where we differ in opinions. I rate by who makes the game easier, not who takes lesser turns.
  13. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I don't think that lynching someone who flips town in a game where you don't know for 100% who is town automatically makes you mafia...
  14. It's not a question of who's unique. Fa is unique. IIRC dondon gave her a 0, and her average score couldn't have been more than a couple points higher. It's a question of who helps you beat the game more. Titania, like I said, is your best unit in the hardest portion of the game, a portion of the game where neither Jill nor Marcia even exist. And she's still better than them for at least 5 chapters after Jill comes in. There is no need for Titania lategame, yeah. But there is never a need for both Jill and Marcia. 2 flying units is obviously better than 1, but most jobs that need to be done by a flying unit can be done by just one of them. And seriously, we give everyone dumps and dumps of BEXP and forges early-mid game to help them get going, we can't give Titania a +Mt forge lategame to help her out?
  15. That seems pretty awesome! I am definitely making a Knight who's a Cavalier.
  16. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Also, the post where I actually voted for Excellen was only 11 minutes before Kay's, but I made a post almost two hours before that saying that I was an inch away from voting for Excellen. I didn't vote at that time because I was trying to decide who to vote for between Snike and him.
  17. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I voted for Excellen last minute like that firstly because he subbed in for Spike who I thought was suspicious, and secondly because that post he made annoyed me. Most of his points against me were incorrect, wrongly supported, and/or had already been answered previously in the thread. Maybe it was because he was tired and didn't read the thread properly, but at the time it made me think he was mafia. If you guys want me to claim, I can.
  18. The last Griffon Knight skill might be Lance Slayer, haven't seen that yet.
  19. Objectively, Jill is better than Kieran. I said "if not Kieran" because I just prefer him more myself. That sentence was wrongly phrased. Most of the chapters after people start promoting are easy in this game. I find some of the earlygame chapters (namely the one where you recruit Mia and the Defend chapters) harder than anything any chapter past 15 throws at you, and Titania is your best unit in that time. Maybe Jill and Marcia save you more turns through flying and all that, but Titania makes the game much easier than either of them.
  20. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I don't think headless means lynch-proof... TinyImp replaced Iris right? I'd rather him than Kay for the test, personally, but Kay would be okay I guess.
  21. I'd argue that at least Marcia, if not Kieran, is better than Jill too. So assuming Titania is #1, Jill isn't 2nd. Just felt I had to say that... but yeah Jill should be getting more 10s.
  22. FE9 Vantage is just attack first all the time. This is attack first only when under half health, more like FE4 Ambush.
  23. http://www.fireemblemwod.net/ENG_trs.htm That site is also pretty good for explaining menus and actions. You'll remember them after a while though. One thing to watch out for that's annoyed me a couple times when playing quickly: the Heal option is below the Wait option for healing units. So care not to just click x and end your healer's turn before healing.
  24. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Falkner 50 Brock 35 Misty 20 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Claire 45 Roxanne 20 Brawly 9 Winona 25 Roark 20 Wake 4 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 14 Cress 20 Chili 20 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
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