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Everything posted by BBM

  1. What's the root? I assume the same one as inebriated?
  2. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Brock 31 Misty 20 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Falkner 44 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Claire 36 Roxanne 20 Brawly 21 Winona 22 Roark 20 Maylene 14 Wake 14 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 18 Cress 20 Chili 20 Clay 4 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  3. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Wait, I think I realize what might have happened! Marth didn't use his djinn C0 after all! Prims said that the flavour of his getting roleblocked on C0 was getting punched in the face. If you look at his role PM, that is how he roleblocks people, through punching people. Now look at Bizz's Djinn ability. He reflects actions done to him to the user. Prims must have tried to roleblock Bizz C0, but Bizz reflected it to him using his Djinn ability. THAT's why Bizz was so adamant that Prims actually was roleblocked. He was possibly told at the end of C0 that someone had tried to punch him, but the punch had been reflected.
  4. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I agree with Manix; if it has any effect, it will probably be some effect on the Djinn in the future, or perhaps on the Adepts of those elements. Well, it's possible that the mafia have a roleblocker as well. I mean, assuming Manix actually is a reviver, town would have had a revive Djinn and a revive role. Mafia could have been given a roleblock Djinn and a roleblock role.
  5. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Bleh. Well, it's possible that Rapier was the Kidnapper, and used his Djinn on Spike. IIRC, Rapier was suspicious of Spike as scum on C1, right? Ugh, Bizz... It looks like the mafia are going for whomever is the most active. This... is bad. Assuming 5 Mafia, we're now at 7-4. Manix, you didn't revive Prims? ##Vote Manix Did it fail or something, or were you playing us the whole time?
  6. If they switched Wyvern Knights from Lances to Axes fro FE9 to 10, they can replace Elincia's Swords with Lances. She won't have Amiti, but it's doubtful that DLC character would have gotten Prf weapons anyways. Also keep in mind that the localized version will probably change Dark Mages to Shamans.
  7. Well, there have only been 2 magic-using Lords in the whole series to begin with.
  8. 5/10. Doesn't have A Bows, but Steel/Killer is generally good enough to destroy Wyverns, and that's her biggest use anyways. I don't tend to use her much against other units, but it doesn't actually take THAT long to build her rank up if you don't go super max efficiency.
  9. I think the point is that Triangle Attack has, IIRC, 100% accuracy. So she'll always hit, even if she tinks, which will get her WEXP up quicker to better weapons. Sophia will miss more than Wendy.
  10. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    He's already at majority lynch. 7/12.
  11. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Okay, yeah ##Vote Rapier, since I see Proto did that anyways. @Snike- Yes, putting the vote in as well would have made it too obvious. I think he didn't put the vote in because he was trying to do it subtly, to put it into people's minds that he was against Marth, but without just bandwagoning. But whatever, my vote's on Rapier anyways.
  12. Is it possible to remove a region-lock by hacking?
  13. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I keep returning to the same topic because I think that lynching Manix, if he flips town, is no better than mislynching and having Manix revive Marth. In the one, we are left with 1 mislynch left next cycle, in the other we are left with 0 mislynches left in three cycles. The first option, which you think is better than the second one, could have us in MYLO a cycle earlier than the second. I really think that lynching Manix is not a good idea for this cycle. Anyways, are we lynching Rapier then? Rapier, if you're reading this, you'd better claim or something. I might be gone for the rest of the night. I might not be able to change my vote. It's sticking on Snike for the moment, but if there's a tie between Rapier and someone who is not Snike, SWITCH MY VOTE TO RAPIER.
  14. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    We go for 88% hit chances in Fire Emblem all the time, don't we? I think we should let Manix go for now. Even in the worst case scenario, where we mislynch and he flips mafia, and we have no mislynches left, we're not going to mislynch for the next two cycles, because we know Marth and Manix are mafia. Yes, maybe we won't get all that much discussion going in those two cycles, but we get info in the night phase too. There is a somewhat decent chance that in 3 night phases before we are at 0 mislynches and no idea who to lynch, Cop/Watcher/Tracker/somebody unearths another mafia.
  15. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Huh, how did I screw up? By taking out all the cancelled votes? I'm pretty sure the current votes are right.
  16. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I wouldn't be entirely averse with a lynch against Rapier. My voting priority at the moment is Snike >> Rapier > Kaoz > Manix. Kaoz, you're in there because I don't quite like how hard you're pushing this lynch on Manix. You're saying that if we lynch correctly and Manix is mafia, we only get one mislynch. If we lynch Manix and he's town, we go from 9-4 to 7-4 counting in the mafia NK. That also gives us only 1 mislynch. And, we're put in that situation next cycle instead of two cycles after that. I think you're greatly underestimating what might happen if we lynch Manix and he flips town.
  17. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Votals: Domu/Rapier (3) - Strawman, Snike, Aurora Snike (subbing in for Paperblade) (2) - BigBangMeteor, Bizz Kaoz (subbing in for Ether) (2) - Manix, Eclipse Manix (1) - Kaoz Haven't voted: Iris, Rapier, Kay, Shinori Rapier gets lynched atm. However, this could swing any way with Rapier only in the lead by 1 and 4 people who haven't voted. If all 4 of them vote for the same person, someone who doesn't even have any votes yet could be lynched. Come on, guys. Unless some groundbreakingly contrary evidence comes up, or it's the only way to achieve a lynch, my vote will stick with Snike.
  18. I think that along with posting these obscure words and their meanings, you should also try to find their etymology. I mean, I'm at a total loss as to how this word could have been contrived.
  19. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    But then it goes 7-3 and 6-2 as we lynch 2 mafia in a row, Marth and Manix, and they get off 2 NKs. A 6-2 split is pretty good.
  20. Well then he'd have to be Canadian too.
  21. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Brock 30 Misty 20 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Falkner 43 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Claire 35 Roxanne 20 Brawly 21 Winona 22 Roark 20 Maylene 16 Wake 14 Fantina 0 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 18 Cress 20 Chili 20 Clay 8 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  22. Hero!Donnie. Berserker!Vake, maybe. Not factoring the possible Lightning Speed for Gryphons, Dragonmaster Soiree. Grandmaster MU if his skill doesn't transfer. If it does, he's reclassing to a Dark Knight right after.
  23. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Okay, my thoughts. JB: I'm still a bit mistrustful about how he and Kay pushed so hard on that one very slightly incorrect sentence I made, but I'm neutral other than that. Eclipse: Uh... even before he got sick, he didn't actually have many content-related posts. He posted frequently, but a lot of them were just about voting for inactives. That's a bit suspicious. Kay: See JB. Rapier: I... really don't know. His posts are kind of weird and overly aggressive. Getting a weird vibe from him. Shinori: I pushed kinda hard on him C1, but I think he's town. I know Mafia Inventors exist, but if he was scum, wouldn't he have given the gift to someone in the mafia? I don't think Bizz is mafia. Strawman: I don't have any reads on him. >_> Snike/Paperblade: Paperblade's last minute post on C1, as I've said several times, just irks me. There was no reason to post that at that point in the cycle. Marth's lynch was basically an inevitability at that point. And he didn't change his vote to Marth, or say why he was keeping his vote on Shinori. He was just distancing himself from Marth, IMO. My vote is staying here, at least for the moment. Iris: Inactive. However, she has, I think, made a post once or twice about posting impressions soon, but never has. If this is because of being busy, please ask for a sub. Kaoz/Ether: Ether was inactive and Kaoz has just come in, so no read yet. Manix: I also find him suspicious. I still think it's a possibility he claimed to divert attention away from him, because people were talking about lynching him C2 in C1. However, I think Paperblade/Snike are more likely to be scum. Yes, if he flips Mafia, we're behind a cycle, but it's not that great a loss if we lynch correctly today. Kaoz, your calculations didn't show the possibility of a correct lynch and Mafia Manix, as far as I can see. However, keep in mind guys, Prims said that if he gets revived, he'll probably need a sub. So we won't necessarily be getting Prims' activity if Manix is town. Bizz: Town. I may be reading too much into the flavour again (damnit, I should have picked a mafia where I didn't know the game at all), but it makes sense for Agatio to have a partner.
  24. I think that once Kieran starts doubling, he has the best straight up combat on your team, other than Boyd. Jill and Marcia have flying, but Kieran has awesome Strength, good durability, a horse, and supports with two other good mounted characters, Oscar and Marcia. He gets a 10/10 from me, because I think penalizing him for not flying is stupid.
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