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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Also, expect my activity to go down now that the weekend is over. I don't celebrate Easter, so I didn't have any commitments over the past few days. I will now that I have school again.
  2. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Well, I guess if Shinori didn't give Bizz a gift, someone would have counterclaimed, so that clears Shinori for now... Unless both of them are mafia, but I think Bizz is town. Also, I lol'd at the second-last line of Paperblade's post. Is there anyone who doesn't make you uneasy? (This may sound slightly mocking, but it's a serious question)
  3. It's a great mug shot, but he looks too old. IMO, that's how he would look during the actual series. I can't remember his age, or if it was ever stated, but I'd think he'd be around 20-25 at the oldest during Robert's Rebellion. That guy looks to be at least 40.
  4. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    He might have just had this tab open while he was gone. Him being listed as there on the thread doesn't mean anything. Also, I assume that Spike cannot contribute to the discussion while missing?
  5. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I had earlier assumed that the 8 playable Adepts were Town, and the antagonistic Adepts being the Mafia. So the "So" was directed partially towards all Adepts being Town, and Guardians being Mafia, which I had no considered. As for asking if roles go through if the person is lynched/killed, that was to check if Marth could have protected himself with his Refresh Ball. And also, "killed" was separate from "lynched", because I also wanted to know if Prims could have roleblocked somebody before getting killed.
  6. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    If you're lynched/killed, does your role still go through?
  7. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    That line was weird, which is why I initially was confused about it too. And I also said that it doesn't mean anything.
  8. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Fail, didn't read Marth's Djinn description. He must have used it N0 on Prims. Triple post ftw.
  9. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    And I missed the bit about Spike at the bottom. There must also be a Kidnapper somewhere.
  10. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Holy crap, that totally threw off my predictions about which characters were on which side. So the Adepts are Town, and the Guardians are Mafia? Some of Star Magician's abilities definitely seem geared towards Mafia. If Prims was the Roleblocker, and he was telling the truth about getting roleblocked himself, then there is either a roleblock Djinn, or the Mafia have a roleblocker.
  11. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    No, I didn't post a list of impressions about everybody, partly because I'm lazy and partly because I don't have an impression about most people. Basically, Marth feels scummy because of how he tried to divert attention off of himself, and I have a gut feeling that Shinori is scum. I also find it kind of weird that Aurora didn't know that you don't need a majority to lynch, since AFAIK he isn't new to mafia games. Doesn't mean he's scum though, and he might be new, I don't know. Prims stands out as town to me, because he's been very active and decisive so far. I'm fairly neutral on everyone else.
  12. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I mostly just read the posts other people have made today, because I don't have much left other than a gut feeling that Shinori is scum, which wasn't going to convince anyone of anything. Well, I was originally going to keep my vote on Shinori, but I reread Marth's last couple posts, and this may be only reiterating what Stolypin said, but I feel like his strategy of protecting himself is less focused on defending himself and more focused on diverting attention to others, which I feel is a scummy thing to do. Shinori might still seem scummy to me, but at least he didn't do that. So... ##Unvote, ##Vote: Marth. I've still got my eye on Shinori for next cycle though.
  13. Yeah, Ice can be the second Prf weapon that all Lords get near the end of the game (Sword of Seals, Ragnell, etc.) I can't remember if Robert's warhammer had a name. Maybe you should just call it Warhammer.
  14. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Brock 29 Misty 20 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Falkner 40 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Claire 26 Roxanne 20 Brawly 21 Winona 22 Roark 20 Maylene 18 Wake 14 Fantina 6 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 18 Cilan 16 Cress 20 Chili 20 Clay 10 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  15. Ehh... some of the chapters don't feel like they'll work, if you keep them strictly canon. IIRC, Ned broke the siege of Storm's End without fighting. This means that a chapter devoted to Storm's End would have to be from the perspective of Stannis. But the siege lasted for a year, so it happens at the same time as a lot of the other battles, which means your units at the Storm's End chapter will have to be all new, and the timeline won't be very continuous. Your units at the King's Landing chapter will also have to be different from all your other units, but this chapter doesn't have the problems with continuity. You have probably already planned to do this, but to further keep it canon, you might want to force the player to kill certain bosses with certain characters. So Rhaegar must be killed with Robert, Aerys must be killed with Jaime, etc. And Prf Ice for Ned.
  16. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I'm not saying that a townie with a weak role is not a townie, I'm saying that lynching a townie with a weak role is better than lynching a townie with a strong one. Obviously a mafia member would be the best, but honestly, nobody is popping out to me right now.
  17. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Even if Shinori flips town, as he himself said, he has a weak role so he was trying to draw attention away from a PR by initially saying he had a strong role. Even if it's a mislynch, I feel safer voting someone who seems slightly scummy to me, and has said he has a weak role, then someone who I am really unsure about. Also, personally, if it was me, and I was a townie in his situation, with a wagon on me and a pretty good chance of getting lynched, I would claim and attempt to back it up, not just say how I always get lynched as a townie and then say I'm going to leave for the rest of the day. That, to me, seems like a desperate way to get people to at least temporarily hold off on voting me. On other fronts, the Paperblade thing entered my mind too. Additionally, Ether's claim that he can only post 6 times could easily be a lie so that he can get away with lurking.
  18. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Brock 29 Misty 20 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Falkner 39 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Claire 24 Roxanne 20 Brawly 21 Winona 22 Roark 20 Maylene 18 Wake 14 Fantina 8 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 18 Cilan 18 Cress 20 Chili 20 Clay 10 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  19. Well yeah, I was talking about normal gameplay. If Sacred Stones is any indicator, anything is possible if you believe in postgame.
  20. I think the reason Echidna got so few votes is because you couldn't even see that the thread was about rating Echidna until you went onto the Sword of Seals forum. On all the other threads, Rate the Unit, Day X: Y was visible in the snippet of the title that you could see from the main forum. Anyways, Ray. He's the best user of Dark Magic in the game. Unfortunately, he isn't the best Dark Magic user, because Niime's staff contributions > whatever Ray does with Dark Magic. Dark Magic isn't as heavy in this game as it is in some others, but all the mages also have lower con. So his Speed isn't great to begin with, and the loss in AS means, IIRC, he gets ORKOed in his starting chapter by the Merc reinforcements, and his cruddy durability means he can even get OHKOed by some of the Fighters. Now, he doesn't ever need to get attacked by these guys, but it's just shitty when you are a combat unit who can get ORKOed on your starting chapter by unpromoted enemies. Seriously, I've never understood why they didn't give him HM bonuses. 2.5/10 + 1 bias because he did get super blessed this one time I tried him out on NM. He capped MAG, SKL, and SPD.
  21. Also, keep in mind that I think reclassing is limited in this game, because it's done with items. They might be buyable very late in the game, but I wouldn't count on being able to reclass your whole team endless amounts of times.
  22. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Current Votals. Correct me if I'm wrong. Who is LIES? And happy belated birthday Manix! Rapier: 3 (Eclipse, Marth, Shinori) Spike: 2 (JB, Kay) Shinori: 4 (BBM, Paperblade, Rapier, Ether) Marth: 2 (Prims, Bizz) LIES: 1 (Spike)
  23. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Oh, I didn't know we could vote for a NoLynch. I thought that just happened automatically if there was no majority vote. However, reading through what people have posted here, and in Training Mafia thread that I read through quickly, I have been convinced that it's better to vote and mislynch on Day 1 than to nolynch. So I will renew my vote on Shinori because he still feels the most suspicious to me. ##Vote Shinori.
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