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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I am still feeling slightly iffy about Shinori, but I am going to ##Unvote Shinori. I don't really think we should lynch this phase. All our votes are based off of someone "seeming" suspicious, whether it's Rapier or Shinori. Now, I am a newbie, so I don't know if lynches are based off of things like this often, but I, at least, am looking for some more concrete proof, which no one has at the moment.
  2. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    As for why I didn't vote Shinori until after Paperblade. First of all, I started to make my post about Djinn before Shinori even posted, because I thought it would be useful to figure out some of the abilities that the mafia might have. Yes, the mafia might be helped by that too, but as I wasn't trying to get people to reveal what THEIR Djinn did, just what Djinn in general might do so that we could be more forewarned, I didn't see the harm in it. It took around 15 minutes to make my post because it was originally supposed to be a lot longer, and I started going into a breakdown of each Djinn before I realized that it would be pretty redundant. So I cut it down, posted, and didn't check this thread for a while. I came back, and saw all the posts I had missed, including the ones before mine, and was suspicious of Shinori. However, because Paperblade attributed something to me that I hadn't done, I tried to clear that up first. Once he unvoted me, I voted for Shinori too.
  3. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I was going to vote for Shinori even before Paper, based on what Spike pointed out. It doesn't make sense to give away what we can do at this point; it only helps the mafia.
  4. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    So we can submit what we want to do for the Night right now, right?
  5. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I'm a bit confused... does Cycle mean that both Day and Night are over at its end, or just Day? Sorry guys, I'm new to this. I've only been in one other Mafia, and I was killed rather early. Ehh... I also find Shinori's post suspicious. ##Vote: Shinori
  6. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Huh? When did I ask people for information? It was Shinori who said we should reveal what our Djinn did. I was just trying to figure out what some of them might do, not attributing any Djinn to anyone. But whatever. BTW, I'm new to Mafia games, so what's a hooker?
  7. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    So, I'm trying to ascertain what all the Djinn might do. I have no idea what the attack Djinn might do. They could possibly allow the user to kill someone, but that seems overpowered. Some of them have extra effects. +Stun could be a roleblock possibility, but that means it can't be a kill. The ones that decrease damage for the whole party for 1 turn might be an immunity. Obviously, using it on the whole team would be too strong, so it can most likely be used on any one person, not just the user. Haze is an immunity just for the user, most likely. Anything that prevents action, such as a stun or seal, could be a roleblock. Kite probably gives two turns. I have no clue what the healing, revive, psynergy restoring, or stat altering Djinn might do. Being able to bring a dead character back into the game every other cycle means it would never end. Reflux maybe turns a role against the person who used it.
  8. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    I'm pretty sure I didn't get blocked- my target just wasn't correct for what it does. That's what I gathered, anyways.
  9. But like you said, no limits means no endings, and I like endings. Plus, looking at FE13, A supports get you kids and stuff, so there will almost certainly be limits there. I personally like FE9's support system. It doesn't force you to stick the units directly beside each other, and also prevents sitting around waiting for supports to build like you could in the GBA games. I don't know if FE10 tells you the support bonuses even before you make the support, but FE9 does, at least, tell you them afterwards. And in any case, adding that in isn't really a change to the system as a whole.
  10. BBM

    Golden Sun Mafia

    Grar my role didn't work. I suppose my target was unsuitable... I have... no real impressions of anything yet.
  11. Well, you could treat Nono like a growth unit, and Tiki like a lategame prepromote. Plus, do we know yet if Tiki can reclass? Maybe they're keeping her Manakete only.
  12. Red 45 Silver 52 While you were supporting Red from before, I've been the one keeping him alive all day against CR's barrage.
  13. Ike may be rather emotionless, but he's still done well, IMO. At least in PoR, which I'm playing right now. Probably my favourite lord, personality wise. Sigurd's kinda dumb, Celice is meh, Roy is moreso, Lyn is too gung-ho, Eliwood is kinda wimpy, Eirika is too gullible, and Ephraim is too arrogant. Only Hector's cool. I heard RD Ike is kinda arrogant though. Haven't played HM yet, but I think I can extrapolate. She's quite good once she promotes, but she needs a steady flow of BEXP for a while, and then an early Master Seal, followed by at least 1 Arms Scroll afterwards if you want her combat to be good, preferably two. However, by the time she's promoted, most of your other guys are too, unless you dump a LOT of BEXP into her. And the thing is, the only time they really need healing is earlygame, when her healing's the worst. Once they promote, Kieran and Oscar and Jill and Boyd are running around ORKOing mostly everything while taking noticeable damage only rarely, so while it's cool that Mist can keep up with the first three- it isn't really necessary, and even with the Sonic Sword, her durability is never good enough for her to charge in with them either. She basically becomes a mounted mage. That said, I like her, so 6 + 1 bias = 7/10.
  14. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Erika 50 Brock 27 Misty 20 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Falkner 38 Bugsy 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Claire 21 Roxanne 20 Brawly 21 Winona 22 Roark 20 Maylene 18 Wake 14 Fantina 10 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 18 Cilan 20 Cress 20 Chili 20 Lenora 4 Clay 14 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
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