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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Wait, since you wanted to use Knoll, are you going to be using him even if he is not one of your 5 least-level units?
  2. Yeah, I once had Eliwood with 3 health and a Killing Edge and on a forest dodge 5 Wyvern Riders on the Vaida chapter, and ORKO them all.
  3. I wouldn't mind Recruit classes. I liked the idea of them in FE8, but they just needed to be a whole lot better. I mean, Ewan is pretty much statistically inferior, or about the same, as Lute, but comes 8 chapters later and at a lower level. And then, the game wasn't very difficult either, which made them even less useful. Recruits, need to be in a more challenging game, and if well trained, statistically superior to your other units.
  4. What are DLCs? I gather from context that they are characters from older games, but if anyone could clarify for me, that would be helpful. Has the Europe release date been released yet? It'd be awesome if the date works out with my trip to Europe in the summer.
  5. Well, IIRC, Gonzales is level 12 in one of the routes, so he can be instapromoted for +5 skill, assuming you don't give your Hero Crests to Rutger/Dieck/whoever. Still not great accuracy, but eh. Personally, I dislike giving Door Keys/Chest Keys to my Paladins, because that gives them less weapon slots, and therefore less manipulation of the weapon triangle, and since I don't play much for turns, and lol at FE6 Tactics rank, Ashtol generally sees a lot of thief utility from me. 8/10 + 1 bias because I like his backstory. 9/10.
  6. Best: Beo. He has cool hair, and keeps your money. Worst: I dislike Farina, because she can't be assed to show up to Eliwood. It's lame that Hugh gets worse as you pay less, but he's Canas' son.
  7. Flannery 50 Wallace 50 Gardenia 50 Brock 23 Misty 20 Erika 26 Koga 20 Blaine 20 Giovanni 20 Green 20 Falkner 28 Bugsy 16 Whitney 16 Morty 21 Chuck 20 Jasmine 21 Claire 20 Roxanne 20 Brawly 21 Winona 22 Roark 20 Maylene 18 Wake 16 Fantina 16 Bryon 20 Candice 20 Volkner 18 Cilan 20 Cress 20 Chili 20 Lenora 20 Burgh 12 Clay 20 Skyla 18 Brycen 20 Drayden 20
  8. Red 81 Leaf 114 Green 81 Ethan 81 Silver 145 Kris 70 Lyra 75 Brendan 50 May 70 Lucas 25 Dawn 75 Hilbert 75 Hilda 90 Cheren 75 Bianca 56
  9. Why not. Lucky number 7 for my Djinn.
  10. I'm just trying to find time to finish my EHM draft first; school's busy for me at the moment. But I'm not that far from the end, and after that I shall restart this.
  11. I was just thinking that it was silly for people to correct someone when they said LTC instead of efficiency when in most cases, it seemed (to me) like there wasn't a difference. If there is, then fair enough. My only real problem with playing for a low turn count other than that I can't do it is the attitude that was expressed several times in this thread, notably by dondon, that it is more "serious" than other ways of playing the game, or that characters should be judged for their contributions to such playthroughs above all other ones.
  12. I don't know why some people are drawing such huge differences between LTC and Efficiency. Every time someone uses the term "LTC Tier List", someone says that there are no/few LTC Tier Lists. As I see it (correct me if I'm wrong), Efficiency is simply LTC without RNG abuse to ensure turn counts that might otherwise be unrealistic. Characters are still used in the same manner, and what makes a character good in one is what makes them good in the other. A mounted character is still, unless their stats are just really crap, or whatever, inherently better than a character with maybe better stats, but no mount. If I am correct in this, LTC Tier Lists would differ very little from Efficiency Tier Lists, so unless we're talking specifically about RNG abuse, the two seem fairly synonymous to me. There also seem to be two very differing ideologies here when considering how characters should be ranked. One is that if worse characters are to be used, they should get further preferential treatment to allow them to be usable, whereas the other is that is worse characters are to be used, the better characters deserve the preferential treatment to become even better. In my opinion, if you're talking about a bad unit, using him and not giving him what he needs to be good (statboosters, BEXP, whatever it might be) is very little better than just not using the unit at all. Yes, it should be factored in that the bad unit needs these extra things, and does not make as good use of them as the better unit. That's why the worse unit is worse. But IMO, if you're debating two bad units, and X is better than Y without any statboosters, but worse when they are both given statboosters, saying that since both X and Y suck, they are not getting anything; therefore X > Y, is dumb. Giving them the boosters might be slower than not doing so, but if you don't, why even use them? Just don't bother even ranking them. However, I might be coloured by my bias of preferring to make the units I am using closer together in usefulness, whatever that might take, as opposed to raising the best more. It is also why I normally play FE7 with 10-12 units instead of 6-8, and make it much harder for myself.
  13. Abra, I guess. IIRC, it's an ingame trade pokemon, so it'll get past its period of suckitude earlier. I'm too lazy to set up a trade, but Kadabra's probably good enough.
  14. WHO GIVES A SHIT, I'M NOT GETTING STARLY. There's one a couple pages down in the Pokemon section. It's very rough, though.
  15. When does it end, btw? Beating the E4, or do we have to do any post-game stuff?
  16. 8.5/10. Horse, A swords, Charisma... Delmud is a good unit, I know he is, but I've tried Beo, Fin, and even Lex + Pursuit Ring; he just never turns out any better than a Charisma bot for me. So -1 bias makes him 7.5/10.
  17. BBM

    FE7 Draft

    Damnit, I was hoping everyone had forgotten about the draft and that I'd win by default. You killed me on Chapter 13; I guess I slowed down too much to let Eliwood get more experience. Finished in 5 turns; 103 in total. Everyone went north. Marcus dealt with Lloyd for the most part, as he was the only one that Lloyd didn't double (Guy was weighing himself down), with Guy getting the kill. I might have finished on Turn 4 had I positioned Marcus in a way that would allow Lloyd to attack him on Turn 3 EP, but that might have also caused the Myrmidons that attacked Sain to prioritize Marcus instead, which could have killed him, so eh. Sain critted more than Guy this chapter, and he had a fifth of Guy's crit rate... I like the FE6 30% crit so much more... Eliwood: Level 13 Lord Marcus: Level 12 Paladin Guy: Level 3 Swordmaster Priscilla: Level 6 Troubadour Sain: Level 7 Paladin Lucius: Level 2 Bishop Ninian: Level 2 Dancer Hawkeye: Level 4 Berserker
  18. ! That's awesome, two months less than I'd thought!
  19. Eh... Why not. Working Platinum roms exist, right? I'll probably use Piplup though, as I've never played through the game with him.
  20. Because America might have been built by manly men, but it's currently inhabited by fat ones.
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