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Everything posted by BBM

  1. @paper- I've been consistently pushing Ocean's slot I guess, but I'm pretty sure this is the first phase where I've voted it. And besides, in #448 you said that I lynched TG to get the lynch off Gaius/Ocean. I can't be both hard-bussing him and subtly protecting him. Also, I forgot to say this earlier, but why would I lynch one buddy to get the lynch off the other? I said I was going to talk more about why Gaius was scummy, but I didn't bc I got lazy and also I didn't really think it would be necessary but here we go. He didn't have a lot of posts, but I didn't like his Mancer stance. He used the wagon on Mancer as a springboard for content, but he never actually said what he himself thought of Mancer. It wasn't even like "not enough content to analyze", which he did say about a few other people, it was just like "bad but not scummy logic", which is kind of really just a neutral read. Then finally he sort of gives an opinion and says that Mancer's sheeping was bad, but then follows it by saying something like "oh but he's too sick to scumread him for it"... except then he did actually put him on his sub-out scumlist. The entire thing just gave the feel of him searching for easy content, like "oh gonna analyze this D1 wagon cuz ez". On top of that there's what I mentioned earlier about him being really reactionary- switching Eclipse from a townread to a scumread just on the basis of her case on him was the prime example. He also said TG had a "decent first post" fwiw.
  2. his trinity power makes him a stump for a day
  3. I said this to Elie in our neighbour qt; forgot to repeat it here. Several reasons I could be alive- firstly, as Paper said, most of my reads so far have been wrong. They could have just left me alive to bark up the wrong tree. Secondly, I think there has been a townier person or more urgent kill every night. Refa was townier than me on N1 IMO. Eclipse was talking about how she was going to use her role and make scum suffer, IIRC, and plus people were frustrated with her but thought she was still town. On N3, Boron was the better kill because she was the strongest proponent of the TG lynch, and also crumbed a role like I did on D3. On N4, Omega was a better kill than me because he basically could have forced the lynch any way he wanted to with his role today (it also checks out if Ocean is scum bc Omega would obviously have forced that lynch if he was alive). And besides, I haven't exactly done a good job of using it, but I'm the only info role in the game. You guys really think town has no investigative abilities at all? The rest of our roles are pretty shitty.
  4. Omega can you vote as a stump?
  5. I'm cool with that I was going to vote ocean soon anyway bc I dont want us to miss out on hammer just cuz we don't want to vote in lylo. I like how ocean admitted that he didn't bother looking at the context of my questions but then went ahead and pseudo-cased me for it anyways. The context of the first few Roxas questions was that it was one of the only points of note in the game at that point. The next few points are about me talking to Boron/asking her about Roxas. This is because she was scumreading Roxas, so I was engaging her about that read and then following up about it, because that's a good thing to do. The logic also doesn't make sense; why would I draw people's attention to Roxas and make them think about him if I was worried about him? What turns me off this case the most is how little ocean commits to it. FTR I also asked Shinori like fifty times about his opinion on Crysta, before I gave up hope of that happening, but ocean leaves that out. Pretty sure he just chose people to push and looked for things that could back it up. ##vote: Ocean Bolding is hard on a phone, sorry.
  6. oh yeah I was just confused bc you said info role specifically. whatever doesn't really matter. #441 explains my thoughts on the interactions. To expand more, Crysta's tone kind of felt like what my thoughts were, where I thought she was scummy but was trying to get TG to post more content in the case that she was newbtown. I feel like scum bussing their buddy would be less nuanced. what are your opinions on what I said about Ocean in #458?
  7. Shinori claimed his role on D4; I followed him on N3. When did I say TG wasn't that bad? I just didn't have much to add to a case against her bc Boron said most of it. So IIRC most of my posts towards her were questions to try and get her to produce more content if she was just newbtown. And if I questioned Shinori more than her it's because Shinori was around a little more. As for only pushing flipped town people, that's true of like, everyone, other than Crysta I guess. Also I'm pretty sure I had Shinori above her on my scumlist at least for the first half of D2 because I disliked his Refa stance on D1. Then I think he made some posts on D2 and that bumped him down a little. I also don't know where I crumbed I was an info role. off the top of my head cuz I have to leave soon- Gaius was very reactionary in his scumreads. He flipped eclipse from a townread to a scumread just for casing him, and his response to Omega once Omega voted him was also really strong. It's been a while so I don't remember the other stuff. Most of Ocean's content has been pushing Elie, and none of it was wrong but it totally failed to look at any context (particularly wrt Elie's stance on TG). He kept saying that Elie waffling was bad, and waffling isn't good, yeah, but why would it be advantageous for Elie to waffle on TG at the times he did? I asked him this question several times and afaicr he never answered. He was just like "yeah but Elie defended TG!!!". I also really disliked his posts about Elie yesterday, because he refused to call Elie scum; he just said stuff like "Trying to show BBM that Elie's interactions with TG aren't that townie". Rather than actually trying to get Elie lynched, he was just trying to keep the option of lynching Elie available, which is pretty scummy. wrt TG's ISO- I think she changed her name to Tiny_Manakete.
  8. I'm a Follower. Results have been pretty shitty. N1: Mancer did nothing. N2: Action failed on TG. N3: Shinori did nothing. N4: Ocean did nothing. Role power didn't seem that strong so I thought (and think) that mafia has a Goon, so I've been treating "nothing" results as null. In hindsight it would have been smarter to target Paper's slot on N4 over Ocean because the scumteam would probably have their townier looking person take the kill to dodge a tracker (at the cost of getting screwed by a watcher I suppose, but a watcher is too strong for this setup). But yeah I didn't do that. Little surprised to see all of Paper/Crysta/Ocean claim vanilla. I wouldn't have thought scum would have 2/3 people claim vanilla. @paper- can you read the isos of all the living people + TG then? @shinori- opinions of who is scum?
  9. this sure is a thing from the mafia HQ. paper how do you plan on contributing?
  10. >_> Shinori I hope you didn't shoot Elie. We're popcorn claiming. Ocean goes first IMO; he picks the next person and so on. I think the scumteam is probably Ocean + Paper/Crysta. Scum Vig isn't a thing so Shinori isn't mafia, unfortunately. I'm leaning more towards Paper's slot than Crysta. The TG/Crysta interactions are kind of weird, particularly on TG's end, but I'm more inclined to think that they're scum/town than scum/scum just based on Crysta's tone. Also I feel like Crysta' position on the D2 TG wagon is more likely to be town- in my experience scum are more often the first vote if they're hard-bussing or one of the last votes, if they're only voting there as a last resort. Paper, were you following the game prior to subbing in? I have an exam tomorrow morning so I didn't have time to reread during the night phase and probably won't be around much this evening either, but I'll be around more starting tomorrow afternoon.
  11. I'm not saying that it's auto-lynchworthy, but being the only vanilla claim in a 16p game definitely doesn't lend additional credence to the claim like you and Mitsuki are suggesting. Even if a lot of other roles were shitty ones like jack of all functional vanillas (which still had semi-useful stuff like Announcer IIRC), being a vanilla and having literally nothing is different IMO. In fact you could make the argument that having roles that are just barely better than Vanilla make it even less likely that there's exactly 1 vanilla, because why not just give them just shitty barely functional role too? This is kind of a moot discussion though. Refa rolled the game.
  12. I didn't read the game but js this is not really a believable claim. Other than that one MotK game hosted by Dan where the entire point was that the Vanilla was conftown due to the rules confirming vanillas, I have never seen only one vanilla in a game.
  13. Also mancer would just get hammered, we wouldn't have to wait until phase end
  14. Also the idea of not voting so omega can prove his role is dumb bc if he's lying it's a universal loss
  15. Has yolo actually used his supervote? I thought he had to trigger it at night, and his claim post implied he hadn't yet
  16. I don't expect that Via or Mancer will show up, so basically 5/6 of us need to be voting, and can we not leave it up to 10 minutes before deadline this time, as if the lynch is miraculously going to change?
  17. if shinori can prove vig, they're probably both town. wrt mancer/tg interactions- what? That could easily be what noobscum says about a buddy. They generally don't bus as much.
  18. Omega, does your power work in *YLO? Also, do you think your role doesn't work with Shinori's? Not really a fan of how you're like "just gonna leave this here and let other people interpret it". Who do you want to lynch today? Personally I'm not sure why people are making Omega's power out to be a vig variant. It's a mayor variant; any ability to use it as a governor/dayvig is very late in the game and also very situational. Ocean might have felt better after typing up that post about Shinori but I don't feel better about Ocean. I still don't know whether Ocean thinks Elie is scum or just "not that town", because he isn't voting him. Shinori, I repeat, what do you think about Crysta?
  19. I assumed that Shinori had lost his shot upon targeting TG. I guess I'm okay with letting him prove his role tonight. Shinori, what are your thoughts about Crysta now that TG has flipped scum? Not okay with letting him use it on Elie though. Elie has the towniest interactions with flipped scum in the thread. Shinori, if you're town- your choice to let TG not get lynched was bad and anti-town. Deal with it and stop getting mad when people call you out on your bad logic. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Mancer this is the way to go I guess
  20. really good job on this. It would be good to show the unedited Japanese pics beside the edited English ones so that people can still tell which actions correspond to which even when not all options are present, rather than thinking "the fourth option is Heal" when it could be third if they can't attack, for example.
  21. Huge congrats to your brother; that's really awesome.
  22. the only really "inactive" slot is Mancer at this point. I don't think Shinori would claim vig if it wasn't given to him as a fakeclaim; it's too risky. If Shinori is scum we probably don't have a vig. ocean, who is scum? Also, iirc you thought that Elie's stance on TG was suspicious and that's why you were scumreading him on D3. How does that change with TG flipping scum?
  23. My thoughts are together; I'm just realizing things right after I click post. And then I have to look at the screen for like 5000000 minutes afterwards waiting for it to post. Things that point to Shinori's role existing: Mafia having an Omniguard would be weird without any killing power to block. Might as well make it a 2x self-safeguard then, unless you want to add a red herring or something. Things that point to Shinori's role not existing: Firstly, activist generally refers to lynches and not all types of deaths. In that case, considering that two no lynches lead to a UL, incentivizing a no lynch doesn't make sense. Additionally, changing words from "day phase" to "phase" is fishy. Forgetting to add specificity is one thing; providing it and then recanting it is entirely different. However, even if it was "phase", town probably doesn't have a doctor and the mafia has a 2x self-omniguard to block the hooker, which makes a mafia kill failing exceedingly unlikely as well. And that's just role based. My reason for voting Shinori at the start of the day wasn't even role based, and he pretty much did what I've been finding scummy by popping up to defend himself and not giving any content.
  24. and the self-omniguard has higher priority than the hook as we saw on n2 so yeah chances of a mafkill failing are exceedingly low.
  25. self-omniguard is essentially the same thing as a commuter. dunno if I buy shinori changing from "day phase" to "phase". mafia failing their kill is iffy anyways bc BG is probably town's only protective role, so that leaves Boron's "modified hooker"; whatever that is.
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