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Everything posted by BBM

  1. gg everyone. game ended in a lame way though. Elie no offence but I felt some of your modding decisions were really questionable. Putting the mistakes aside, hiding Baldrick's role helped the mafia even though Baldrick tactically modkilled himself, and Life could have been modsubbed.
  2. lol gj Refa ##Unvote, ##Vote: Randa
  3. isn't going to last for more than 3 lynches most likely*
  4. @mitsuki- I'm just stating my priorities. That's not lining up lynches. As for why I included everyone, it's because the only person I'm more than 90% sure isn't the ITP is SSG. I'm like 80% sure you're not the ITP, but other than that I'm not really ruling out the chance of anyone being one. Plus, the game isn't going to last for even 3 lynches most likely, so there really isn't a difference between putting everyone there and putting a few people there. Also, your response to my question asking you how my play is similar to IWBTS looks like a bad case of tunnel vision. Your initial vote on me was literally just, and I quote, "BBM is first because he reminds me of the way he played as SK the first time I played mafia in MotK. BBM, are you Creepy Richard again? Also poisoner doctor would be hilarious, and that's something Elie would probably think about." Obviously my response is going to be cautious- what exactly am I supposed to say to that? You didn't even say how my play is similar to that game, and then when you did just now, you used a post I made after you gave your reasoning as an example. I also wasn't cautious in that game at all because I was basically going for broke after I got rolecopped and then especially after I got copped, so ??? there's no real proof SB is poison doctor afaik. I also can't be poison + doctor in one action because snike isn't dead. I could have two different actions I guess. 2-night delayed poison is something that's been thrown around in the thread before; I'm not the first one to bring it up. I've also been focusing on Refa over anybody else to this point* so I don't know where you're getting that I don't care about the lynch. I don't get your logic about me being confirmed poisoner either. It only works if we're discounting ninja poisoner, but if that's the case then it's a straight 1v1 between me and SB/Randa and you haven't mentioned that all, only me being scum. *I'm not sure about Refa anymore. His defence of me is weird as ITP. He doesn't necessarily have to push for me, but actively defending the person attacking him seems counter-productive if he's ITP. gotta go for work now though so I'll think more about it later. be back in like ~15 hours?
  5. I considered that SSG should have maybe died if SB was the poisoner, but since we were considering 2-night poison lengths, I was waiting to see if he dies tonight. If that's the case then yeah we should just lynch Randa tomorrow. BPV isn't that good an ITP claim but if it's what Elie gave you it's what Elie gave you? Insomniac is such a bland role in this setup that I'm unsure about it, but I almost feel as if it's TOO bland to be a fake. dunno. I feel like play-wise she makes the most sense as ITP though, her content has been weak and I think most people agree that the towniest thing about her is the Baldrick interactions, which obviously wouldn't be valid in ITP-hunting. I feel like PGO is too good to be ITP but if it's just 1x, maybe? I don't particularly think Mitsuki's play has been very ITP-like though. I don't think lightningrod ITP is a thing, so yeah pretty sure of SSG being town.. That leaves Snike I guess. I don't have any specific thoughts about him being ITP or not, mainly just PoE and comparisons to the other players. Snike, does your role work in *ylo? I guess I'm at something like Refa > SB/Crysta > Snike > Mitsuki > SSG? I would put Crysta over SB if SSG doesn't die tonight.
  6. I think that Refa is most likely to be the ITP on rolespec. One of the things we lynched Shin for was too many anti-poison roles and it's still the case. Does town really need a full-time poison doctor and a 1x poison-doctor from JoaT AND a 1x PPV all just to counter the ITP? And mafia also have a 1x PPV. Also, if we really only have a 3p mafia, does town need a BG and a Doc and a 1x BPV? Especially considering these protective roles presumably can't block poison; they're essentially all for stopping the mafia kill. I get that only the PPV or the BPV takes effect according to Refa's claim, but Refa being scum would solve both problems. The thing is that he didn't visit SSG according to Eclipse, so he'd have to be a ninja poisoner or would have had to idled N3. Next most likely IMO is SB/Randa because it solves the poison protection problem and he wouldn't need to be a ninja. But I think this slot has been townier than Refa's. @mitsuki- not really sure what you want me to say. How is my play similar to IWBTS?
  7. rip brendan rodgers can't say I'm entirely surprised but they should have probably done this in the summer? I was also personally hoping that they'd wait until Mourinho leaves Chelsea just because Mourinho at Liverpool would be hilarious but it'll probably be Klopp at this point
  8. why are you not even trying eclipse? "because what's the point" isn't good enough if you're town
  9. there are still like 52 hours left in the phase though? Eclipse is going to be gone the entire time?
  10. oh yeah whoops I totally forgot it was 0% gg also Tirado is the c8 boss
  11. were your vanessa/tana really screwed? I can see having problems with Tirado, but by C13, they should have been pretty solid, especially against Carlyle, Valter, and Orson.
  12. your computer dies a lot; are you just getting a new HD each time or a totally new computer?
  13. randa do you have opinions on who those 1s are?
  14. oh wait nvm it's a straight-up sub so SB got spoiled somehow, which is super frustrating
  15. according to gaius Corinthian didn't even target ssg @gaius- "one of me, sb, and bbm is scum" is a very different statement from "one of me and Refa/Mitsuki is scum". Town doesn't have time to ML two people in the former case; they (maybe) can ML one person in the latter case. what's the reason for the sb/randa hydra?
  16. was there a reason you were absent D3 SSG? not voting yet bc I don't see the need to hammer this early
  17. it still doesn't explain why Corinthian wasn't redirected unless he idled though.
  18. oh riiiiiiiiiight I forgot that Corinthian got that notification of being watched over and that's why he knew I targeted him, not Eclipse watching him. gg
  19. actually I guess if Gilgamesh was killed by Mitsuki's PGO, zerosabers was vigged by Eury, and then scum killed Eury, a two-night delayed poisoner is possible. but why poison corinthian n1? @refa- I don't think SB is scum but is there a reason the kill can't be him?
  20. which part? as I see it, the options are a) poisoner, b) strongwilled scum, c) the lightningrod doesn't redirect kills a) assuming Eclipse is telling the truth about n2 visitors to Corinthian, nobody targeted him but me (and Eclipse herself I guess) but I'm not the poisoner (at least fmpov). Corinthian being poisoned on n1 doesn't make sense because then why were there so many deaths on n2? b) possible I guess but why Corinthian then? If the idea was to kill one protective role to frame the other as Mitsuki suggested, then why not kill me to frame Corinthian? I might have been looking a bit scummier but I'm also the more experienced player. c) in this case it has practically no town benefit (negative benefit even) and is probably a scum role. c)
  21. and yeah then how come Corinthian wasn't redirected too?
  22. I was also redirected, from SB to SSG. I think Eclipse/Gaius have to be scum at this point with the Corinthian flip but idek anymore. the lightningrod doesn't make sense because then how is Corinthian dead? One explanation is that he was poisoned last night but I was the only one who targeted Corinthian according to Gaius/Eclipse. The other is that mafia have a strongman but then why Corinthian over SB or even me or Gaius/Eclipse. Killing Corinthian to frame me doesn't make sense because why not do it the other way around and kill me to frame Corinthian, since I'm the more experienced player, even if I was arguably in a less townie looking position Another is that it doesn't redirect kills, but then it's the shittiest town lightningrod ever. more likely that SSG is scum in that case. Also, Gaius/Eclipse, SB, and I are the only ones left with active roles?
  23. *there's way too much poison protection and the other people who've claimed it are townier
  24. @mitsuki- but my role is proven? at least, the empowerer is proven, and Corinthian also mentioned that he received flavour about being "watched over" or something, so I'd practically be a scum friendly townie if I were scum. Also, if I'm scum empowerer targeting Prims, the Prims/Snike slot basically has to be scum as well. In comparison Corinthian's role has no proven interactions with anybody afaik so it's just flat-out incorrect to say that mine is the most likely to be faked. You have a good point about Izhuark's reaction but like... idk. There's way too much poison protection. MAAAYBE if the poison was factional, but we don't really have any proof of that, so??? Also poison doc wouldn't make pulling off poison kills any more difficult than a regular doc makes pulling off regular kills difficult. The poison doc would still need to predict who was poisoned.
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