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Everything posted by BBM

  1. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Izhuark why does it matter?
  2. REGRETS ON ##Vote: Sinori SB update the OP
  3. With regards to letting Katri destroy everything and then leveling others through grinding out-of-chapter- it's possible, but boring. You have to grind a bunch, and Katri also has shitty move so chapters take longer too. Narron is basically invincible at twice the move anyways. The main problem is just making sure that Katri doesn't transform back in a shitty situation. Also, she won't be available forever so it might get you into bad habits for when you have to use everybody else? The game isn't really that hard though.
  4. all good Mitsuki, you were just playing to your wincon. I thought Corinthian was the Bandits mole in CR and Mitsuki the CR mole in Hyperion as opposed to Corinthian being CR in Bandits and Mitsuki being Hyperion in CR, because Corinthian was clearly lying to us about his Bandits relationship. Corinthian, why were you trying to "play both factions like a fiddle" instead of, you know, siding with your alignment??? I would have trusted you over Mitsuki and then Mitsuki wouldn't have known who we were getting Clarinets to kill.
  5. Oh yeah, I forgot to say this explicitly but I don't like unannounced multifaction. It's not that I dislike multifaction, but it's a fundamentally different game from mafia. Also, Corinthian, we realized you were a mole and had a different group PM without you in it. It was a little late by then tbf but eh. I'm a little confused as to which team the moles actually won with? The team they scanned/flipped as or the other team?
  6. Congrats to clarinets. Man everything I thought about the setup was wrong and then I died just as I kind of figured it out. gg Gaius shouldn't have granted the extension maybe and that miscommunication is a mistake on the mods' parts, but complaining about the vote thing doesn't really serve much of a purpose. Some rules are clearly more important than others and it's not difficult to tell the difference?
  7. going to sleep soon and I won't be around for phase end so I'll just go with this I guess ##Vote: kirsche He's lying to pretty much everybody about everything and from what I've heard of his roleclaim through the grapevine, it doesn't make much sense. I think he's one of two people most likely to be the wolf if this is 3/3/3/1.
  8. Pride and Prejudice is overrated IMO. My favourite Austen book is Emma.
  9. ...what? being a "first" isn't being extreme. It's your policies that make you extreme or not. Hillary is the most centrist of the democrat candidates.
  10. lol what does that even mean; there are no "baddies"
  11. That's more game flavour though. Most mafia games tend to spoil character info in role PMs.
  12. I'm not spoiled but it makes most sense to me for IK to be LOC because it's a mixture of Hoshido and Nohr and LOC is a mixture of OC and NOC?
  13. Relax Life. Focus on your own team doing well instead of reveling in another team doing badly. Toronto fans know that we're bottoming out these next two years anyways.
  14. The Bruins are in a bad spot atm. Chara is old (and the injury last year) and they had to shed some key depth due to the salary cap at the start of last season (Iginla, Boychuk). But they have an elite franchise center in Bergeron and an elite franchise goalie in Rask (although he might not be playing that well atm), both in their primes. They're a bubble team at best (although they were unlucky to miss last year), but they're too good to get top-5 picks (unless they win a lottery I guess) and they still have too many pieces of a contender to just blow it up and start from scratch. Their best chance is making some killer trade, because I don't think they have much cap space to sign a star in free agency. NJ's record is better than they've played; they had a 4 game winning streak, but 3 of those were in OT/SO, which is not sustainable.
  15. Staal doesn't play for Tampa; he plays for Carolina. He's not worth it for the Jets to get; he's on a contract year and the Jets aren't contenders- he won't win them a cup. They'd be better off going for a Bozak type, who's got several years on his contract and will come relatively cheap. Bozak's also good at face-offs and PKing and a solid #2/#3 center.
  16. well, Byfuglien is in a contract year so you might trade him just for that? shrug, I think the Jets would still be better off resigning him though, provided they keep the length of the contract reasonable. Byfuglien has a penalty problem but I think right now your opinion is being affected too much by a small sample size. And him being able to play forward also adds a lot of flexibility.
  17. Byfuglien has discipline problems but he's still your best defenceman by far, at least right now. Trading him would be a step back when the Jets are trying to get to the top tier.
  18. Minnesota is losing money because they're spending too much money. Their revenues are decent. Tampa on the other hand has I think the fifth or sixth lowest revenues in the league. Combine that with a high salary hit and they're I think bottom-3 in terms of income, ahead of only Carolina and Florida. I'm not sure they sell out, but if they do it's because their ticket prices are some of the lowest in the league. Arizona has the lowest revenues in the league. The only reason they're not losing more money is because they have the lowest salaries in the league as well. I have no doubt that their revenues will increase as they become better, but so will their costs. And you have to spend to be a good team in the long-term. They might have drawn crowds in 2012, but they were still losing money and bankrupt the entire time; the league was giving them money to stay afloat.
  19. ^ If Arizona hadn't been one of Bettman's "pet" franchises in that he was the one to bring the original Jets there, it probably would have been moved by now. IIRC the Coyotes had to file for bankruptcy in 2009. They tried boosting its popularity by changing it from Phoenix to Arizona last year, but it didn't really work. I think at this point people are hoping that if the Coyotes get the #1 pick next year and get Auston Mathews, who's from Arizona, it'll change, but I doubt it. Tampa Bay has shown that despite how good you are, some places just aren't good spots for hockey (they lost money last year). I don't see the home-born superstar thing having that big an effect.
  20. I would have preferred a Liberal minority, but Harper has been terrible with a majority. @Life- He's completely ruined Canada's international relationship; literally every single major international newspaper who spoke at all about the Canadian election called out both him and his campaign. Here's the NYT and here's Al-Jazeera; I can easily produce 10 more examples if you want. Your view is extremely Israel-centric; Harper's diehard Israel support under any and all circumstances no matter what their actions probably makes you happy, but it cost him points with a lot of Islamic countries. He pulled Canada out of the Kyoto accords and had literally no plan on tackling climate change (the opposite, he slashed environmental regulations). Then when the provinces cut emissions on their own, he boasted about how he was the first PM to grow the economy while reducing emissions at the same time. Canada failed to have a seat on the UN Security Council for the first time ever. He ran on a platform of accountability and openness in 2006 when he was first elected, right after the Liberal sponsorship scandal. But his tenure as PM was one of the most secretive and closed-off ever. After refusing to provide information to the Parliament, his became the first Canadian government ever to be held in contempt by the Parliament. He limited the questions he would answer to the media to 5 a day. He told his MPs to avoid debates as much as possible. He used omnibus bills so that nobody knew all that he was proposing until it had already been passed. His election campaign was absolutely fucking appalling; I disliked Harper prior to it and detested him after it. It was the most partisan campaign I've ever seen. He chose to spend millions of dollars fighting an unconstitutional case preventing a woman from wearing a niqab at her oath of citizenship. Only three!!! women have ever chosen to do so, yet he made it into a huge deal to pander to his Islamophobic base and steal the Islamophobes supporting the NDP in Quebec*. He talked out of his ass about how marijuana was way way worse than tobacco. This is a dumb stance in itself but hardly unique; then, in the dying days of the campaign, he got the Ford brothers to support his campaign and rally for him, so that he could get some Etobicoke ridings. You know, Rob Ford, the dude who did crack??? *This was what got the Liberals the majority. The Liberals' Quebec base wasn't against niqabs so they didn't care that Trudeau opposed Harper. But Mulcair's dropped significantly, and those votes went to the Conservatives and the BQ. This is why around 2 weeks prior to the election, the Conservatives were leading in polls and NDP had dropped to third. Then with around a week left and the 3-way tie finally broken, the Anybody-but-Harper vote solidified into Liberal support rather than being split between the Liberals and the NDP, which caused a Liberal surge and cost the NDP to drop further both in Quebec and outside. Trudeau isn't perfect. He's probably going to make some dumb gaffes and I'm not entirely convinced of his policy understanding either. But at the least he seems interested in bridging gaps between people of different political, social, and racial leanings, rather than making them larger, and actually connecting with people around Canada. Can you see Harper doing bollywood? And yeah, maybe he'll break his promises wrt electoral reform and infrastructure funding and climate change and all the rest. But at least I'm depending on someone with a clean slate to keep his promises, as opposed to someone who's already broken them, and who has no interest in me anyways because I'm not part of his base.
  21. Leafs fan here. Going to be a miserable two years or so. Their puck control has actually improved considerably under Babcock, but without Kessel they don't have the finishing. The next two years don't have practically-surefire-studs at the top either, and with the new lottery rule changes who even knows. Honestly their best chance to become good is Stamkos deciding he's done with Tampa, but idk why he'd ever want to go from a contender to a team that's just started rebuilding. But Babcock came so who knows???
  22. Sabriel is great. I loved it in middle school. I read it again in high school and didn't realize how almost... dark the trilogy is? I haven't read the prequel, Clariel, but I heard it was a little lacking, sadly.
  23. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I think Baldrick should be at least temporary blacklisted from games. At the least, I will be blacklisting him from games I host. Baldrick, I think you're a cool dude outside of mafia but you get too emotionally invested and angry when things don't go your way in a mafia game. This is I think the third time you've modkilled yourself (Spellcard, SF3, and now RO2). I don't think you were intentionally trying to get SB subbed, but it was again you getting too into the game in a bad way. EDIT: I also think it's incorrect to say that things like what Baldrick did don't affect a large amount of players. SB's slot ended up being lynched because his sub didn't know what SB had fakeclaimed. I don't think SB would have won the game even if he hadn't been modsubbed, but it definitely affected the game and made for a kind of lame ending.
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