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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    sure paperblade if he's up for it
  2. yes, he has 'benefits' that he probably doesn't want to claim because they're scummy
  3. kirsche also doesn't have all the claims and it doesn't make sense for the dayvig to be mafia? If they're ITP it still makes sense for mafia to have a BPV if there's a dayvig SK wandering about
  4. why not? consider scum!Blitz's position, he just came back into the thread with like 10 minutes left and he's about to be lynched, it's not like he has time for an elaborate claim so he's going to go with his real role most likely
  5. I think if there's a town dayvig and kirsche also has another vig claim, mafia having bpv makes quite a lot of sense also you're really not in a position to be cagey about your role dude
  6. well, you're going to be lynched in 13 minutes so you should claim
  7. god fine here's some ice cream shinori nsfw, yes, ice cream can be nsfw
  8. damn you Unilever: Prior to 2006,[2] Breyers was known for producing ice cream with a small number of all-natural ingredients. In recent years, as part of cost-cutting measures since their move from Green Bay, Wisconsin to Unilever's U.S. headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,[3] Unilever has reformulated many of its flavors with nontraditional, additive ingredients, significantly changing the taste and texture of their desserts as a result.[2] @Paperblade- kirsche proved mayor though? And sure he didn't prove the whole mason thing but that was just part of him proving his alignment, which I didn't do either. I agree with what you say about Blitz and Rapier though. And yeah actually Rapier/Weapons being buddies doesn't make much sense for them to give such similar claims in the case that town decided their roles couldn't work that way and one of them would be lynched.
  9. chocolate I used to have such fond memories of Breyers when I was a kid, maybe I've just had better ice cream brands recently but it tasted synthetic and gross
  10. I'm out of emails my god this is some terrible ice cream
  11. I fell asleep for half an hour but it's ok, I return, with ice cream iirc the impression I got from Weapons was "Rapier could be scum but it's unlikely" so I don't really think he'd switch unless he had to?
  12. but if you tried to be from kansas (a kansasite?) it could be like The Wizard... of Oz!
  13. read Eury's ISO and I changed my mind; Eury is prolly town but she's not as obvtown as she was the last game @Eury- I'm actually not 100% sure why there were so many more people against town leader this game? There are a lot of newer players like Gaius and even you, Randa, and Terra and I can get why you guys were apprehensive, but I'm not sure about like SB and Paperblade? The latter was cool with it and cool with being co-town leader with me even though neither of us were "clear" and SB also claimed to me soooooooo idk? Now that I think about it the thing with Paper being cool about people claiming to non-clear people in CYOR and him talking about how people are way too loose with their claims way long ago kind of are contradictory. do you have a PR where you have to say dude or something or are you RPing or just trying to be californian Refa
  14. man I'm tired and forgot to convert timezones and also thought phase ended on the hour and not at the half hour so there's actually an hour and 45 minutes left rather than 15 minutes like I thought I guess Baldrick's pov makes a little more sense now but still disagree honestly not sure if I can stay up that much longer
  15. no I get that you also think Rapier is scummy but you also said you were willing to have Blitz be hammered so it's like why did you switch back to Rapier when Blitz has more votes?
  16. can we have votals? I am not going to vote for Rapier unless he becomes the leader in votes and I have to do so to secure a lynch.
  17. Refa are you switching away from Blitz just because of Gaius not giving opinions until pressed cuz frankly I think that has more to do with his inexperience than his alignment
  18. speaking of Gaius I have no idea how to read him; it's true he hasn't really had any content but like he also hasn't played before, and he's at least posting more actively and getting more into the goings on than a lot of people in their first game? And at least he has opinions, sort of.
  19. not really? If we are going to lynch Blitz, he isn't around, and he hasn't claimed to anyone who isn't around either, I don't really see the point in waiting the extra 50 minutes or whatever. I got Refa's reason for wanting to ensure that Gaius gave an opinion on Blitz before his flip, but it seems to me like you're delaying for the sake of delaying.
  20. but it apparently makes sense for Weapons'/Rapier's roles to coexist according to both of them so I would think either neither of them is scum or both are? idk Also Rapier sounds like town Rapier to me so I don't really want to lynch him. Giving people passes because of not claiming is dumb because then scum would purposely not show up at deadline. Yes, this sometimes leads to power role (doctor) lynches, but like, it's the price you have to pay so that scum can't just hide from the thread.
  21. just going to ##Unvote, ##Vote: Blitz because I'm really tired and I may pass out
  22. tbh I get the cases on both blitz and baldrick? leaning blitz right now because in terms of tone I feel like there's a bigger difference in his game than in baldrick's game
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