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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    The Well

    I can't believe via didn't ask about what type of POKEMON you'd be (what type would you be?) how do math and chemistry work with each other?
  2. BBM

    The Well

    or if Manix gets voted in, you can spend next round voting for Urykins, Vhaltz, and Weapons
  3. BBM

    The Well

    elie psych manix
  4. lol I guess SF Mafia is ready for mafia, just not for anon games
  5. BBM

    The Well

    my next five avatars? idk I'll probably keep Mega Sceptile until I either get really into some anime, or until someone suggests an amusing meaning for BBM and I change my name and want an avatar that goes with it (like Stay Puft for BigBadMarshmallow). uhh psych, elie, manix, kirsche, refa, scorri, j00, euklyd?
  6. BBM

    The Well

    guessing you mean mass 1x lightning-rod? tbh I think it's a little weak. It screws over the town's roles as well as the mafia's and unless there's a doctor alive, it still lets the mafia kill someone. It's useful only if there's a second anti-town kill around or if the mafia has some really good ace role in the bag (there was something like this in Carnival Phantasm but I can't remember what exactly), and even then, mass-hook is much better as a phase-skip.
  7. Not really to be honest. I'm not LTCing this game, but promoted fliers never hurt, especially as there's nobody else to funnel EXP into except maybe Vega (whom as I said is actually proving slightly disappointing already). She's also actually very competent with the Thunder Sword even at base (although she needs a weapon level+ to be able to use it), and there are very few physical enemies with good magic stats in this game.
  8. BBM

    The Well

    I make a lot more gambits and make more reaction tests in OC because they work way better in real-time. In NOC I look at ISOs and stuff way more than I look at logs in OC; I tend to remember my reads and feelings more from real-time convos than in-thread posts. In NOC I have to look at ISOs a lot more when building cases, especially mine, because even as town I often forget what my less major reads were. I've actually always wanted to say this but always felt if I did it in the middle of a game people would think I was mafia who couldn't remember reads because I was faking them. Now I guess people have to think about whether I'm playing the metagame (and whether I'd say that if I was). ROLE MADNESS. I just don't feel as motivated as a vanilla, because I feel like I can only help my alignment in one way (my in-thread play), whereas with a role I can help in that way and also help via my role. I know some people like being a vanilla because they can play obvtown without having to worry about being killed, but I've never been able to modulate my play according to my role. That's partly why I've been killed N1 so much as Doctor, and another part is probably because I feel motivated with a good role like Doctor and therefore play better in-thread. My feelings about ORAS are a little mixed. I think the maingame is a lot better, and they did a lot to reduce the monotony of the water routes. However, my absolute favourite thing about Emerald, and why I put so many hundreds of hours into it, was the Battle Frontier, and they removed it. I mean, I understand it wasn't in RS, but neither was the Delta Episode or the Battle Resort (a very poor man's Battle Frontier) or a bunch of other things. I read that the developers didn't think a lot of people would be super interested in it because people no longer wanted to put a lot of time into demanding/challenging things, which I personally think is total BS. I played through the main story, I played through Delta Episode, I beat the E4 a second time, and now I will probably never play the game again (well, never is a strong word but you get the point). My feelings about Mega Sceptile are also mixed. The design is aesthetically super cool. However, Grass/Dragon sounds cooler than it really is, and Lightningrod? Really? My favourite TRS character is Narron, #diamondintherough. I know it's a little unoriginal to have the best character in the game be your favourite character, but even his personality is endearing in his conversations. I like Raffin too; it's hilarious that he gets a bunch of chicks. Lionel is pretty cool too. None of the female characters in TRS make an impact on me tbh.
  9. BBM

    The Well

    I became a fan of the Treecko line because it was my first starter in my first main series pokemon game, and I've spoken in detail about how important Pokemon Emerald is to me. I chose it because it shows up in Pinball R/S to give you an extra pokeball, and that was my first video game ever. As for Pokemon Adventures, I was just on Serebii one day and I saw pages about pokemon manga and I was curious, so I started reading it. I became The Legendary Mafia AddictTM because I joined SF and I loved all of you guys so much that I just couldn't leave or stop playing. True fictional story. The story behind 'BBM-level reading skills' is just me missing small things and rules a lot, such as in my first game, GSM (it didn't start that early but that's probably the best example). The story behind Hitler is what Rein said. Marth, mafia- My initial impression was that you were really bad at defending yourself from lynches, and my current impression is that you're now at a point where you play well enough that you don't get a lot of heat on you most of the time, so you don't need to defend yourself from lynches. Also, you get bizarrely overconfident in your reads sometimes, not enough that it's a rule but enough to be a pattern. @SB- Because you get along with everybody so nobody wants to kill you but you're too innocent to fuck. I'm not sure I ever remember you swearing, even though you've probably done it a bunch of times. But didn't Paperblade say he'd fuck you? idk @Poly- Sorry but worst role is probably the one you designed for Persona 3 where Chidori could become town and just betray the mafia totally. TBF Psych did this first in Shining Force with the town/mafia lovers but at least they needed to survive to win, so the mafia could have killed one to screw them over out of spite.
  10. BBM

    The Well

    read what I said about why they're my favourites
  11. BBM

    The Well

    fuck Cop because I hate it when I get inspected, marry Vig because it's awesome, kill Watcher because it's left-over kill Dr.Rawr because I don't know him at all so I wouldn't feel bad, marry Serela because he's a cool guy even if he can't play mafia, and so fuck Raikaria
  12. BBM

    The Well

    Poly: mafia- My initial impression was that you shouldn't have played mafia if you didn't have time for it, my impression in the middle was that you were getting better and that you cared more than I thought, and my current impression is that you shouldn't play mafia if you don't have time for it. non-mafia- My initial impression was that you were someone who watched Fairy Tail, and my current impression is that you get too excited about little things. Mitsuki: mafia- My initial impression was that you focused too much on small things, and my current impression is kind of like what I feel about Boron's play, except I think you're not as good at appearing townie, but you have slightly better reads and are a little better at persuading people. tbh I'm not entirely sure how much of this is you and how much is Vhaltz. non-mafia- My initial impression was that you were a little aloof and my current impression is that you're really good at making people feel better, and you take a little long to open up to people, which was probably why I thought you were aloof at first? MAFIA: mafia- My initial impression was that it was a fun way to improve my logic and deduction skills and my ability to persuade people. My current impression is that I've hit a block in improving my skills and now it's just a lot of effort (which is why it sucks). non-mafia (aka the community)- My initial impression was that most people were elitist jerks and my current impression is that most people are gay elitist jerks, except now I'm one of them.
  13. BBM

    The Well

    My first impression of Kaoz was that he was a dick and my current impression is that he's a massive dick (which is why he wants me to snap)
  14. BBM

    The Well

    I'm going to take 'mafia' as impressions of their play/mafia-personality and 'non-mafia' as general personality impressions, but in a lot of cases they're going to be pretty connected. Prims: mafia- Initial impression was just that you were really adept at figuring things out from small clues. Current impression is the same I guess but with more experience myself I don't feel as awed and ready to sheep you without question? You're good at convincing people though; if this was NO EFFORT MAFIA you would have max persuasion. non-mafia- Initial impression was that you were cocky and oversure of yourself. Current impression is that you're cocky in things where you know you're competent because you feel a little insecure in other areas. Elie: mafia- Initial impression was that you were clever to use the fact that you were totally clueless to your advantage. Current impression is that you can't earlygame and that generally messes up most of your game. Also, when you try to fix past mistakes I feel like you can overcorrect? non-mafia- Initial impression was that you were a generally cool dude. Current impression is that you're a bamf; you get chicks falling all over you and obsessed with you all over the place Boron: mafia- Initial impression was that you were too cautious and deliberated too much about reads and actions and everything. Current impression is that you're unmemorable you're very good at looking good but a little weak at actually being correct (as town). And you're not unmemorable exactly, but somehow even when you put in a lot of effort it doesn't feel like you impose your will on the game. non-mafia- My first thought about you was that you take responsibilities very seriously, both those given to you by others and those you took for yourself. While I still think that's true now I also think that you get too emotionally attached to things. My initial impression of first-impression questions was that it was an interesting idea; my current impression is that they're a PITA and I'm not even done answering all of them. If I wake up tomorrow and see I have to do a bunch more other than Poly and Mitsuki and mafia, I may snap.
  15. BBM

    The Well

    I like killing roles, but I like ones with gimmicks rather than just vanilla x-shot vigs. Also I like being Oracle because getting nightkilled is an ego boost and I get to help town by doing it. Bomb too I guess but lol nobody uses that. ITP > Town > Mafia. I like the challenge of staying at a constant low level of suspicion while still scumhunting and stuff; it's cool. Beyond that I feel like playing as mafia is more similar game to game because you're not really trying to scumhunt; you're just formulaically trying to look good, so it's at the bottom. I've just gotten really lazy and also have less time so I try to cut corners where I can, and you're the easiest one ;_; Experimenting wouldn't happen in a plant or anywhere where any damage could get out and hurt people either through the release of the energy or the radiation, but for the sake of the question, I'd probably own up in public and resign for making such a mistake. I might or might not be charged with involuntary manslaughter for that idk. DEATH TO BANDWAGONERS (next post)
  16. BBM

    The Well

    well I have to kill Manix, and SB is underage so I can't fuck him Grovyle Probably Lati@s? I struggle to read Prims honestly; I use a lot of WIFOM in my scumhunting and he's the one who plays to it most often. I'm not really very good at reading Shin either; he plays the same as either alignment. Reading Refa was easy in the time period after he rolled scum 10 times in a row because he'd be so excited to be town but now that that's fading away I can't really read him either.
  17. BBM

    The Well

    Prims SB Manix
  18. the streak is dead long live the streak etc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_RMWYZYyUA&feature=youtu.be New Characters New Skills
  19. BBM

    The Well

    @Manix- It was probably a little unfair to have you as the representative of all spamposts and Eury as the representative of all wallposts, but the main reason I prefer shorter posts is that most often when they're responding to a post they just quote it, because it's quicker when there's only one post. I prefer that to having to click on links or find post #X (a little hypocritical because I do that myself) because it's less hassle. But wallposts almost always have links in them, because if you have a lot of words, the writer generally realizes that having ten quotes in there looks really unwieldy. Those big quotestrippy posts are the exception that proves the rule because they don't actually have a lot of content in them most of the time. I can also skim through a ton of spamposts faster than I can digest a huge wallpost. As for Eury, her posts are approximately the same length as either alignment, but I find there's a definite lack of motivation as scum. Her wallposts aren't as often and she'll make them just once or twice a day phase to try to coast. TBF though I can't really remember the last time she was scum and I was town (my scum meta comes from times when we were buddies). I haven't really done a lot of touristy stuff outside of Toronto in Canada that I remember, and I haven't lived anywhere for long enough that I can remember other than Toronto and Mumbai. I can't speak for Canada as a whole but I love Toronto; there are so many different communities and cultures you can experience downtown, and in the suburbs it's more quiet and peaceful too. But the transit system here is absolutely terrible. I could write an essay on it but the gist of it is that we haven't done enough work on it. In the 60s and 70s when our subway was first built, it was actually one of the best in the world. But then other countries made major improvements while we've only made minor additions in the last 40 years. The main reason behind it is that every mayor announced their own transit plan, and their successor would scrap the old plan and try to implement a new one, and so on. The transit problem is compounded by the way that Toronto was designed- I think something like 75% of Toronto's population lives in suburbs, meaning there's a huge amount of people trying to commute downtown on a system that doesn't reach far enough. As for Mumbai I love the energy it has, but sometimes the cityscape seems very drab... compared to Toronto there's much less greenery around. My first impression of you was that you didn't take very much too seriously and had a slightly odd sense of humour, and my current impression is... basically the same?
  20. BBM

    The Well

    5 favourite video games, no particular order, would probably be Bravely Default, Pokemon Emerald, Fire Emblem 7, Civilization 5, and not sure if it counts but Runescape? Bravely Default is just a really fun RPG with interesting characters, cool mechanics, and a good story, at least until you have to do a boss gauntlet 4 times. That diminished it a lot for me but even then I enjoyed it a lot. Emerald and FE7 are probably the games with the most nostalgic value for me, and although there are other Pokemon and Fire Emblem games that I can acknowledge are better made, none of them have had as great an impact on my life. If I hadn't gotten obsessed with Emerald, I wouldn't have started reading pokemon fanfics, and wouldn't have joined a forum, and if FE7 hadn't gotten me into drafting I probably wouldn't have stuck around on SF to get into mafia either. I joined SF long before I started drafting but I'd be active for a few weeks and then get bored and then wouldn't come back for a few months or so because I'd get impatient with the lack of activity (NSider the first was incredibly active, which is also why I can't stick around on NSider 2- it doesn't match up to the original for me and makes me incredibly sad). Civ 5 is an awesome amalgamation of tactics, resource management, and diplomacy, and I love it. Runescape is another game that like Emerald and FE7 I haven't actually played for a while but holds a lot of nostalgia for me because I spent a lot of time there. I especially loved doing quests and stuff. My top 5 are all handhelds and computer games because that's what I have/had access to for the most part. I have a PS3 but because it's hooked up to my family TV I can't really use it that often. What's so good about sengoku rance I don't even get it? It's like strategy but also eroge? Honestly I don't get the appeal of eroge games, because, like, why not just watch porn? How do you even get off if you're trying to also play a game or pay attention to a story at the same time? I'd only play/read them for the non-eroge content, in which case adding that is just distracting. This is kind of a cop-out answer but I feel that there isn't really any one mechanic that would work in every single game... Interesting characters and story I guess? Not a mechanic though. Neither extreme is good but if I had to read 50 Manix spam posts or a Eury wall I'd probably choose the former. Good thing I don't need to read Eury's posts to determine her alignment. In the context of not-mafia idrc as long as you're not derailing the thread. In a 4-hour trip without internet I would probably bring my e-reader along with a new book downloaded. idk what I'd do without my e-reader it's awesome. I've gotten probably over a thousand hours out of it and I was given it for free by a friend. Alternatively I'd sleep; sleep is always good. It's just really frustrating when shit doesn't work out, which is why that course turned me off robotics for life. I'm not in a robotics program so beyond that one course I have no real experience with them.
  21. BBM

    The Well

    TO SAVE THE WORLD of course I think that the incredible ability nuclear energy has to produce vast amounts of power is unmatched. Its main flaw (other than stuff blowing up) is that the amount of energy a nuclear plant generates can't be varied to match demand- so at most it can provide a baseline of electricity generation; it can't produce everything. imo THE FUTURE should be nuclear generation for the baseline, hydropower to match variable demand, and solar for transport. I'm not totally sold on the idea of electric cars because yes they cut down on emissions but they represent a very inefficient usage of energy... Power plants (except for solar) essentially convert mechanical energy to electrical energy (and in the non-hydro/wind case there's an additional step of converting thermal energy aka heat to mechanical energy), but electric cars then convert the electrical energy back into mechanical. Electromechanical conversion both ways is probably the most efficienct type of conversion but even then it's a waste if you think about it. But economically feasible electric cars are much closer to being a reality technologically than solar cars, so meh. cough sorry for the spiel I was born in India, moved to the Middle East when I was around a month old, where I lived in Oman until I was 5. I also took a tour of Europe in the middle, and I don't remember much of it but I know I visited France and Switzerland at least (I had my 3rd birthday on a bus there!), and a bunch of other neighbouring countries. I also went to either Singapore or Sydney (they both start with an S okay) at some point to visit an aunt but again I remember very little. Then I moved back to India for a year before I came to Canada, where I've lived since. I've visited US obviously (just New York and New Jersey though), and went to stay with another aunt in England for a summer when I was 10. That's the life story.
  22. BBM

    The Well

    My favourite scumbuddy is probably Refa I guess? scorri receives an honourable mention and deserves to know that she was not #1 because she said she preferred Helios to me as a scumbuddy. SB/Paperblade would be cool, except the only times I was buddies with them were when I was a Traitor and couldn't speak to SB, and when Paperblade and I started off in two different threads in .hack. As for my least favourite recent game, it would probably be EO2? I was just incredibly demotivated as scum in that game and getting hooked every time I tried to do anything and then getting inspected was just like bleh. It also annoyed me that I received suspicion for being hooked on a no-kill night even though I was literally incapable of taking the kill and then got inspected partially because of that #foreversalty
  23. BBM

    The Well

    shh I forgot about that but overall I do still pick you as town more often than not
  24. BBM

    The Well

    idk I thought you didn't mind OC Boron? I can't really remember you ever being in one though, so replace you with Xinny then. As for Prims, you're an entertaining OC player, Really Neato, even. Also Manix is too far. My motto is that if I have to spend more than fifteen dollars getting some place, it's too far. @Manix- I'm normally pretty good at telling when you're town so it's been a pretty long time since I've tried to get you lynched as town? Elie- just one, but with the power of the internet I can be in multiple places at once!
  25. BBM

    The Well

    NOC: Prims Paperblade SB Refa Manix Via Boron j00 Vhaltz or Mitsuki eclipse Elie Xinny OC: Prims Paperblade SB Refa Rein Boron eclipse Blitz Vhaltz or Mitsuki Elie Euklyd Kaoz Kirby and SF3 (see what I said to Elie), and probably Folgore Rangers for ITP? I think I did a good job in terms of staying in a constant low level of suspicion the entire game, and feel like I was less obvious than in Mystery, though that may also be because the existence of an ITP wasn't as obvious as it was in Mystery. not into underage girls; age is just a number but jail is real
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