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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Healing Wish will cause the Blisseys to KO themselves in one turn, and the Toxic Orb will cause those who can't use it to faint in 6 turns max anyways.
  2. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Elie yay masons Signs point to either a cult or a very buff mafia if there are masons and my role and I'm interpreting Prims's crumbs correctly. Before people get on my case for being vague, no, I don't particularly want to be more specific. Elie's Prims suspicion is all just a bunch of shitty speculations and doesn't really make a lot of sense. will probably be busy for the next ~16 hours?
  3. I don't like Refa's last post because it's all defence and then just saying stuff without actually having opinions. He still has his RVS vote, and the questions to the people voting him and to Mancer don't seem like he's really trying very much. He seems to be implying that he thinks Weapons is faking Miller but not as scum which doesn't make sense to me at all, because: a) Weapons has said several times explicitly that he is a Miller and would probably have stopped joking around by now if he didn't intend his claim to be serious b) If he thinks that there's a chance that Weapons is town faking Miller why would he draw scum's attention to this I guess there isn't much scum intent in that part but his thought process baffles me. Elie's vote feels weird because he's certainly played enough games with Prims by now to know that he jokes around a lot and how to separate a serious comment from a non-serious one? I guess the part about Prims crumbing some role so that people let him off the hook is valid but the SB thing makes no sense to me. Since when are people required to ask someone for justification and explanations before voting them? After all he didn't ask Prims to clarify his comments; he just voted him. Paperblade- weren't you talking to me just the other day about people including me doing really scummy stuff and then getting away with it because people think it's too obviously scummy?
  4. SB, I didn't say that I wanted to wait for Refa to post before giving opinions, I said that I wanted him to post before deciding which of you was scummier. I also didn't really see the point in withholding my gut feelings about the double miller claim. Marth and Paper kind of said what I wanted to say about Refa's post. He just says "I'm pretty sure I know which one is faking" but then just sticks to the Randa RVS vote. He kind of implies it's SB because he says he doesn't agree with the Weapons wagon but then the reason he gives for that is a joke so really the post says nothing except just a question for Prims. I... don't get Paper's post about Weapons? For one thing, while I can see the "too scummy to be scum" thing, I feel like I've heard him express wariness of that mentality before, and for another, seeing as Manix is Manix and not Prims, Weapons is probably not Mafia Miller?
  5. well whatever @Via- if I had to pick I'd pick Weapons over SB for more or less what Prims said but I want to see Refa say something
  6. ?_? I'll wait for you to give opinions also fsr I never finished my sentence about gut; Manix is aware that people would accept two Miller claims after Unnamed and I feel he would try to punish town for letting two Miller claims coast
  7. Honestly I think Prims as scum wouldn't retract the Miller claim just because he got CC'd; Manix has included multiple Millers before. Gut says one of SB and Weapons is scum with a mod-given Miller fake because ##Vote: Refa why is it so hard to read two pages of spamposts and one-liners?
  8. well, like... with Tracker and Watcher, results aren't as easy as they are with Cop and Rolecop. With Tracker, you might target someone who hasn't claimed yet, and the info may not be immediately useful, but then later if that person does claim for whatever reason, you can potentially catch them in a lie.
  9. Not really; you just target people you find suspicious and if they visit the nightkill or perform actions that don't match with their claim you vote them. As for the delayed-kill watcher thing, almost the exact same thing happened to me in Golden Sun. I watched Manix, the claimed Reviver, and 4 people visited him and he didn't die. I watched him again the next cycle and nobody visited me and he died. I was like wtf.
  10. Axe users are the most fun to use on easier modes because their low speed doesn't matter as much, and when they double their high strength results in them destroying enemies. So units like Dart, Dorcas, and Bartre will all be really good (Dart especially due to the crit bonus). Jaffar and Guy and crit units in general are fun too (Jaffar isn't technically a crit unit but WHATEVER)
  11. iirc Darros was one of the earlier people to vote you and then since he didn't claim someone thought they were putting you at L-1 and instead you got lynched.
  12. E4 aren't being fought. Considering Norman is attacking Aron with like, Faint Attack, he doesn't need to be evolved. Aron gets Iron Tail iirc, which is a little inaccurate but more powerful than SE Rock Tomb and only Altaria and Pelipper pose threats in the Winona battle. Lairon hits Solrock, Lunatone, and Xatu for SE damage, so once Claydol goes down he should be okay. Solrock is a problem but it'll use up one turn with Sunny Day anyways, and you can kill it with Lairon + your partner by then. He definitely doesn't deserve to be below Vulpix, who is around for two gyms and gets wrecked by one of them. Actually Vulpix may need to be removed from the list altogether because iirc wild ones at Mt. Pyre are ~level 25, which is over the limit? He's better than Magnemite too. Magnemite requires backtracking, isn't actually very good against Winona because it'll probably be underleveled, and gets wrecked by T+L way worse than Aron. It's good against Juan but I don't think that outweighs Aron being good against Norman and inferior availability. Swablu needs to go way down. It's pretty terrible until evolution (which is after Aron -> Lairon btw), so it's pretty much just fodder until T+L, where it's okay but doesn't do anything of real worth, and then gets wrecked by Juan.
  13. exact same thing happened to me btw I told you my alias asking for an alias trade and you killed me Proto
  14. well yes, but I saw it as also a hint that something might be released where that happens (after all we're speculating that the Battle Frontier is getting released later on as DLC aren't we?)
  15. Why is Aron so low? It's pretty good against Norman, Winona, and Tate+Liza too.
  16. I was surprised there was no MEGA PIKACHU tbh At the end of Delta Episode, Steven says he wants to go on a journey to improve his knowledge and stuff, which kind of felt like foreshadowing some future thing where Wallace replaces him as Champion and Steven goes off to do stuff.
  17. the first EiMM had no talking at all (just shooting people) then it became srs bsns in also are we going to get any restrictions for our role picks?
  18. BBM

    The Well

    Prims, Psych, Elie
  19. BBM

    The Well

    Via got killed by the mafia dayvig IIRC (they claimed Doc to draw the CC)
  20. It kind of looks like you accidentally clicked up as well as left, ended up with the cursor on the Merc, and then just decided from there to move the cursor one space up rather than down.
  21. yeah I know; I kept seeing better deals for all the games I was interested in everywhere else and kept saying DAMNIT BEST BUY
  22. Great thread; I just got a best buy card too and I'm also looking for stuff. Dunno where you are but in my area, Assassin's Creed 4 is on sale for 10 bucks (PS3 only though).
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