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Everything posted by BBM

  1. So guys there's that one room in Sea Mauville where you enter and you get a "you feel like you're being watched" message. But I went around and clicked everything in the room I'm pretty sure and can't find anything?
  2. That's true of like FE7 Oswin and FE10 Gatrie but the rest are mediocre at best even for casual runs (except for GENERAL AMELIA of course). I guess General Wolf/Sedgar are good for casual play in H5 but is that the class or the characters?
  3. clearly the solution is to give the Doc CPR abilities; kirsche lasted to endgame in SF3 and killed two scum!
  4. Serebii is a little confusing to navigate at first but IMO it's just the best general pokemon info site by far. If you spend a little time learning how it works then it has more info than any other site (though Bulbapedia is more aesthetically pleasing I will admit), and is always one of the first, if not the first, to get their site fully updated with info from new games, both before and after release. Also I think people keep telling you to look things up online because it'll be faster for you, since you won't have to wait for someone here to see your question, essentially do the research for you, and then type up the answer.
  5. southampton will make the champion's league I believe I just really want either southampton or west ham to make it and not choke the second half of the season and have the top 4 just return to chelsea/man c/man u/arsenal
  6. In FE6 Brigands could cross mountains and Pirates could cross water and then their shared promo the Berserker could cross both and also got a crit bonus. And then Fighters couldn't do either and promoted into Warriors and got bows. That's kind of distinct.
  7. except the problem with that is that most FE games have a few chapters of bandits, where knights face WTD, so if they're supposed to be mini-jeigans that help out defensively for the first half of the game that doesn't really work too great... EDIT: Oswin in HHM works better kind of because he has really overkill defence and due to lyn mode being the real beginning of the game there are a lot more early non-axe using units than in most games
  8. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    The gimmick was that the ITP (Merlinus) could target people and buff their roles permanently. He won if everybody of the winning faction alive at the end of the game was buffed or something like that but I decided after Toonami that I didn't want an ITP who was such a big kingmaker in terms of making one faction stronger than the other. A lot of the other roles got folded into other setups I hosted/plan to host so I won't talk about those.
  9. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I was going to host a FE7 mafia (I think it was even on the queue) but then Toonami happened and I decided to scrap that setup.
  10. That tier list is like... really really outdated and going to the last page, there hasn't been actual discussion in it for more than 3 years. Since then a lot of mindsets have changed as people have become better at playing the game efficiently. For one thing, primary Warping duties generally don't fall to primary staffers like Serra and Priscilla now- people use Pent and promote either Lucius, Erk, or Canas and get them to A rank. So things like Priscilla being the third-highest unit and Serra being at the top of High would most definitely no longer be true if a more current list was made. Raven would probably be High at best, because he doesn't have a mount and people have generally become less reliant on overkill stats to get the job done. Heath, Fiora, and Rath would probably all be higher as well. It's still your choice at the end of the day though.
  11. Hey, I've only watched the first two parts so far but keep up the good work! One thing though, which tier list are you using as reference, and what are you classifying as "low"? I don't think Erk would be under Upper Mid and I heard you talk about using Rath in the first video- he probably shouldn't be any lower than that either.
  12. Legendaries in general had their catch rates increased in X/Y, and some specific ones have had their catch rates increased a huge amount, including Rayquaza. I think I caught him with 2 Ultra Balls after he was in the red, but there's reportedly a decent chance of catching him with one even at full health. Deoxys isn't quite as easy to catch but is also not quite as difficult as you might expect. Your pokemon are probably in the 60s so I don't think it's necessary to use a Master Ball, especially if you have something that can status it. Deoxys will come out guns blazing with Psycho Boost and probably knock out at least one pokemon but this lowers its Sp.Atk by two stages, so after two or three his damage output is relatively low. The more annoying thing is that he boosts his defences really high with Cosmic Power and can heal HP with Recover, but it's still a waiting game.
  13. Axes aren't dominating because they're axes; they're dominating because of the people who use them. If you took axes away from the FE7 Paladins they'd still be awesome because they can switch to lances and just lose a point or two of Mt. Dracoknights/Wyvern Riders still kicked ass before they switched from maining lances to maining axes. If axes were so dominating, you would expect that mono axe-users would be the best infantry units in the game, but this is only true of FE9!Boyd and maaaaybe FE10!Nolan at a stretch. In every other game your Fighters are mediocre at best even compared to other infantry (discounting the reclass games because half the time your axe-users don't stay in that class). Actually your best infantry axe-users are generally Heroes, but they like axes just for the 1-2 range. If you gave them lances upon promo they would be totally fine with it since most of them have good strength. A small hit nerf to axes would be okay but -40 hit is aimed at all the wrong people.
  14. The axe nerf is a really bad idea because you presumably want to nerf axe-using paladins and the like- this is very easy; take away axes like in FE8. All the hit nerf does is penalize Fighters, because mounted units can just switch to lances anyways, which are only slightly worse, whereas Fighters already face hit issues in the earlygame and are generally a mediocre class anyways. The SPD thing is rather pointless because games prior to Awakening all had x2 SPD in the AVO calculations and there was no real difference? I think you're trying to nerf mounts here with 'units don't outright excel in SPD but can still dodge reliably' but in reality it's a very minor nerf that probably affects actual dodge-tanks more because they're much more reliant on dodging than mounts, even if they have more avoid. For the wall staff I think you mean that units need MORE than that amount of RES to pass through? Rewarding low-RES units doesn't really make sense to me. In any case, mounted healers' main advantage over infantry healers is rescue-drop stuff, not really staff shenanigans because most (not all) of the time you're warping at the start of the map.
  15. I don't think you can face the E4 again before completing Delta Episode, and they get a boost when you do (~10 levels as well as slightly different pokemon and movesets), so be careful.
  16. BBM

    The Well

    What kind of steps do you take when you're creating a themed setup? Do you begin with an idea or mechanic or role that is very tied to the theme and then build roles around there or do you make the roles and then assign a theme to it afterwards and maybe adjust it a little according to that? I guess along the lines of Manix's question, which roles do you think are lame or unfun for players involved (you can split it into OC and NOC if you think that distinction is important).
  17. Dondon, do you think knights would be better if they were given no terrain penalties and pegs/wyverns didn't exist?
  18. I can't believe Bayern was in the Euro Cup in the first place lol; how did they fall out of the top 4 last season? But you got almost even odds against them; that's pretty amazing all things considering. Sutton on the rise! Who won the Champion's League? Not Chelsea apparently if they didn't get the triple. My guess would be Barcelona?
  19. Actually, FE7 Generals have a 24 SPD cap, the same as Eliwood and higher than male Wyvern Lords. But Heath is going to hit his cap of 23 and Eliwood will probably get close to his too, whereas you could give Oswin every Speedwing in the game and he'd still be lucky to hit his. And Oswin already has the highest defence in the game afaicr (only Hector comes close) so I don't think that would make any difference at all. The leadership stars + low hit rates are an interesting idea but personally I just hate the idea of low hit rates because it's like fake difficulty. I think altering mounted stats to make them less durable and boosting enemy stats to make them more accurate and make them hit harder would be better, but this might negatively affect Myrmidons so shrug.
  20. Ana, do you have OR or AS? If it's the former I'll buy it from you for 20 bucks the next time you decide you don't want to play this game.
  21. PCSX2 is pretty good. I had some problems on FoW maps where the FoW would be present, as in I couldn't see enemy units standing in it, but it wouldn't actually be displayed on the map, so it looked like an empty map where enemy units came out of nowhere. Not sure if that was the rom or the emulator though.
  22. yeah bad natures are fun. I had: Bold Sharpedo (-Atk +Def) Modest Gallade (-Atk +Sp.Atk) Modest Sceptile (-Atk +Sp.Atk) Sceptile still wrecked but man I wonder how much better it could have been with better Leaf Blades and Dual Chops and stuff. I was also like 5-15 levels below the E4 and Steven so that was actually kind of difficult. Sidney and Phoebe were pretty easy but Glacia took a couple tries and so did Drake. Steven only took one funnily enough but had the greatest finish ever, where I got his Mega Metagross to suicide on my Sharpedo's Rough Skin because it was OHKOing everything
  23. I don't really think it makes sense for an efficiency tier list to say that Volug is worse than Ilyana because he saves no turns despite being a generally capable unit (which he is- talking about how he is worse than one of the best units in the game does not prove otherwise), while Ilyana helps save one turn in one place or whatever and then is benched forever. It would be like saying Eirika is better than Ephraim because she crits that one dude in Prologue and saves a turn and Ephraim never saves a turn, which I think is kind of dumb. @elliot- tbf a lot of viewpoints have changed over the last three years
  24. I think that in addition to your reviews for each character about how useful they are in 0% growths, a quick blurb on their uses in a normal playthrough with growths would also be useful, or at least consistent with how in-detail you're going into the uses of weapons and game mechanics. All of that seems geared towards a very beginning FE player, but such a player would probably enjoy non-0% growths reviews more. Other than that, keep up the work! I haven't actually listened to the videos yet, but I will tonight.
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