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Everything posted by BBM

  1. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    skimmed the thread and there are like no new wagons and nobody is voting Euklyd with me ;_; I'm pretty convinced off the newest posts that Paperblade is town so dunno I may just vote Shin as the least bad option if people don't vote Euklyd before I get home. I still think Euklyd has a good chance of being scum; his latest post was like a bunch of scummy things Shin did and then ending with 'but I'm still not totally sure about this' and it's just like ??? what more do you need to be sure about it? I get that you're never like 100% sure, but generally there's no point in saying 'I'm unsure' unless you're less than like 75% percent sure they're scum. Except then he votes Shin afterwards anyways under what just looks like pressure? Also he talks about Mancer's point against Shin about Shin not voting being valid but he himself hadn't even voted until that point, so...
  2. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    Refa, a question- will whatever you want to do tonight help us ascertain Mancer's alignment? Or are we just going to be in the same position tomorrow? my parents told me I had to shovel snow at like 6:30 am so that took half an hour and now I have no time for mafia in the morning. Also going to be home late tonight, like ~2-3 hours before phase end. >_> I feel like Shin has kind of just dropped off the earth so dunno. And we're not lynching Mancer so... Euklyd > Shin > Paperblade out of the current wagons I guess? I think Paperblade's post about me alleviated some of my lingering doubts there. cut by Shin doesn't really change my priority @Paperblade- you have my meta right but my personality totally wrong if you think I'd ever pass up the opportunity to mislynch you if I was scum when it's being presented so easily to me.
  3. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    yeah but if we don't watch Randa he's going to die tonight and then you're going to die tomorrow, whereas if we force them not to kill Randa they'll have to shoot Mitsuki first or go for secondary targets like kirsche instead
  4. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    '- A demonic voice echoed throughout the village. "NOW IT'S REIN TIME (to let somebody else do all the posting for me)." Reinfleche and Refa are now a single playerslot!' from D2 opening post, literally right below the line stating you were revived
  5. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    Randa, Rein and Refa are basically confirmed town unless you think that there is a role that allows a slot with two different alignment or mafia-mafia in it or something you should doc them so that the mafia doesn't twofer btw
  6. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    well I already said that you were town this time so that means I'm town right It's a little difficult to read Paperblade right now because I think this is the first time I've seen him just legitimately not up-to-date with the game as either alignment, but his tone in the first few posts where he was caught-up read as town so I'm going to stick with that. Scum!Paper lurks and doesn't provide much content, but that's when he's caught up and is around all the time but just eschewing content; this doesn't give me the same vibe. @Paper- I think it would be more helpful for everyone if you just posted everything you had in terms of reads even if they were gut reads or whatever. Can't be as bad as people lynching Randa without a claim. as for Euklyd over other lurkers- honestly Poly is doing the exact same thing he's down as town for the last several games so I'm hesitant to vote for him. Shinori generally does get to content sooner or later so I'll wait for that. And then there are Bearclaw and Larsa who are... yeah. And Euklyd posted. Okay I kind of misread what he was trying to say the first time wrt the Randa wagon but I think the essence of my original point still stands; going 'Randa wagon sucked but people who pushed it over Shin were town so oh well who cares' just feels like a really token statement to make. I also don't like how he talks about the Shin wagon as being far superior even though all he said about Shin was 'feels graspy but Shin is always scummy earlygame' and then never voted Shin. Gonna say that I'd also prefer townreads if there are reasons for them as well as a little more behind the Shin and Mitsuki suspicions if he has more time to devote atm? Maybe we can get Gorf or J to sub in? HBC stands for Hitler's Band Club after all HEIL MYSELF
  7. going to spectate @LordKagune- Just a heads up, you're not allowed to edit your posts during the game so be careful of that. If you have trouble remembering there was a script created which hides the edit function in the mafia subforum. Don't know where it is exactly; Euklyd or Junko could probably point you to it more accurately.
  8. Well 14 people is kind of weird numbers for multifaction because you normally want equal numbers in each faction? Not that unequal faction numbers hasn't been done before, but it's more difficult to balance. You could probably add a few ITPs and make it 3/3/3/3/1/1 but eh As for getting enough players, don't know. The last multifaction game never got filled, but it was NOC and also by someone who had a shaky reputation, so difficult to gauge.
  9. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    Also sigh I forgot to say about Euklyd, the bit about Randa just feels very token because it's only sometimes that the main proponents of a mislynch are scum; it's much more often that it's people who jump on later for bad reasons that are scum. So it doesn't really feel very real of him to just dismiss looking at the Randa wagon for potential scum just because some people on the wagon flipped town. I wouldn't even be saying this if you guys hadn't screwed up and lynched Randa without a claim makes you think HEIL MYSELF
  10. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    damnit I accidentally clicked post and didn't heil myself I'm almost as bad as you guys for lynching Randa without a claim Mitsuki should explain her vote on SB more, particularly the part comparing it to his MLP play because I want to see more from someone else who is unsure about SB also Prims are we getting a sub for Larsa? and before I forget again HEIL MYSELF
  11. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    well, nothing like watching Toronto lose 9-2, except maybe watching you guys lynch Randa without a claim so bad It makes me wary because yesterday he went from 'I have no issues with Randa' (albeit fairly in the phase) to voting Randa at deadline more-or-less sheeping my case and then he turned around today and started a case on me which is comprised of stuff that shows he didn't read half my posts because literally the only thing that wasn't incorrect or something I'd already responded to was "BBM used 'don't give him towncred' instead of 'should be null'" I'm suffering a classic case of Day 2 Demotivation, which seems to be happening to me in like every game these days, sigh. Skimmed SB's posts but his content is mostly agreeable except for the vote on me and that's not really worth 180ing on everything else for, so instead I'll just 90 to neutral or something. hashtag yolo ##Vote: Euklyd lurker lynches ftw Euklyd's content-posts are... #253, aka waffling on Shin, 'SB feels like town but meh', and 'I'm not townreading Refa and he's also doing this suspicious thing, but he's really only a nullread' #542, aka 'the Randa wagon sucked but the main proponents flipped town so whoops?' I know I said that there's probably scum on the Randa wagon and there probably still are but I don't really know which of my town/neutral reads are wrong.
  12. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    @Mitsuki you should make someone watch Randa so that he can't be killed (not me); of course maybe you wouldn't have had to do that if you guys hadn't lynched Randa without a claim! also nvm SB didn't post after Refa said not to lynch Mancer until the post where he said he'd case me. Mitsuki can you explain more about the SB thing compared to MLP? Also, I don't really get your point about SB having been able to make these same points earlier. Where's the scum intent in that? Maaaaybe if they're buddies and SB didn't want him to be lynched until today but that seems kind of a stretch. I started rereading Mitsuki but then remembered that her role was obvtown woot kirsche generally seems okay. I don't really agree with the Shin case but I don't think that his park is scummy because he's still talking about a lot of other people and he still does talk about Shin too. Only complaint is probably that it doesn't feel like he's really trying as hard as he could to get Shin lynched? A part of this might be BECAUSE he's still talking about a lot of other people though, so meh. He brings up some good points about eclipse but her tone just feels overall town so ugh I'm inclined to just dismiss that as meta. I'm townreading everyone but Mancer and maybe SB though I was townreading him before his case on me. Dunno how much of my change in opinion is because the case sucked and showed he wasn't reading my posts clearly and how much is reactionary 'screw that dude who just voted for me' MORE REREADING but I probably won't be as efficient because hockey match is going to start in 15 minutes jk I'm always efficient HEIL MYSELF
  13. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    sorry, should be 'Via's Paper suspicion' I know there was no vote maybe there also shouldn't have been all those deadline votes on Randa since he didn't claim!!! heil myself
  14. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    @Paperblade- not really sure what you mean? And in any case it's not like I'm attacking Marth so SB stop being semantic; 'don't give him towncred' is essentially the same thing as 'he should be null' and the reason I used the first wording over the second is because several people explicitly said that they thought Dormio ending RVS was townie. Also the point with me attacking Marth for attacking the Dormio wagon being attacking the Paperblade wagon was something Marth pointed out in his first response to my vote, on D1, and I responded to it. I said that his reason for picking on the Dormio wagon seemed like he was doing it for the sake of doing it for ez content. And you didn't even read what I said about Marth today properly. >_> I didn't say HAMMERER IS TOWN (Marth didn't even hammer for one thing), I said that Marth's tone near the end of the phase seemed really eager to find out the flip, which is generally indicative of town rather than scum because scum already know what the alignment of the flip. The explanation for me saying Via was worse is that Via's Paper vote was purely based on meta of 'Paperblade is lurking' while Marth's had more to it than that. This is something I said in that paragraph itself. Seriously, read my posts properly if you're going to vote me (although I don't know what I'm expecting from someone who lynched Randa without a claim). finally, 'I have nothing to say about Shin' is something I said at one point in time and then I had to repeat it once, that's all. After that I actually did give my own opinions on Shin, #210, #329, #427... also why am I suddenly worse than Mancer? You posted after Refa said the thing about not lynching Mancer and didn't vote me there or even unvote Mancer. eagerly await more from me in my next post HEIL MYSELF
  15. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    oh yeah, one thing SB- why am I suddenly suspicious considering you sheeped my Randa case yesterday? I mean I understand that like everyone else you SUCK for lynching Randa without a claim, but I don't really get this. too lazy to come up with a good lead-in HEIL MYSELF!
  16. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    man I was rereading Mancer and Junko and I want to yell at them for lynching Randa without a claim but so many people did it so I'll just have to yell at ALL OF YOU instead YOU GUYS SUCK I had some issues yesterday about the feeling of Junko's posts being kind of apathetic but I think I feel better about him now, the content seems generally okay if a little sparse. I'm pretty suspicious of Mancer now- a lot of this is sheeped from SB tbh; I also feel a little dumb for dismissing him on town meta so easily yesterday when he actually is making a lot of little accusations he doesn't follow up on. I also don't get his reasons for switching from Marth to Shin; he doesn't explain what Marth does that's better and his reasoning for Shin being worse is basically just that Shin doesn't vote anybody? But Shin isn't the only person who just came in, stated some reads, and left without a vote- I did the same more or less. But Refa really doesn't want to lynch Mancer today ?_? so I'll look at other people as well I guess have to go to DRIVING LESSON now to become best driver in the world jk I already am HEIL MYSELF!
  17. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    I guess I should have made it more explicit- I received a PR that requires me to yell at people for lynching Randa without a claim (you all SUCK) and also end all my posts with 'heil myself'. I don't have a penalty for breaking it but I get a reward (at the end of the phase I'm guessing) if I do this in >50% of my posts. I don't actually think there's a point to yelling at people for lynching Randa without a claim, but I do think that it's likely there was scum on the wagon if for no other reason than probability. @Marth- but like... why would scum!Paperblade decide to push Randa for something and then simply ignore other people for doing the same? Why not push them for it too? If it's scum Paperblade struggling for content as you argue, surely that would be a lot easier? Again, it's only scummy if either Mancer or Shin flips scum. Anyways I thought about it overnight and I've decided that Marth is more likely to be town. I don't think scum would be so eager to hammer Randa at deadline knowing it was going to be a mislynch? It's generally town that are more eager for flips since they don't know the alignment of the person getting lynched. As for the scum on the Randa wagon, the kind-of-nice thing is that there are 2 flipped town + 2 more basically confirmed town on it so there's less people to look at. Going to focus on Mancer/Junko, then Mitsuki/kirsche, and then SB/Paperblade/Eclipse I guess? but that's after SHOWER and LUNCH I would apologize for essentially another prod-dodge but I'm the Fuhrer so glory be to myself HEIL MYSELF
  18. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    @Mancer- via said that they didn't have a night role so probably dayvig @Refa well when I initially cased Randa it was more to just get my thoughts out there about him and why I'd be okay with his lynch, but I still was more interested in lynching Marth at the time. But then everyone just decided Randa was the best case and voted him so I was like sure why not. except that was totally DUMB for you guys to lynch him without a claim but totally okay for me to do that, HEIL MYSELF
  19. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    Marth that doesn't make any sense; why would scum!Paperblade want to use double standards to vote Randa over Mancer/Shin? This only makes sense if Paperblade is buddies with one of them, except associative reads without flips are lame.
  20. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    oh the heil myself is supposed to be at the end, lame but still not as lame as you guys for lynching without a claim, whew Refa why do you think that an ITP is unlikely? It's a 21p game, no harmful ITPs seems unlikely to me. HEIL MYSELF
  21. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    thanks to whomever gave me this PR jk I only thank myself HEIL MYSELF also you guys suck for lynching without a claim Rein/Refa did one of you do this to the other? Also you guys are confirmed same alignment to each other right? Mitsuki can you use the watch thing again or was it 1-shot? gonna look at people whose votes were just sheeping me tomorrow, pretty tired atm
  22. so how big should I make the NSFMM5 setup? ~14/15 range or should I make it a large?
  23. BBM

    CYOU'RE - Game Over

    can I have the honour of hammering since everybody is sheeping my case
  24. well you can have hammers be optional but not necessary for a deadline lynch, so it wouldn't be any worse in *YLO for scum.
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