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Everything posted by BBM

  1. start the season off with a bang against Man City you can do it JUST BELIEVE
  2. I agree that the lack of variety in terms of the number of playable factions is disappointing but I don't really get what you mean by "lack of unit, variety, building and no clear faction"? All I can think of is that you mean that because there are so many choices to make other than just your faction, two different factions which make all the same initial choices otherwise end up being not very different? Which is true I suppose. I would like units/buildings that are unique to each faction as well, rather than just unique to your affinity. Also, I thought the terrain was cool personally, and while you could probably see the similarities in some of the terrain to Civ 5 if you played both in black and white, the colour scheme of the two games are so different that the map felt very unfamiliar to me. I've never played Master of Orion so I can't compare to that game but so far I'm not displeased. I think that with more factions this game could be almost as good as Civ 5.
  3. every time I see a notification from this thread I get my hopes up and then they get dashed every time ;_;
  4. bought beyond earth though I wont have time to play until sunday EDIT: I lied I just played for like an hour. Initial thoughts were that the tech web felt a little confusing because of all the different options you could take. And it'll take a while to figure out the different resources and stuff. I like the quest system though, and the fact that you get to choose which stations (city states) settle near you. Alien AI is kind of weird; they mostly leave my Explorers alone but then they killed one randomly (might have been because it stepped beside a nest) and destroyed a Trade Convoy I sent out. I want to go Harmony so I'm mostly leaving them alone for now.
  5. props to Rapier I thought he did pretty much the best he could given his circumstances
  6. Well in the movie it's kind of weird because the break between him and Cho is because she reveals where the DA is, but that ends up being because of Veritaserum and then she doesn't really come back. But in the book they go on a date and she gets really jealous of his friendship with Hermione and storms out midway and it's kind of a disaster. And yeah I think Rowling always planned Harry x Ginny (since Ron x Hermione was telegraphed from as early as the 2nd book even), which then makes me ??? as Ginny could easily have had a bigger role in the third and fourth books. She has essentially no role in the third book and her only appearance in the fourth book AFAICR is when Harry's trying to get a date. I mean, Ginny went through something extremely traumatic in the second book and I've always been disappointed that we never really saw the immediate aftermath of that. I think it would have made her a deeper character that people liked more. The movies also hype Harry x Hermione a lot (to the extent that they had to add in a scene in the 6th movie where Harry tells Dumbledore he doesn't like Hermione that way, which I always thought was pretty funny). I don't think it was done intentionally so much as being a product of the fact that they gave a good chunk of Ron's lines to Hermione and then Hermione and Harry ended up being better looking than Ron after they grew older.
  7. subbed out or the son of god... subbed out
  8. Those are mostly all games which also have established protagonists for every game (Link, Mario). That style works for games where there are only really a few main characters. I don't think it'd work in a series like Fire Emblem with a huge cast.
  9. are you even allowed to use "make a man out of X" and not refer to Mulan???
  10. tbh you can normally just trade Open Borders for Open Borders. I used to always just buy for 2 gpt because I didn't want to give them out, but realistically if you're going for a non-culture victory you probably have a shitty culture output anyways and are probably going to get people being Influential over you even without that, and if you're going for a culture victory and you don't have the culture production to stave off their tourism you're probably not going to win anyways?
  11. well I think everyone would first marry their favourite character in the first playthrough, but doing it every game would probably get boring, so then in later files they'd go for stats and stuff?
  12. http://gyazo.com/eef8853db0df062e6c771f0e1ac2abc0 I am disappoint
  13. I too want an amazingly accurate Rabbi Review like the one you gave to Cam
  14. for people not on IRC- Elie hasn't really done anything all game other than actively ignore what's going on in-thread. Haven't spoken to him outside of thread but from what others have told me this seems to be mainly for the purpose of reaction testing, except nobody has seen him actually go anywhere with those. also nobody really wants to lynch Eclipse or Walrein, so this is where we're at. an extension would be okay but I can't really devote time tomorrow to mafia because I have a lot of work to do for school. So it doesn't really make a difference to me.
  15. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Elie it's not #followtheleader if I vote first
  16. BBM stood there, streaming with sweat, streaked with brown curry, stained by all the vicissitudes of a day's scumhunting, and decided to take a shower. (spilled a bunch of food on myself; bbl)
  17. I liked oc more back when everybody just claimed to each other on the first phase
  18. SB told me had a somewhat lengthy convo with you, and Refa told me had a 2-line convo with you man I'm tired fuck OC games I don't really want to lynch Eclipse and tbh I'm not even sure if I really want to lynch Walrein. lurker lynch time?
  19. yeah except what are you going to say, 'PEOPLE VOTING ME FOR BEING ANTI-SOCIAL ARE ALL SCUM'? Newsflash, that's practically half the game (though not everybody's votes are necessarily about that). Where's the effort from you to look into your wagon right now? 4 hours left in the phase, you're pretty much the only wagon, and you're talking about how town can get away with being major wagons for 'the greater good'? We've had this discussion in NOC games too- letting yourself be lynched for associative reads doesn't actually get you associative reads step it up
  20. Can the people who've spoken to Walrein tell me how good their convos with him have been? His defence doesn't inspire me, especially after I talked to him a little on PM. I asked him why he hasn't made the effort to talk to many people if he thinks that there's no point to talking in-thread, and he says that he used up all his time at home to talk to the three people he mentioned, which I find a little difficult to believe if they've just been PM convos. I admit I haven't exactly been very proactive either, but I also haven't been espousing the virtues of talking to people out of the thread like he has been. Also I personally like his Eclipse vote the least because since there are two mafia teams, someone leading a lynch on one person who ends up flipping scum doesn't really qualify them to be town leader, if Walrein wants like a super-confirmed-town as leader, and being an ass is just stupid as any alignment. cut by Eclipse- being intentionally anti-social doesn't benefit scum, but it doesn't benefit town either. My gut says you're town throwing a tantrum, which makes me disappointed in you. Okay, you didn't really want to play. So then ask for a sub (seems Vhaltz is available), rather than intentionally dicking your faction over, whatever it might be. You talk about how people should talk to you if they want to lynch you. Don't you think that if you're going to get lynched, you should talk to them too? Other people playing badly doesn't give you the right to do fuck-all either. Play to the best of your abilities or sub out. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Walrein would most rather go with this over Eclipse. Other than the people who straight up said 'sheeping others' (which is at least honest) his vote doesn't actually present any scum intent from Eclipse or even logic.
  21. I don't tend to get a lot of Coal or Oil either but it's not never like with Uranium and Aluminum. But tbf I generally only have 2-3 cities (I'm not very good at efficiently setting up new cities in the earlygame) so that hurts my chances a lot.
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