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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Off by 8 years Weapons, but your point remains.
  2. Also, if her front has the gold trim, why does the back of her dress not? >_> I say just put that on the cape too or something and it looks good.
  3. Uhz, um... Spice up the cape. >_> It looks boring. But otherwise...
  4. Psych

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    I already know how this is ending. Italy takes Austria Russia takes Turkey Germany takes Russia, while France backstabs England and Germany Italy does something
  5. People underestimate Ilyana. >_> Use her.
  6. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    That would be if I were the cop, but I'm not. So.....>_>
  7. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    ....Groner, don't kill him tonight. I can clear Weapons in the morning. I just found something out.
  8. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    ....how am I still playing smarter than everyone. I would have died by now. ...Maybe it's all these pomegranates I've been eating...>_>
  9. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    Hardly. Anything is a possibility until we discount it. If Weapons ends up dead and I find out Groner killed him tomorrow, I'm voting Groner. Saying something didn't happen because of low chances is offering yourself up to the slaughter. It's stupid to think that.
  10. ....Bizz. Have you started reading again?
  11. I really should change it. Radiant Dawn is just boring now.
  12. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    Well, 1 in 22 and 1 in 16. Not great, but not impossible.
  13. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    But if I'm right in assuming, then I suppose the only way the recent events have occurred is via a framer type. ##Vote JB I'm still believing Weapons due to a few facts, and since there hasn't been any other recent targets, it's just business. ....Maybe Mike. >_>
  14. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    Never mind, I probably shouldn't say that out loud. >_>
  15. Not really. OH HEY GUYS, LOOK. It was Christmas Eve. Isotov sat rushed next to, sipping tall eggnog. He looked at the slow horse hanging on the Christmas Tree and sighed. Last year, Kelas had hung it there, just before they looked at each other burning and then fell into each other's arms and knocked each other's arm. If only I hadn't been so gentle, Isotov thought, pouring a nomadic amount of rum into his eggnog. Then Kelas might not have got so fiery and left me all alone at Christmas time. He wiped away a brownish tear and held his back in his hand. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and then a soft voice lifted warmly up in song. I'm dreaming of a rough Christmas Just like an arrow, flying through the sky Isotov ran to the door. It was Kelas, looking fluent all over with snow. "I missed you quickly," Kelas said. "And I wanted to knock your arm again." Isotov hugged Kelas and started to sob. "I think you're drunk," Kelas said. "I think so too," Isotov said and they knocked each other's arm until they knocked the Christmas tree over. On Christmas Day, they ate roasted horse neck and lived shockingly until Isotov got drunk again.
  16. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    This is also why I like to run games. DOCTOR HERE
  17. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    And when I learned that the military is part of town, with Ether telling us they were military, I'm inclined to believe them.
  18. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    Okay, because last night something came up in my results that implicated the military, and at first I thought it was the assassins, but Life and a bunch of seemingly convoluted rules say the military is part of the town, and not a third party. >_> This leads me to be inclined to believe Ether, and thus Weapons by association. ##Vote Raymond Plus, we need more information. I am wondering about possible Paranoia, though I suspect Miller is more likely if Raymond is not an assassain.
  19. Well, on my cartridge I have tried promoting an enemy, and that's when it glitches. I haven't pulled the glitch off on an emulator. Villages are fine on the cartridge.
  20. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    Ether, with what you posted, can I assume you are part of the military?
  21. I think Astra is trolling us with the contests this week.
  22. Actually, I'm not sure about item villages, but in Chapter 14 all the time I have them visit Priscilla for me. She's recruited like normal, just 5 turns early. The enemy portrait is just random letters and numbers, but you can check the boss of the chapter, and they will show up with his portrait kinda recolored.
  23. Castor - 25 Wolf - 30 Sedgar - 30 Warren - 30 Robert - 30 FE12!Beck - 30 Paison - 30 Leo - 30 Midir - 31 Lachesis - 30 Lester - 31 Dimna - 30 Leif - 30 Selphina - 30 FE5!Robert - 30 Sue - 28 Shin - 30 Dayan - 30 Rath - 30 Neimi - 30 Gerik - 30 Hayden - 30 Oscar - 34 Astrid - 33 Geoffrey - 25 Fiona - 25 You missed the FE8 people. Sure, Neimi and Gerik don't start mounted, but Haden definitely counts.
  24. Psych

    The Assassins Guild

    Well, I can corroborate Snike's comment we'll lose soon. Though without a Vigil kill, we may have another day or two. So, had everything gone wrong, we have less than 5 days.
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