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Everything posted by Psych

  1. It's called reclass. It's amazing how many dancers look like mages.
  2. Who does it replace? That would help me decide what to do.
  3. >_> My only idea was to reuse that Blue Dancer on my mug sheet, only make her a "Ranger" class with Ewan's animation -> Female Mage Knight. It was just sprite dumpings.
  4. FE8. Yeah, but I suck at chins. >_> The only hard part is really the bottom row. I don't know what I was thinking there. It's supposed to be Bandit, Cleric, Pegasus Knight, but it turned into sprite vomit.
  5. Could you fix those old sprites of mine? D:> ~Here~ I feel like making progress. >_>
  6. Well, it's less evil plan, and more commision, but since I have no money, it's my eternal gratitude. Also redeemable in the form of a coupon.
  7. Hmmmm. *Evil Plan* Astra! I need to proposition you! D:
  8. You know Kai, maybe you should get your ass in the RP. And I can be wherever I want. Even with baseless grudges you, Lightning, and Sage have against me.
  9. Oh. >_> Well, if there is, just tell me. I totally don't already have a sprite waiting. ;_;
  10. Soooooo......is there a slot open now?
  11. I still don't get why Spoon is mad at me mistrusting people and following my gut. Or is it because I didn't use the role the way it was intended and martyr the Vigil night 1?
  12. >_> Which is why I gave him that role as well. Me, Bizz and Fayt lost in that game. >_>
  13. I thought we just picked Furet because Astra kicked the bucket without a replacement. >_>
  14. Lightning wasn't playing. Remember? Well, Tables I followed you some. But Bizz and Life made me mad. >_> Astra sent me a few I followed, but I thought he was a bit inept as leader. And Furet, I listened to him like once, then he never told me to do anything. I thought he was mafia.
  15. ##Vote Tables That's all I have to say on this for now.
  16. Actually, my orders were: Night 1: Life Night 2: Bizz Night 3: Obviam Night 4: SM Night 5: Bizz Night 6: BK Night 7: Furet Night 8: Ether Night 9, and my death: Amelia Yeah, I ignored the leader like all the time.
  17. I bet you all were laughing about that......>_> *cough* Though I did wonder if Bizz was just being a loyal townie or if there was something deeper to her revealing that letter.
  18. I'm pretty sure it's been 48 hours, and there's a majority as well. >_> Weapons needs to end the phase.
  19. Life, when I had messed with you like night.....4 I think it was, around there. Did it mess up anything? >_>
  20. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    We should make a list of Life's mafia moments. Bests include this and Train. Worsts include when he was town and CONTRADICTED THE TRACKER. >_> I'm still a bit angry at that.b
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