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Everything posted by Psych

  1. So it's not like the poor man's peanut butter? >_> Now I have the urge to sing "Land Down Under" >_>
  2. Yes Yes Hold on here a sec. Alright, Katie "died" and Iso lost his free bonus support. Can't we just remove the NPC's can support us thing? >_>
  3. Pary: Hmph. Where did I put that mushroom? I can just get it's spores and... "Apothecary, apothecary, apothecary." Pary set with his back to the wall, mending his sore cheek with his staff. Alex had made his list, and now to find some herbs. WHy the guards had let him keep his belongings made no sense to him, but a dumb guard was a dumb guard. --------- Rita: "Alright I guess." Hopping up, RIta lunged forward, giving a quick strike. Missing, she kept trying to hit, but failed each time. Giving Derek obvious openings, it was a bit clear something was wrong.
  4. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Bizz is analyzing the powder then. >_>
  5. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    It's Night phase genius. >_>
  6. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Quiet you dead person! But yes, do what he says! >_>
  7. ##Send Bizz to the electric chair. And make her Buzz!
  8. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    15 more hours guys~ And I have close to maybe.....a third of the actions in.
  9. Found it~ Seriously, it shouldn't possibly work!
  10. Pary: "Hold on a moment. I did not assault the Comet. But, a Lady Alex." Pary broke from the soldier's grasp. He ran up to Alex, removing her helmet. "Oh wait, you are the same person." ------------- Rita: Running ahead to the field, Rita flopped her self down in the middle, staring up at the sky. She threw her sword over, and watched the clouds. "It's really nice out." ------------ Cess: Following Morgan around, Cess realized something to help the plan. "Maybe we should send a Wielder with them. Iso has already been severed, but Chase or Helios might attract them if we have to."
  11. Braves No, do Braves. And lots of Status staves! And Siege Tomes!
  12. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    Just do something to show me you aren't using your action, in favor of the powder.
  13. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    No one died. But, Uhai was covered in a mysterious powder. If you want to analyze it for clues, three of you will have to give up your night actions. So send your actions, then say "Giving up to analyze powder" >_> It is now Night 3. Or is it 4? I'm confused.
  14. Pary: Walking to Morgan, he spoke. "And where are we destined? I assume I am going with you? No offense, but I'd prefer to avoid Kaileen myself."
  15. If the fact that Lute's stats are better than her normal ones don't count. She's just missing 1 HP, and has 5 more magic. >_>
  16. Purses and Boys I don't want to see what the hell Ephraim's will be trying to protect Amelia, Dussel, Tethys, Ewan and recruiting Cormag, L'archel, Dozla, Marisa, and Gerik successfully will be.
  17. Pary: "My god! For the last time! I found those staffs! And it was an act of the goddess! You should be happy she took her, and not the Lord!" Pary broke the soldiers grip, walking towards the others. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find people with sanity. So just Morgan."
  18. Rita: RIta turned around, seeing a flash of green in her eyes. "Oh, there you are Derek. Um, can we dual? *sigh* I'm feeling drained, and I need to keep my mind off of things." ----------- Pary: "*Sigh* Not this again. I have no idea who you are, who this old man is, and I've never even met an Anna-Seline. We met a Captain Luc and he led us through a canyon. Some rocks fell, and his squad died. If you insist I can control nature, I'd like a little shower right now. It's a bit hot out. Now, please unhand me before I report you to your captain for abusing the civilians. Or what about Captain Alex or Prince Tristan?"
  19. If you pour it over a naked single Damian it might work. Might. >_> Just.....like tie her to a rock, and have someone save her.
  20. Rita: Rita hurried over and stomped on Eric's boot. "Well fine then idiot! I'll go look for someone who cares about training!" RIta stormed out of the castle, heading towards the stables. Derek would be around here. "Derek! Are you around?" --------- Pary: Pary headed towards the soldier barracks, lodging a formal complaint. He saw the captain standing, talking to someone, before waiting to speak. "Excuse me, some crazy man seems to be trying to get into the castle. He keeps shouting nonsense, and obscenities." "Eh? Alright, we'll send someone out." Pary walked back to the group, escorted by three armed soldiers. They headed outside to see to the matter.
  21. I was playing this. >_> But with Makalov, Renning, Elicinia, Mist, and Meg. So all SS sword people. >_>
  22. Pary: "Grrrrr! Get off of me!" Pary slipped his hands into his robes, pulling out his Divine tome. He cast a spell right in front of the man's eyes, before hopping up, and running inside. ------------- Cess and Rita: Returning inside, Cess went over to Morgan. "So we have a plan? Where should we start?" Rita, on the other hand, walked over towards Eric and Charlotte. "Hey Eric! It's time I got you back for that fight in the capital! I wanna duel!"
  23. ##Vote Bal Bizz would probably be safer...>_> Wheat about my "THere is no doctor" theory? Cause I doubt that Tables, Astra AND Lux would have died if there was a doc. Though Tables did live through one night......
  24. Psych

    Psych's Mini Mafia

    15 hours guys. Either NL or do something. Cause Random Numbers love you all.
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