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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Rita and Cess: "Is he your cousin or something? Cause it seems like everyone in the mercenaries is your family. Lev, Iso, Ivanko..." Meanwhile, Rita was already on her fourth piece of cake. "Ce~ss, I don't feel so well..." " I told you not to order that much or eat that fast. I guess we can just take the rest to the others."
  2. Rita and Cess: "Yum~" Rita quickly began gobbling down her first of 8 slices of cake. "Slow down or you're going to get sick." "But I can't! It's too good!" "" Cess took another sip of his coffee. "Say, Irina. There's something I've been wondering. When we were in the graveyard, who was that man that was with your uncle? Lev and him seemed to be arguing over Morgan or something."
  3. Phoenix.... What would happen if he found the egg and raised it himself? Like, to the wyvern?
  4. Everyone should pretend Kiev looks really big once Irina promotes.
  5. Rita and Cess: "Yeah I guess. Bro hasn't been home in a while, he usually just flies around. And we're been on the mainland for about six months now." "Yeah. My grandpa lives at home with my dad and sister. They get along fine. Since my mom died they sorta take care of the farm together. We run a farm with Rita's mom."
  6. Hmmm. So my Sea Wyvern is gonna be either 11, or 13. And Clocky's line in IRC has caused me to create a Sea Wyvern Picture which must be used when ever the phase is uttered. (I don't have a tablet. >_>)
  7. Pary is gonna start being nicer to Chase and Helios, in an attempt to triple team the bandit and friend. >_> And Electro Crabs are go! @Pheeny How old are the wyverns?
  8. Rita and Cess: "Yeah, but he prefers it to mercenary work since he doesn't have to follow someone else's rules. His wyvern helps him get around a lot too. He's had her since they were both young. The egg was all alone, and it drifted on the beach when we were playing. He picked it up and cared for it and then they've been partners ever since." "He's around Lev's age actually. My sister's closer to Tessa's age. She even uses a staff."
  9. Rita and Cess: "Oh yeah, it's really cool! We have all these beaches, and waterfalls, and harbors. It's really neat. Plus, you can see all the animals. There's all these tropical birds, and there's even this one spot that all the wild sea wyverns live at. That's where my brother got his." "Most people fish, or farm or things like that. Rita, where did Tyler say his last job was anyway?" "Somewhere around here I think. Supposed to be hunting down some rogue mercenary hunter. I dunno."
  10. Um, Phoenix......Rita and Cess just said something have Irina do something. Like....build character? Or have the food come?
  11. You really are a heel. >_> We not singing the Grinch song?
  12. Actually, Minced meat pies and Shepherd's pies make sense. Only the buffalo wings and ice creams are anachronistic. Cakes or fruit pies would work, as would coffee and chocolate things. Baked goods really. There might be something like Italian ices though.
  13. Oh, nothing. I just thought her walking into the cafe might do something. ......I should totally make a Friends reference here....
  14. Rita: "Sounds good! I'll have one of everything on this half of the menu." She pointed to the desserts. -------- Cess: "Oh god no. I'll just have coffee and some chocolate cake.....My poor money..."
  15. I like cake more. Pie has icky crust...>_> Needs more Tessa. Where is she?
  16. Rita: "Oh, I'm sorry. Here." She handed the menu to Irina. ----- Cess: "Please don't let it be too expensive. ;_;"
  17. It's a cafe. Cafe stuff? Coffee, desserts, other....cafe stuff? o.O
  18. I thought Rita and Irina were already inside...>_>
  19. Rita and Cess: "Nothing Cess! >_>......so, um...let's go get something to eat." Rita grabbed Cess and Irina by the hand, pulling them down the street into a cafe. A waiter showed them to a table, and Rita opened her menu. "Cess can pay!" "But you have more money than me. " "We are ladies. The gentleman must pay. Go ahead and order anything Irina." ";_; "
  20. Actually, Money would probably come from Reika and less so from Alf. Dani he wouldn't help her if she paid him. The others are fine since he's under contract.
  21. Should I sick Rita on Zillpah? Y/N?
  22. That's not me being biased though! That's Pary. He's in character. Cess and RIta are fine with Sage's characters.
  23. THat's what I meant Phoenix. And too bad. Cause Pary wouldn't save Alf. >_> Found the Barrier formula too. (1/2*Mag +1 +1/2*Roll, Rounded down) Wears down 1 per turn.
  24. So talking in IRC led us to this. I had the formula for Barrier in Pary's signup I believe...>_> :/ Sleep/Beserk/Silence: Once per battle Can't target bosses MAG >= RES Rescue: Used once per Player Phase Allows Target to skip next enemy phase Target must be at 50% HP or below Torch and Unlock we were unsure of.
  25. Rita: Rita stood tapping her foot impatiently. "Mr. Lev~ I'm hungry, and tired. ;_; Do something about this mess. I find a nice cage for you!" ------- Cess: Cess decided to go out and find Rita. As he walked into the manse, he saw the group arguing. "Not again. Rita, what did you do?" ------- Pary: "I'll just be over here.....>_>" Pary lifted his staff, healing Chase's wounds.
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