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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Rita's brother's wyvern (should we ever meet him) will crush on Kiev hard. So, PD x Sea = wyvern babies Mountain x Sea = wyvern babies But Mountain x PD = didly squat. How is that so? @Cynthia's Pary x Alf NO! BAD! NO FOE YAY!
  2. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Well, I could ally with Weapons today, but I doubt I'll get another vote. Still. ##Unvote Snike ##Vote Tables Now to help Snike save himself, and recruit Bal into the bandwagon.
  3. Travis x Synt Alex x Damian HM x Ixion (Someone did this I think) Helenos x Esphyr Morgan x Helenos
  4. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    I don't want to vote Snike, but I can just get rid of Tables tonight. ##Unvote Ether ##Vote Snike
  5. Arrin x Lev Irina x Aiya x Viveka Kelas x Iso Kelas x Helios Conrad x Esphyr That do it? Someone post. Oh, and I Rick Rolled Clocky.
  6. And he's all mean about it too. You can't not promote. Get out. Phoenix x All of us?
  7. Tis true. But I have a point for Kai, Lightning. You can't win everything. Shanan is awesome enough to have crappy mimics of him. Briggid is so weak, she loses her memory. And get's stoned.
  8. Different gens. Doesn't count Kai. You fail.
  9. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    I know I'm not supposed to talk, and Lightning says I'll lose if I do, but this is very important! Ninji has a Grit signature. What does that tell you?
  10. I never knew this before, but Dew is only 13. That squicked me when I thought about the pairings.
  11. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Snike knows! He'll back me up! Where was my vote right now anyway? I forget. >_>
  12. And then you paired her badly and Faval went down the drain?
  13. Catria ended up as an awesome Archer -> Sniper for me in SD, but this time I'll try Archer -> General. Ogma for DracoKnight! And Michalis for Hero!
  14. The only non-generic one other than Etzel, is Caeser. And that's still a long shot. Now you have Ellerean, Merric, Yubello, Wendell, and the all the rest. Frost is leaning as being great as a Sorcerer to me, even though I never reached him.
  15. Now I can finally have a decent Sorcerer other than Etzel! Just gotta beat Hard mode though...
  16. @Lightning That'd be awesome if we had them though. Rita has an Armorslayer, and Cess has a Nosferatu that'd otherwise see no use.
  17. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    Wanna fire blindly tonight? Here's my priorities for lynching/mafia kills: Tables Raymond Bal Snike Top is who's most likely.
  18. Psych

    Reverse Mafia

    We were talking, but we were sorta waiting for Ninji, and Ether didn't give me his opinion on the other cult leader yet.
  19. Appearently there are rivers everywhere we go. >_>
  20. Cess: With Lev and Chase having set off somewhere, and everyone patched up, Cess took Morrey to the nearby river. He walked back to the group. "Should we start setting up camp? We should try to find Morgan once we've calmed down and rested." ----------- Pary: Pary walked to a patch of nearby trees. He tried looking around for some healing herbs, and the spiritleaf Katie had needed. He returned empty-handed, save for a bundle of firewood in his arms. ----------- Rita: Was someone still up? Rita thought she heard voices. She quietly snuck out of her tent, and headed down by the riverbank.
  21. Timeskip timeskip gogogo! Then we can finally have the groups meet up and get a bunch more conversation in.
  22. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Didn't everybody love my act? Take that Lightning!
  23. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Wanna join the dead party guys? I did the ultimate mind screw.
  24. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Wait, zombies can't talk. Otherwise I would have. >_> Oh yeah, MWAHAHAH! Everyone can die. Except Bizz. I like her.
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