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Everything posted by Life

  1. Scout was fantastic at needling people. Everyone hated her but respected her game a ton. I'd call her Sandra 2.0 if Chris didn't turn out to be such a good player. As for seasons that you want to watch... depends. What have you seen recently?
  2. Palau's decent if you want to see one of the best challenge dominaters of all time (the Koror War Machine) but as a season, I find it meh. About Vanuatu. When the DVD aired with the commentary, the jury did a revote. Apparently a fight broke out at some point. But the revote was 6 for Chris and 1 for Twila with Scout switching sides. Mind you, Scout was a female Chris. She was a HUGE jury threat since she was such a great bullshitter herself. Hope you enjoyed the storyline of "Chris gets screwed so he vows revenge".
  3. Steps to a better life: 1) Get banned from SF 2) Party with chicks 3) Sleep with aforementioned chicks 4) ??? 5) Appear on porn sites fucking those chicks 6) Fucking profit
  4. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Attention players! Eclipse will now be godkilled because... yeah. Good day.
  5. I'm sorry, why didn't you show up at the trial and present the damning evidence? Good job on letting a possible murderer go free.
  6. Life

    Mafia HQ 2.0

    Lightning, I'll look over your game if you want me to
  7. I'll draft for Excellen. EXPECT BAD PICKS.
  8. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Mistake in the flavour. Earl Cole's way of death was wrong because I looked at the wrong name on the spreadsheet. My bad.
  9. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    More like "Day continue".
  10. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Update! A furious fight broke out in the center of the town, Obviam holding a knife on one side with Kiku-Ichimonji and a steel bat on the other. The crowd roared and closed in on the two fighters. Then one went down and people mobbed the scene. You ran to the bulletin board to avoid getting hurt from the fight and to check out the casualties. <SNIP> You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>. Your alias is Earl Cole. You are allied with the Crazy Casayas. You win if your faction is the last one standing. You see that this is the only death of the day but it seems that Obviam won the fight. Kiku-Ichimonji lays on the ground, motionless. That's what happens when you take up too much bandwidth, bitch. You then head off to sleep... until you hear the Party Rock Anthem coming over the loudspeakers. And then... ... The next morning, you wake up. You're sitting in front of your computer, naked, and there is porn on the screen. You cannot remember what happened last night but all you know is that it is day and another person must be lynched. It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 12:30 PMT on July 10th. Night 3 has effectively come and gone. Get lynching.
  11. I'm not a BB fan but I have watched the entirety of BB8 recently. While I think that Eric got screwed there by being forced to nominate Dustin, let us remember that Dick cut that deal with Eric by APPROACHING Eric with the deal in mind. That being said, Keith is fucked by the Golden Key twist (oldies'll knock him out because Porshe is harmless while he might become a loose cannon), Adam may make it far if he can keep a temper under control and I can't wait for Danielle and Dick to turn on each other. Especially Danielle. In addition, I'm going to put this right there. You know the Website CEO title under Dick's name? This is his site. He runs RTVZone which has the Gremlin's Cave (Matt, Annie, Lydia and Ronnie commenting on BB13). And considering that Matt and Annie played with Brendan/Rachel and Lydia and Ronnie were with Jeff and Jordan, I can't wait for the first episode of the Gremlin's Cave to come out. Starts July 11th. EDIT: According to the Live Feeds, Dick has left the BB house and the game. Apparently, it was for some emergency and Dick did NOT get kicked out. Danielle has been given a Golden Key since her dad is now not playing. No clue what the hell happened. Apparently, it'll be addressed on the 13th. Oh and I was right. Keith and Porshe are both on the block with Keith looking like the first eviction. Hey Keith! Next time, don't randomly pull your dick out in order to get a girl to suck it.
  12. So she's not going to get mother of the year. That doesn't make her a murderer.
  13. I'm with you on the manslaughter idea. One more thing that bothers the fuck out of me about it is the fact that the prosecution claims that it was a near execution killing while the defense has a completely different cause of death, one that is not even mentioned as a possibility by the prosecution. That should tell you right there that someone made a mistake in the coroner's office. I have so much respect for criminal defense lawyers.
  14. First off, this quote sums up my thoughts. Brought to you by Rambling Wreck on Smogon. This is my current Facebook status: Seriously. What impact does this exact case have on everyone's lives? None. It's just a regular criminal case of which hundreds if not thousands exist every year that the media decided to make a killing on. So they did. And suddenly, people are up in arms about this one case. Shut the fuck up about it. I can list you a more serious case in my country's recent history which is a lot worse and has less people going crazy about it. Go Google Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. They raped and murdered teenagers on camera and less shits were given about their trial than Casey Anthony.
  15. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Me too. 24 hours left in the day. Hurry it up.
  16. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Balcerzak is subbed in for trollfox... I mean, Royal Ludroth.
  17. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Deadline! Morning time. You wake up and feel the sun on your face. That car trunk wasn't too uncomfortable to sleep in, now that you think about it. As you walk to the town square, you notice... no new notices on the bulletin board? Strange. Whatever, time to kill a killer. It is now Day 3. Go lynch and get your actions in by July 8th at 12:30 GMT, just like normal. EDIT: In addition, all living moles contact me when you can. Preferably IRC.
  18. Rapier doesn't need to be conserved because you get the Armourslayer in Chapter 5... but I don't know if you have someone to use it. Chapter 5: 9 Turns (36) Holy fuck. It's not a hard chapter but when you have to recruit Joshua, get to the Armoury and collect the Dragonshield and Armourslayer, it gets a lot tougher. Failed to do this in 8 turns so I took an extra to get the Torch and Secret Book to grab the Guiding Ring for some extra money to sell (especially if I don't need the Secret Book). Ross grabbed the Dragonshield and hit level 10 while Eirika and Garcia went north. They SOMEHOW managed to kill basically everything in their path without hurting Joshua badly and I got Natasha to recruit him. After that, I rushed people to their respective targets (Ross to Armourslayer, Eirika to Secret Book, Joshua to Armoury and Torch) and had Garcia 2RKO Saar with a plain Iron Axe. Garcia is awesome. Eirika 11.43 |25| 9|14|15|10| 9| 2| Ross 10.00 |23|10| 7| 8|10| 6| 1| Garcia 11.02 |34|14|12| 8| 7|10| 1| Joshua 7.19 |25| 8|15|15| 7| 6| 2|
  19. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Because almost half the people playing are dead, numbnuts?
  20. Life

    SF Mafia Mafia

    I know I'm not playing but... whoever is trying to channel me is doing a fucking awful job of it.
  21. Try [.code][./code]. Chapter 4: 6 Turns (27) Ok. This isn't even fair. Garcia's a brick wall made out of a combination of Jesus and fuck while Ross with the babying of Chapter 3 under his belt is ORKOing Revenants. And Eirika is just... god. Ross milled around the north part of the area, snagging the Iron Axe and killing the reinforcements while Garcia and Eirika went straight for the boss. Eirika 2RKO'd the Entombed while Garcia was fucking amazing with the Hand Axe and gained some Spd (thank you God). And a 6 turn finish is amazing here. Eirika 9.75 |24| 9|12|14| 9| 8| 1| Ross 9.12 |22| 9| 6| 7|10| 6| 1| Garcia 9.02 |33|12|11| 8| 5| 9| 1| Chapter 5 is currently pissing me off when I try to 8 turn it but I know I can.
  22. Your right hand and a hentai picture of Mia don't count.
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