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Everything posted by Life

  1. I'm playing 8 right now (Disk 3 currently) and I don't think it's a bad game. It's... eh... well, the plot is shit but I'm actually enjoying the core gameplay quite a bit. At least, I'm enjoying it more than 7 since I stopped at the icy place in 7 (Disk 2) with no desire to carry on. 9 is great though (the first really good game since 6). But yeah, I'd enjoy that. Including 8.
  2. FE4: Delmud can go suck a fattie. FE6: I hate the FE6 Fighters. And that means you, Lot. Tate's another one that I don't like. FE7: I'd say lolWallace thanks to the epic passages about his bald head but in all seriousness, I'd go with Lowen for the most part. FE8: Any prepromote not named Seth and Seth past Chapter 10 or something like that. FE9: Makalov. In a heartbeat.
  3. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Sorry about the wait. This is actually Spring 1902 Retreats. Russia, you may move the army that was in Galacia to any of the regions surrounding Galacia that is not already occupied. Post the region name here and then I'll post the Autumn 1902 Status map.
  4. Shit, I wanted to be the one to kill Aerith!
  5. I can't fucking play this game. I've tried and I can't do it.
  6. Dear citizens of the world... I WiLl cRusH YoU!
  7. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Got it. Update will come later once I get back from my Ulpan which will be about 6 PM here AKA 11 AM EST. Sorry but I have a life.
  8. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Sorry about the delay. Turkey, do you want to go to the south coast or north coast with your fleet? Important question since it's the last order to put in. Once you tell me, I'll post the map.
  9. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Missing England (Iced), Germany (Lightning) and Turkey (WoMC). You're lucky that I'm nice because I'm giving you an extra 12 hours to send in orders.
  10. Best: Miledy. Worst: Xavier. Fuck your requirements.
  11. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Orders are due in 5 and a half hours. I don't give a shit if it's halloween, just get them in before the deadline.
  12. Avatar: Don't get the reference so make that a 5/10. Nice GIF though. Signature: Points up for Mario playing piano. 7/10.
  13. Your signature is a deer with a fucking canary on its head. I question your manliness based on that.
  14. Screw it, I'm in. I want Africa.
  15. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Absolutely not. By the way, I just want to check. I've said time and time again that a lack of communication in private will screw you big time in this game. I hope you guys are at least talking to each other about shit since 3/4 of Diplomacy is talking.
  16. With Omnislash, I am god of the overworld. So fuck you Sephy.
  17. Passion (Sanctuary) by Utada Hikaru by a country mile. And I'm not someone who listens to video game music in general. But when I first played KH:CoM, I fell in love with this song when I beat that game (yeah, it appears). Imagine how I felt when I found out that it was the opening of KH2 and that one of my ex's (we were going out at the time) let me borrow her PS2 to beat KH and KH2. There's one more song that I love but this isn't one that I'll go ga-ga crazy over (not like Passion). It's Chaotic Dance from Baten Kaitos. When I first heard this song, it just made the boss battle against Folon so epic. Then imagine fighting the Terrible Trio... TWICE!
  18. Are you guys debating between a 6 and 7 for Guy? 8. Easily. With the exception for Marcus and possibly Hector (depends on where he's going since he seizes), Guy is your earlygame offensive machine. 17 Atk with the Killing Edge along with 36 Crit at base level (level 3, mind you) is absolutely nuts. 6 Def 15% growth is obviously terrible but it is backed up by 25 HP and 75% growth which can leave him with 38 HP and 8~9 Def by the time he hits 20/0. That's certainly manageable since he was created to be a dodge tank. That Matthew support is easier than it looks to build since Guy will have 2~3 turns at least in his joining chapter, possibly up to 7 in 13x, possibly 5 or 6 in 14 (both work over the pirates from the southeast) and be Matthew's guard in 15, giving another 3 or so since Matthew will die otherwise. That's a C before Lyn's team even joins and it is perfectly conceivable. Guy can be clutch if you can use him right. If you toss him into 10 enemies and expect him to survive ala Raven style, then he's definitely got a chance to die.
  19. Life

    Mafia HQ

    Remember, I'm not saying "don't do it, it's a terrible idea". I'm just pointing out that if you want to go through with it, you have to be incredibly careful.
  20. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    I hope you fuckers realize that when I set down the times in EST, I didn't realize that it would mean doing this shit at 3/4 in the morning. Good thing that I'm a night owl. It is now Spring 1902. All orders are due by 8 PM EST in 48 hours.
  21. Life

    Mafia HQ

    My problem with story games is that flavour often gives mafia members away. Take me and Core in Bizz's first game. We were lovers (character-wise) and on the same mafia team. So when I got lynched, anyone with half a brain should have (and probably did, can't remember) figured out that Core was the next logical lynch, even if he was innocent. I personally don't like story games. Others do. If you want to make it a story game, I advise you to be very careful with the full role PMs and stuff.
  22. I'm not offended at all by your comments. I was simply attacking your logic of the "I am God, hear me roar" comment. Hope you realize that.

  23. Life

    Diplomacy Game Thread

    Orders for builds should be in by now. It shouldn't take more than a day. And yes, Lightning.
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