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Everything posted by Life

  1. Captain Hook is amazing. I think it's 3x05 (might be 3x06) where Hook has a speech about becoming a pirate. Amazing.Colin O'Donaghue is incredible.
  2. I have realized something. I don't believe in otp or stupid shit like that but there is one couple I will back to the end of days. Killian Jones x Peter Pan 4 lyfe
  3. I would now like to take this time to offer my services to the community. I teach two private classes. "Learning to Game" and "Escaping the Friendzone". Costs are relatively low (a soul here and there isn't much) and results are great! Contact me if you are interested.
  4. Then you slipped and she fell and funny enough, neither of you were wearing pants?
  5. I love you all too. We could all learn a bit from Barney.
  6. No that was wonderful. Embrace it. Let it grow like a delicate little flower.
  7. I mean every word that I say. I am 150%~200% honest.
  8. I would just like to let everyone know that I have changed. Some might say "Oh it's Life just feeding his own ego." Some might say "Naw once a dick always a dick." Some might even say "How can I trust a self-proclaimed smoking alcoholic slut?" BUT YOU'RE WRONG. I have changed. I strive to be a better person, a better man. Yes, I may smoke. Sure, I get drunk. And I don't deny enjoying it when I put my cream coloured fudgesicle into a woman's hotbox and enjoy the soupy mush that both create. That last part even sickened me. I'm sorry. BUT! Today, you shall witness a new Life! A better Life! A Life that strives for peace and unity in our little community. A Life that is truly understanding. A Life that shall put the people's needs before his own. I have changed. Thank you and may you all be blessed with a hoard of hotboxes (or cream coloured fudgesicles).
  9. Eh, screw it. 22, Middle East (ISRAEL BITCH) and I split my time between boards.
  10. 1. What is your eye color? It's a blue/green thing. Tinges of both. 2. What is your natural hair color? Dark brown. I have a salt and pepper beard, though. 3. What is your blood type? Pretty sure A+. Not 100% positive though. 4. What is your race? White and Jewish. 5. What is your zodiac sign? Libra. 6. What is your chinese zodiac sign? Ram. 7. How much do you weigh? Somewhere around 70kg. 8. How tall are you? 5"9. 9. Are you single or in a relationship? Right now, single. Just recently got out of a relationshit. And that's not a typo. 10. What do you want to do as your career? Journalism. More on the editorial side. 11. What is your favorite color? None. Don't think about it. 12. What is your favorite book? Wow, too many. Let's list: Mercy Among The Children (David Adams Richard) Fall On Your Knees (Ann Marie MacDonald) Fifth Business (Robertson Davies) Shades of Grey: The Road to High Saffron (Jasper Fforde) The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand) Save Yourself (Kelly Braffett) 13. What is your favorite film? American History X with Fight Club a close second. 14. What is your favorite TV show? Castle but Once Upon A Time is making a good case for itself thanks to Captain Hook. 15. What is your favorite song? Right now? I have three stuck in my head: Dead Come To Life - Jonathan Thulin Make The Money - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Sultans of Swing - Dire Straights 16. Who is your favorite artist/band? Metric. Hands down. 17. What is your favorite food? Cholent. Without beans but barley instead. Go check it up. 18. What is your least favorite food? Israeli salad. 19. What is your fashion sense? Absolutely normal. Shirt and boxers at home and dress up nice for on the town. 20. What kind of personality do you have? I'm an asshole but a loyal friend. Had to get over a hump of social awkwardness thanks to high school. 21. What is your favorite sport? Football to watch, Hockey to play. 22. What are your hobbies? Writing. Video games. TV series. 23. What is your favorite video game? Borderlands 2. 24. What electronic devices do you own? If this means video game systems, just an Xbox 360. 25. What is your religion? Jewish and proud. 26. What are your fears? Don't have. Once you've stared true death in the face (in the form of a Katusha rocket that doesn't explode 5 meters away), fears become inconsequental. I am scared of heights but that's not really an actual "fear". 27. Where would you like to travel to? Europe in general and Korea. Gonna travel this coming Aug/Sept. 28. Who is your favorite fictional character? Thursday Motherfucking Next. 29. What kind of weather do you like? Anything that doesn't involve precipitation. 30. Do you have any tattoos? No. Jews aren't allowed and I don't like needles anyway. 31. Do you have any piercings? No. 32. Do you drink? Like a fish. Low tolerence but I managed to go the distance on Halloween. I was a king. 33. Do you smoke? Yes. I prefer rolling my own cigarettes (cheaper and better for health) though. 34. What is your favorite supernatural/mythological creature? Humpty von Studebaker Dumpty. 35. Do you prefer sweet or bitter things? Sweet. 36. What is your gender? Male. 37. What is your sexual orientation? Straight. 38. Do you have any children? With all the women I have sex with, I hope not. 39. How many languages do you speak fluently in? Two. English and Hebrew. 40. What is your most valuable possession? Honestly, don't have one. EDIT: Am I actually the only smoker here aside from Nightmare?
  11. Yep. /b/ is random and some truly nasty shit goes up there. I usually browse /wg/. Much tamer.
  12. It was that bad. I'd rather look at /b/ and that place makes me vomit.
  13. I went on /y/ once. I had to scrub my retinas with ammonia afterwards.
  14. Bringing this shit back. Got myself a date lined up for next week. Hooked up with her on Halloween but she might be worth seconds. Confession time! I'm great at bedding women but when you're outnumbered 4-1, hooking up and getting a number is still pretty bro. In a rare moment of weakness, I know what you mean. Been there, done that. It's not worth it so put it behind you and move the fuck on.EDIT: You're also 18/19. You actually need to move on or your own sex life will go to shit.
  15. I don't do pictures so this is one of the most recent ones. It's from late May, a couple weeks before I finished Commanders Course and got my Sergeant rank. Paintball with Israeli combat commanders is hard. Except when you're also an Israeli combat commander.
  16. Hebrew version of "I'll make a man out of you". CAAAAAASH.
  17. I dressed like a civilian. Because I'm not.
  18. And who fucks more women monthly?Yeah, that's what I thought.
  19. Life

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Remember when I used to run shit 'round here? Yeah, neither do I.
  20. Porn is the best way to cum when I'm broke. When I'm not, then I can actually afford to go out and stick my penis in some slut. Problem is: I'm usually broke.
  21. Here aside from me? No, there aren't.
  22. So this is the last season that I won't be watching (finish the army in March) but according to my dad, the Bills are a better team than their record states. Hawk King, can I get a rundown?
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