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Everything posted by Busterman64

  1. (Just wanted to talk about this because it was random, and I felt like it was interesting to share.) Ok, so the other night I kinda had a bit of weird dream about Smash Bros.(maybe not super strange, but strange in that it kinda doesn't make some sense to me). So in my dream, I was laying on my bed and as I'm surfing the inernet, I suddenly see something about Rayman being in Smash Bros. I'm thinking, " What?! That's bullcrap! There's no way that can be right, he was just a rumor over a year ago! Not only that, The last DLC already came out already!" After a quick search, I was shocked(and confused) to see...there he was. After some patch, he was put into the game as a free DLC character(probably complimentary of Sakurai). A little after that, I woke up. Now, here's the weird thing. For one, I wasn't really thinking of Smash Bros that night, I was watching some anime right before going to sleep( "Kimi Ni Todoke" to be percise......great anime by the way...). Two, it couldn't be that I wanted Rayman in Smash because while I thought Rayman would've been a cool addition back when he was a rumor, I never really thought about him that much afterwards. And Three, while there is a part of me that would like a new DLC chracter to be added for free via a random patch because Sakurai said "Sure, why not?", it would seem odd for Sakurai to put in a newcomer this late in. A veteran like Wolf seemed like the most sense and would need the least amount of process since he was in a previous game(*sigh*...poor Snake and Ice Climbers...). The only thing that makes the most sense is that it's probably from my feelings of the last DLC stuff still needing...one or two more things(a.k.a. I felt like we could've gotten a little bit more at the end). I have no issues with what we got(and I'm not super butt hurt or salty about what we didn't get because we didn't have to get anything) because the Mii costumes are alright, Corrin is great, and Bayonetta is cool(her stage is too), but I felt like we needed something else to seal the end of DLC. It just felt like it lacked just a little bit. Not for something grand(because I'm pretty sure Corrin and Bayonetta was grand for a lot of people. Corrin for me), just......something else(almost anything else...very, very huge emphasis on "ALMOST ANYTHING"). Sorry if it seems like I'm whining a bit or like I don't appreciate what Sakurai(and his team) has done( and I would be a real insensitive jerk if that was the case knowing that it most likely takes a lot of time and work for anything they've done in Smash Bros.), but I just feel that way about the final DLC stuff(...there wasn't a full feeling of closure for me, despite feeling satisfied with what we got. A small part of me still feels like we could've gotten just a little bit more to end things off).
  2. Oh right, forgot about that. Also,(even though I figured out ways to make things easier like talking to demons who are already in my party or backups and have the battle end right there and then...)Playing the game, having fun, dying alot, sweeping enemies, enemies sweeping me, fun times for all! ;3
  3. Whether if it's true or not, I honestly am hyped at the thought of FE15! Haven't got Fates yet(...darn you 12'th grade...), but hey, excited netherless! Couldn't have said it better!
  4. Well then Crump, welcome to the forest! It's nice to see new faces around here. Hopefully you'll enjoy yourself! Also, while not a comic guy(although I do like Marvel stuff like Spider-Man and I have a few Sonic comics and a couple other random ones), I'm a sucker for cartoons(older ones more so though).
  5. Hhh...guess I'm in for quite the interesting and...strange journey. Thanks for the tips everyone! It really helps! I hope I don't die...a lot( God help me...)
  6. Tellius is many things, and the holder of the best story of the series is one of them. To not sound like a broken record, I love how in the Tellius games, pretty much everything comes back around. What I mean is that when you learn about something PoR, you will have pretty much full context of it by the end of the game, and if you didn't, RD fixed it (mostly)! Also, there is a lot of cause and effect that I love too! Ashnard caused a lot of crap to happen prior to PoR and it affected a lot of people...and you can see those affects(for the most part)! The herons lost their home and cause the gap between Laguz and Beorc to widen even more so, Soren had a tough childhood(understatement of the year), slowly destroyed Daein, and caused so much pain and suffering to Daein and Crimea, that both still have bad blood in RD and so to the point that some people in Crimea feared just hearing Daein rebuilding itself!!! And the list just continues with a whole bunch of other stuff that makes it feel like that some decisions that were made had some serious side effects and consequences and that they actually matter! Now don't get me wrong, this story ain't perfect, not by a long shot! There are a few things I wish they did a lot better on and one specific thing that I really hate that RD did on your 2nd and onward playthroughs(...stupid Part 4 flashback...), but despite all that, I still love the story too much for it to ruin it for me! This can probably be another way of saying "world building", but hey, what else can I add that hasn't been said? Oh, and for runner up is Elibe. Not on the levels of Tellius, but things like Zephiel taking a tragic turn down a bad road due to his father's jealously, some characters in FE6 being the children of some of the FE7 characters(although I'm sadden by the possibility of their demises), the pathways to the Scared weapons being opened by Eliwood and the others in FE7 which helps Roy in FE6, and a few other things that flesh both games out. Although, you need to play both FE6 and FE7 to see that, while in Tellius's case, a good chunk of stuff you see in FE:PoR alone, RD just showed more of it(and while probably not needed, it is greatly appreciated...well, most of it anyway)! (Note: Haven't gotten Fates or played 1-3 or 5 yet. I've yet to finish 4[because life and 12'th grade for this past year] too, So I can't judge fairly with them. Each other one is good in their own right, but Tellius stands in high regard for me.)
  7. I never saw a FE commercial or ad until FE:Fates(Youtube), and while I did play Melee(and saw Marth & Roy), I didn't even know startergy-rpgs were a thing(because I was growing up on mainly 3D platformers, racing games, and Melee. Although, I didn't own Melee, a best friend of mine did)! It wasn't until 2005(or 2006) when my best friend introduced me to emulators and, a good month or so later, Fire Emblem(even if he wasn't that interesred in the game itself). While he did stress the perma-death, something that worried me as a kid, thankfully I was a kid willing to try almost any game(especially since I didn't have many games on my Gamecube and the PS1 I used to own was...well...lost because I did something kinda stupid). So, I tried the game. One of the best decisions of my life(I love strategy and puzzle games now because of it. It's also probably why I love the Phoenix Wright series too...) Now to be honest, I didn't know about FE:PoR until I saw it in the gamecube section of games by chance(...wow, that feels like so long ago). Seeing how I liked FE7 and 8, I wanted it. After pretty much begging my mom for weeks, I finally got the game. Not only is it the game that got me to become the big fan of the series that I am today, it is to this day my favorite FE game(that, and since I didn't have savestates, I had to actually think a lot more about my decisions while playing). Now, graphics are something I've never cared much about(although if it's horrendous, I may have an issue...emphasis on "may". It really depends.), so I never had too much of an issue with the game. The 3D looks alright to me and the battle 3D models were always cool to me, even now. Now while some were kinda bad(looking at you Chapter 17...even if you do have a good excuse), I still found it good and memorable (and it's the most memorable game in the series for me)! Not only that, but it is pretty easy, which is why hard mode is deemed "normal mode" for me on that game. Heck, I could honestly speedrun the game if I really wanted to! (Also, I gotta say, I dislike myself so much for selling that game a good two or so years later for a cheap price...that and Pokemon Platinum! ARRHHGG!!!) Honestly, a lot of GC games (for example, Luigi's Mansion, Baten Kratos, Skies of Arcadia Legends, FE:PoR, etc) didn't really get a good look at until after the GC's lifespan ended, where they were more appreciated. So it was bad enough for PoR, but with RD, don't even get me started. That game... was scarce! I heard about the game...somehow(mostly by chance because I didn't really surf the web as much as I do now to see)and since I had a Wii, I went looking for it. I remember going to Gamestop asking about it and only being told it wasn't there or many other places(and it was pretty dang pricey)! Took me about 3 or so years before I could play the game, and that's after I learned about emulating Wii games(but even with that, I'm still gonna buy the game itself when I can this year). Now RD, while I do enjoy and(to a certian and similar extent) love it like PoR, that game kicked my arse more times than you can count! It was hard as heck, along with the fact that the hit rate system in RD is different than PoR(which had the "True Hit" system, which meant your hit chances were higher that they looked...as long as they were over 50%). In RD, the hit system was pretty much "what you see, is what you get". And the biorhythem's effects became even more apparent in that game too(in my opinion anyway, especially when I never really noticed it in PoR). Nowadays, I can manage and enjoy it much, much better. But my first playthrough, it was a bit of a struggle, especially with the DB(and while I get that was the point, seeing how they start out as a small resistance force, but that game would not hesitate to mercilessly annihilate you if you screwed up...no matter how small)! But to make a long story short, PoR got hurt from being on a system that kinda got overlooked(unfortunately), and RD was so scarce that it was hard to find a copy of the game(heck, it was so scarce that when Ike returned in Smash 4 with his RD look, a good amount of people were confused how he suddenly became so buff and looked different)! Both were hurt from bad advertising because, like I said, I found PoR in Gamestop by CHANCE, and I heard about RD by CHANCE! (Oh, and just so you know, I'm posting this on my phone. Took a good hour or so, and also...Ow my eyes!!! :'( )
  8. I've been wanting to play SMT IV for a good long while, but since I didn't have the money(or a job yet), that made things somewhat difficult. Now that I do have it(and since it's on sale on the eShop), I'm gonna get it! Now, I already know it's a hard game(I mean, its an ATLUS game, duh), but I've heard even early game can be difficult(and possibly brutal) and while I have experience with the Persona and Devil Survivor series, I wanna be safe and ask others for any possible tips...just to be on the safe side. (Forgive me if I'm just overreacting a bit though!) Anything helps(even tips for later on is fine with me), Thanks in advance!
  9. While SMT IV and Art of balance are tempting(especially since I have a lot of time)......other than that, not much interests me here(and since I don't have a Wii U yet, I can't say much on what's on sale there). I'm still waiting for Phoenix Wright:Dual Destinies to go back on sale(because I couldn't get it before since I had to save up to replace my old [half broken] 3DS XL with a New 3DS XL).
  10. Ross is the most powerful and crit heavy of the 3(and easiest to train). Amelia is the fastest and the tankiest of the 3(and the hardest to train). Ewan is...more so down the middle with his stats, so he's the most balanced of the 3...kinda(and is a bit difficult to train). I love using all 3( they are all a force to be reckoned with), but if I had to choose......Id' say Ewan, but that's if I turn him into a Shaman/Druid. Ewan is pretty fast and for a Shaman/Druid, which is a magic class consisted of strong but slow attackers, is a very deadly combination! Not to mention, Ewan is pretty accurate too, so hitting the enemy is never really an issue(just don't let him get hit too much because he can't handle too many of them)! Honestly, I'm probably using Ross the most, but I still enjoy using Ewan(and Amelia as well)!
  11. I know, that's why I said what I said. I like him as a shaman, but he doesn't start as one, so he doesn't count in this. ......although, I probably could've been more clear on that...sorry about that.
  12. While I do like all the green and red knights, Sain and Kent are my favorite green and red knights(since both work well together, both character and gameplay wise), with Sain as the better of the two. He's a pretty cool guy and kicks a lot of butt too! Noah and Franz are a good second( Noah X Fir and Franz X Amelia supports FTW).
  13. Rutger, Guy, Fir, and Marisa are pretty good and have some good supports(Rutger X Clarine, Guy and Matthew, Marisa and Gerik, and especially Fir X Noah, but I'm going with the very smooth & classy, Joshua. Joshua isn't broken like Rutger, but he still is pretty potent! Also, character wise, while a gambler, he's pretty honorable. Also, the fact he left home so he could understand the common people more so he could a better leader also earns a lot of respect in my book because that shows just how much he cares. And his support with Natasha......it's real good stuff( and it's cute and I deem it canon). Oh, and as for Karla and Karel......I never got Karla(because I'm always using Dorcas and never really use Bartre) and Karel......I don't think I got him either( but even if you do, I think I remember reading you get him for only 5 or so chapters then he's gone afterward).
  14. I like Myrrh more for her maturity & for how cool she looks and I like Fae more for her adorableness and capabilities. Both are pretty potent and I just like both of them in-general. I'll go with Fae though.
  15. Lute FTW! Lilina is really good( considering she IS the daughter of the great Hector) and Lugh has worked quite well for me, but......Lute does it for me character wise, especially her support with Artur. She's a prodigy and proud of it, but her support with Artur shows how caring of a friend she is( and the A-support is just so cute)! Honorable Mention to Pent because for years, he's always been just so classy to me(and he's either a really lucky guy or a very blessed guy......just saying)!
  16. Honestly, Ninian is my favorite as a whole(because of letting you move twice and increasing one stat for a turn is great), but Niles, for some reason, looks pretty cool to me(maybe it's the long yellow scarf). Tethys is third for backstory and her support with Griek. I don't use her that much in SS due to how the maps are a bit more confined and she would be more in danger than Ninian is, but I still like her. Also, Ninian X Eliwood is canon dang it, they're so cute together and don't you dare say other wise!
  17. Sue is a boss! I always use her in FE6 and I just prefer her over Shin. I could probably send her on her own if in the right situation. Rath has always been a cool guy and I like him, but I prefer archers as a whole more over Nomads and Rath just never really did it for me. It wasn't till Awakening when I liked using Nomands/Troopers a lot more (Noire is the best...nuff said...). However, in Sue's case, I like her a lot.
  18. Vanessa. While Shanna,Florina, and Tana are good, I think Vanessa just does it for me a bit more. Syrene gets an honorable mention because I do like using her when I get her sometimes and she seems like the most positive one out of all of them!
  19. I choose Dart, but Geese comes pretty close behind him( and I mean really close)! Honestly, both are pretty cool, great characters, and they crit like no tomorrow(they earn their class name and fight like kings of the class: Beserker)! Now that I think about it, I think Geese crits on more occasions...with or without a Killer Ax! If I didn't have a bit of a bias towards FE6, it would be Geese, but I replay more FE7 than FE6(no to mention Dart's support with Rebecca, which makes him a crit king)......which kinda makes me feel bad for doing that to Geese since he really is great. ...AAARRRGGG!!! Why is it so hard to choose?! I feel bad now...sorry Geese...
  20. Rebecca is the Shinon(FE:RD) of the GBA games. I rely on her a lot and she's always is pretty potent. Also, support her with Dart(which is a support that went in a completely unexpected direction, but I still love it anyway), and you'll be be thinking she's part beserker! Wil is good too, but I just prefer her more. Neimi comes in a close second and is the Rolf of the GBA games. She's just as reliable and I like her support/relationship with Colm, but Rebecca just does a much better job! Also, just to avoid issues, I put those two in the same boat as Shinon and Rolt because they are the best of the best archers and I use them every playthrough(well..I use Rolf more, but that's beside the point)!
  21. Oswin, hands down! Gilliam is pretty good too! Although, I do have a pretty big soft spot for Wendy.
  22. Dorcas for me. Why? Because Dorcas seems to always come through for me! There are a good couple times when he would have a around a 50% - 60% chance of hitting an enemy and he would hit them 80% of the time despite the low hit rate! And when promotes, he just's get better! I tried Batre, I really did, but he just never worked out for me! And Garcia, he's good, but I still prefer Dorcas. Dorcas isn't the most potent ax user, but he gets the job done and does it quite well......for me anyway! Probably not amazing, but still pretty good!
  23. If I could choose Ewan, I would. But since I can't, Canas is a good choice too! I like Raigh, but I'm usually using Lugh over him and Sophia takes some patience for her to really shine(and since FE6 is hard enough already, it is quite the climb). And if you couldn't tell, I use Ewan as my shaman instead of Knoll because Ewan is quite the speedy shaman!
  24. I chose Griek...but it wasn't easy. Dieck and Raven are pretty dang potent as well as interesting, but Griek gets it because out of all of them...I usually have to stop him from killing all the enemies more than the other two......from near the getgo(when I first get him)! Such a beautiful person, ain't he? You can't help but love the guy!
  25. Artur......by a smidge. Lucius comes very, very close, but Artur's support with Lute(which is really sweet by A-support) and the fact I like using him, Lute, and Ewan together(which actually works well if done right), he does more for me.
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