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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Suspicion, dislike, hatred, want's kill, anything's fine, just not a neutral XD It's a blow to my reputation if everyone gets a dislike from Morgan, yet Reika doesn't XD Overall, I'd assume the entire group is suspicious of her, I just figured it'd help to have someone represent that, opposed to having 8~12 suspicions directed her way. And I couldn't think of any better candidate then Morgan XD
  2. Incorrect my foolish enemy XD No, really, it's something I wanted established by the Halton man of our group, I'm assuming polygamy is allowed by the king, and high nobles, I just wanted you to state whether it was openly happening, or if it was, as you say illegal. I was actually hoping for a more clear answer though, it's not illegal, as in, multiple official wives "Okay" (Eg a 2nd and third wife) or are we just talking in the sense of concubines? Would appreciate info on how openly common it is, and determining that, might be a valid excuse for Aiya's behavior and acceptance of Esphyr. (Certainly more valid then just "She accepts Damian" whatever he does). Since if she was brought up with the idea that multiple lovers = okay, then we could drop the Aiya comments for good, well comment regarding her acceptance of Esphyr anyway.
  3. Reika->Damian (Loathing) Reika->Aiya (Hatred) There's a few more, but they're the ones that stand out at the moment, I could probably add a few other things, but I think it's too early to actually write anything up for Reika other then her established hatred of Halton. I'd have thought Reika'd at least get "suspicion" from Morgan though :/ Neutral hurts Cynthia Reika->Morgan (Raving lunatic?)
  4. Reika yawned loudly as Chase started ranting the same things Morgan, only making less sense. She couldn't see how them wasting time on a pointless quest was "cool too." But then another member of the group started giving her more threats. Followed by a sarcastic comment from Alferis that made her smile, finally he was showing more personality, even if it was hostility, it was better then the soldier like attitude he was taking before, speaking of soldiers she saw Damian walking over, rolling her eyes and sighing she tried to listen in on another conversation as Damian started lecturing her, each word leaving her mind as soon as the next one entered, the soldier seemed to enjoy ranting. Getting bored, she looked at Damian "That's nice Halton mutt" before turning heel and running towards the other side of the group,it was either that or she try to knife him, and she wasn't going to risk it with this many eyes on her. The rest of the journey was relatively peaceful, but as they saw the town up ahead Reika slowly started slowing her pace, and eventually as they they approached what looked like a bakery she just left the group, ranks to go explore the town by herself, she figured she'd be fine for as long as the group was in town, but she doubted she could have any fun with those blockheads around. She didn't really care where she went at first, and soon found a tree, which she hastily climbed and propped herself on, "Keeping an eye on me?" she laughed as she swung her foot back and forth, she wasn't going to waste her time being all formal and stiff, nor was she comfortable with eyes watching her every move. She contemplated heading back to Elysimma, but decided she still hadn't come across her employer, and if she headed back now, it'd be a waste of time. "Hmmmm what to do" she said to herself as she looked around from her position for something fun to do.
  5. They were certainly acting like it in.... whatever XD It's mostly things on Snowy's side that portrays her like that, Iso just wants food, so it's no big deal on his side. As for Aiya XD She should move to where polygamy is legal then
  6. You're giving me too much credit, I don't think that much, my intentions were... well nevermind my intentions, I don't feel like saying anything stupid and getting insulted by Phoenix and the like later. Anyway onto more solid facts about the RP. Different perspective on LoAF: This has been an issue I've had with the group since the start of this RP, and it's not really a new perspective, the entire concept of the group is based on fighting the LoAF, and yet I haven't really seen any clear indications of the LoAF returning. Morgan seems to head the ideology, but what her sources are, I don't know. Likewise another key member in the groups existence is Damian, a Halton soldier who for reasons I'm not exactly clear on, wanted to gather the crimson weapon, possibly due to Halton being military bastards who wanted the CW under their control, I honestly doubt their intentions are pure. Irina works for Ivanko who likewise wants the crimson weapons together, but again reasons unknown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not exactly an anti-hero, since I don't like heroes (Though Lelouch <3 )or at least don't like playing as heroes. Cause I don't think human being are generous enough to take up a cause due to it being just, I strongly believe that every action has a hidden intention that benefits the initiator somehow, and that ideology is transferred to Reika ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't really have a hatred for the group, Reika hates Halton, and still holds a grudge against Morgan for tying her up and robbing her (Chapter 1), and trying to blast her with black magic. (Likewise Reika knocked Morgan out). So they don't really get along, but I doubt Alferis would be willing to get along with anyone after they robbed him or tried to kill him. As for her turning into an enemy. I don't have any qualms about that. I accept that most of the Rp'ers convey their thoughts about a RP'er through their characters, and hence most people would hate Reika even if she hadn't tried to knife them in Ilyphina, an clear recent example being Cess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Esphyr isn't a leader of the group she's Damians wench mercenary, Leaders of the group are probably Damian (who's seldom around) and Morgan. Reika's dislike for the group mainly is directed at Morgan, Damian/Aiya and Helios, as well as Eric (Failed to kill him in Ilyphina). The other characters hate Reika because they either resent her for attacking them at Ilyphina, or have randomly decided that they're going to hate her. (Irina/Esphyr did not make unfavorable Reika encounters up until Ilyphina, and she's barely been discussed outside Helios hex incident). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reika see's anyone who's working for free as idiots, since money makes the world go round. But overall it depends on character interactions and comment, "I'm a wanted criminal, you can't kill me" (Chase) is a clear sign of an idiot, as are many of Chase's remarks, and Isotov using fire magic in a wooden inn. Reika however doesn't know any of this. Just like Isotov shouldn't know anything about Helios (Wind mage) defeating Reika, since there's only been two fights, the former he wasn't around for, the latter was retconned due to Kai fudging his roles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Point 3 doesn't exist so I can't comment on it. Honestly though, my plans aren't usually that deep, and I don't really enjoy planning Reika's activities and responses beforehand, so assumptions about her role are unknown, even to me. I prefer creating her character as things go on, and if that means everyone going to be a bitch to her (which they're entitled to) she'll most likely end up being an enemy XD
  7. Reika gave Morgans comments a disapproving look "Halton? I said I'd follow depths of hell, anything beyond that I can't promise" she said, not really knowing where Melisia was, but not liking the idea of being near Halton at all. Though she supposed she could extract some vengeance upon Halton and it's soldiers if they did head there. Seeing Charlottes face darken she cocked her head, curious as to why the girl seemed so crestfallen "Don't worry about it, it was only the bishop kicking up a fuss, and no one takes anyone seriously in a bar, it's not like you're wanted for burning down an inn or anything, if anything you could probably claim these err heroes abducted you" she said trying to sound reassuring, she wasn't lying, the guards didn't actual label her a criminal, just a figure of extreme interest in regards to the assault.
  8. XD My objective in this little skit is complete, just hope people have the brains to notice it, and then reflect the happenings of this conversation in their Rp interactions. Cheap puns=lol XD @Dark Sage I don't see how joining the group = Getting rid of Septimus :/ But okay then, though you probably won't ever see this, since you don't frequent Chat.
  9. Reika smirked, "Framed for arson? Didn't sound like that to me" she said glancing over at Isotov and Katie, "again stop the Lord of Azure Flame who is nowhere in sight, and probably is sealed safely where'ever he is." Yawning loudly, she decided that these people were devoted to thinking of themselves as soon-to-be heroes, and that reason or logic wouldn't change their minds at all. "Whatever, I'm happy as long as I'm being paid" she said rolling her eyes, If they ever got caught, she'd leave the group to whatever fate awaited them. "Ah fine, I'll play along in your little game, so where to Hero Morgan? To the land of fairies and rainbows, or to the smelly cells of some uncleaned cell, since I'm bored enough I'll follow you the depth of hell" she said in mock bravado. Reika looked at Charlotte, and shook her head, "No idea, I was only in Hamburg for a bit, just didn't think that a sister would wander off with a group of criminals on a daily basis. Could of been you, could of been some other sister."
  10. Reika shrugged, not really caring for Morgans comments, "I'll tag along because I've got my own plans I want to put into motion, whether that'll be detrimental or helpful to your cause isn't my concern, just as my grievances are irrelevant to you, your life and existence is irrelevant to me." She turned to Alferis "I doubt their lying, disillusioned, and perhaps thinking of themselves as heroes when they're not is more likely, I don't believe the world should go to hell, though one might argue some parts of the world already are in hell, the only thing that indicates any demon lord activity are the mad rantings of Morgan was it? And her group of merry men, if they're goal is so noble and just why are they on the run as common criminals?" "Even I've heard the rumours of a axe wielding man in Elysimma's army holding one, if their goal is so important why are they heading away from their supposed goal? I can understand it being better to be safe then sorry, but traveling across nations aimlessly isn't exactly saving the world is it?"
  11. "Yes, yes, you're the Queen of Septimus miss Prissy, couldn't possibly be a criminal" she responded as the girl sister started complaining. Reika looked at Alferis as if he'd just sprouted wings "You honestly believe that the Lord of blue fire is coming back?" she said not believing her ears, what was this? Some sort of conspiracy? Why did everyone seem to think that apocalypse was on their doorstep? It sounded almost as if this "Lord" was already in a distant land destroying stuff, and not actually a figure of the past. Shaking her head she frowned. "So you want to travel with these nutcases?" she said still shaking her head, plus, if for some magical reason the Lord of Azure Flames did return, I'd welcome the chaos and destruction he'd bring, anything to get rid of these 3 big nations. If the Lord of Azure Flames is coming back, it's most likely to finish what he did 25 years ago." She stated simply. "And even if he did return, it's not like anyone understand his intentions, kill first ask later, the soldiers code huh" she said looking at the group disapprovingly.
  12. "When did I lose to your green haired bad-gas mage?" Reika retorted, "I'd complain about that comment, but you're apparently the group arsonist responsible for the fire back near Vaorin, and I owe you for drawing the guards out after you, made the occupation alot easier." Not really at all surprised by the groups response she turned to Alferis "You can go back if you want, if you require a cancellation fee I'll pay it, I doubt being near these obnoxious fools is going to be any fun, and you said you wanted to live a clean life, joining a band of criminals isn't a good start" she said pulling out a pouch and getting ready to pay him head back to Hamburg.
  13. I just want someone to post in the RP, I'll talk about point crap with Sage if you're all going to be all arty farty :/ Just can't initiate anything without double posting.
  14. Nyx is evil goddess lady type thing from Greek(?) mythology and was the goddess of night? In fiction she often gets portrayed as a demon, possibly even as a succubus. She is also my mother That said, Phoenix is talking about a character which hasn't been introduced to the plot yet. A character we'll most likely find in Septimus, Halton, Jerdon or somewhere else. In other words, only Phoenix knows, and her actually being introduced is still in the planning stages.
  15. I don't know what you're doing in your dreams, if you're getting down on anyone it's most likely Kai or Snowy. You don't actually plan to leave all those NPC's alive by the end of this? I hate how all of you are receiver characters and there's no initiate characters <_< It may be just me, but the name "Nyx" sort of demands to be female, IMO at least anyway
  16. @Phoenix You don't need anymore damn NPC's, honestly, you keep making them and I'm going to start killing them, and the rules can go screw themselves, rules only covers PC as far as I can recall anyway >_< Hmmm? I don't get it?
  17. Back from reading Vaida/Wallace supports :/ I like XD Vaida <3 Nyx, might the character I'm thinking, might not be, fits the bill though. @All I don't mind everyone being hostile to me, I enjoy it But give Sage a decent chance at getting along with the group. I'd rather not see him be turned into another Helios/Kamilla type character. Despite the fact you all already have the "Ignore" thing going<_< *Is contemplating pointing at Kiev, shouting "Wyvern!" and then throwing Calamity at him*
  18. Depends on what you mean by "rival" I'd sooner form Reika/Kiev then some of those options, and I'd ask what affinity Kiev is if I hadn't toasted those eggs earlier XD But again, I don't know what you mean by "rival" @Psych, Have fun, where ever you're going, just keep in mind, plot progresses without you, and that no one will care about Cess if you don't log on daily, and you'll be fine. Except for the following: Susann: The flying pig horse? Victor: He'll eat me Nyx: See below for Alch's comment Ivan: Which one was he again? Arrin: Who? The boy that no one remembers half the time. Tessa: Unlikely, same problem Chase had/has Trevor: Too old, and I can't horse like Kelas does PS: I do no appreciate how half those characters are yours.
  19. I suppose that's all we'll get done today, I was actually expecting more resistance to Reika joining the group, but I suppose half the people aren't online. "Owww damn, Helios better regain his memories soon Kai" XD
  20. @Crimson Headset I could use one of those :/ @Future Father in law *Censors with an image of Victor and Helios after a bad day* @Scrambled Onion Powder, and she'll be clueless. :/
  21. Reika eyed Alferis suspiciously, he was either plotting to use her for something or was one of those idiot church people who offered to look after children for free. And seeing as how he didn't look like a churchie he was most likely the former. She thought about it was a second, perhaps Alferis was working with her employers? Or perhaps was delluded like the shamaness, Morgan? Into thinking that he played some role in this big miserable world. Either way she'd have to be careful of the man, even if he had saved her life earlier, caution had yet to hurt her. Her thoughts were quickly interupted by the red haired man, and the woman who liked writing. And after the exchange she couldn't help but laugh at the group. "You weren't joking when you said Crimson weapon wielders had be dropped on their head were you?"
  22. @Crimson ropes XD Crimson Dumplings, Crimson keychains and crimson fridge magnets for sale! @Don't get to be old being a fool My father would like a word with you-_- @Irina Wait til she finds out I torched eggs, does she like her wyverns sunny side up or scrambled?
  23. @Phoenix, It "IS" night time, it wasn't night time when Katie made cart go boom, and I can't really imagine it taking Helenos too long to get to where we are now, or was she random circling the swamps begging Elysimmans to notice her? :P @Phoenix There's two possible scenarios for that idea -Reika kills one of you, and I'll give let you tie her up -You try, she escapes and we do this all over again?
  24. Reika laughed as the shamaness snapped at her "Tools, toys, what's the difference? You use them to kill stuff, I use them to kill stuff, so I don't really see a difference but if you insist, they can be tools, tools I play with in my spare time, and rob people with, every thiefs ideal throwing knife" she finished smirking at Morgan.
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