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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. + 1: I don't really care much for the RP admin :/ Looking at these two statements I'm willing to accept Halton=Ether domain. As long as you can present something interesting, which isn't what Snowy is capable of doing from what I've seen so far, Cynthia joining the "Mod" team should make it better, and despite not liking you, you have a better head on your shoulders then others. My main concern though is your activity, we've done it with Snowy multiple times, but I'd really prefer to avoid a scenario where we're just standing around waiting for the (Halton) soldier to reply/respond/react.
  2. @Alch 1: We assume the nation gives a damn about their country because they're still standing after at least 25 years, and have a somewhat functioning army. There is no mentioning of the Elysimman army being lazy or incompetent, and therefore by default it should be assumed they do actually care about criminals. This idea was originally introduced by the border guards and wanted posters, and further by the reward on Chase's head. Likewise Snowy has indicated that the jury/judges or whatever required bribing, and while Harold and Percy are said to be corrupt, the same hasn't been said for the rest of the nation. Gambling and drinking doesn't necessarily equal irresponsible, not when they're sober at least anyway. 2: Identification, finally a valid point against identification. Though if you want to make that argument, Viveka would require to state where she defeated/killed the group. And it's likely that such an event would be followed up with an investigation on TISME. "I killed someones, somewhere isn't exactly convincing, and Phoenix has established discontent directed at Viveka's promotion/rank in the military prior. 3: And eventually they do work, because it's just Nady trying to screw you all over, while the rest of you try to play "Family" 4: I was fine with a small village, I didn't expect guards to be there, but Hamburg was noted to be a relatively medium to large sized establishment. There is always the option of running across the border, and if you wanted somewhere "safe" to go. Maybe you should have paid attention when I listed the negative points in heading to Ilyphina? While there is usually no evil force trying to screw everything up, "realistically" there is no divine force protecting you (other then the rules). And suicide acts like charging an entire military head on should result with much more resistance then I've provided so far. 5: I will continue to rub your faces into your criminal status for as long as you people act as if it can be ignored. You either GTFO of the country, or resolve it. If the latter is impossible then the former is still possible. And being hunted across borders and having Halton and Septimus join armies and hunt the group, would be impossible, unless I put one of my plans into action. (Yes it's possible) and I'd put it into play if you people keep ignoring things as if it'll solve anything. Conflict does not solve itself. Overall: You people keep ranting as if the "criminal" status isn't warranted. About half the crimes were initiated by members other then myself, and Snowy's already commented how he decided it was no longer interesting, and decided to just "Ignore" the problem. As I've said countless time pay attention to the problem and resolve it, only attempts made were some rubbish planned via Conrad/Viveka clearing there names, and a General does not have the power to waiver your crimes, unless he is the sole head military figure. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Whistler, I'm actually very pleased to hear that statement, because I find both comments about boring and me taking things too far. Regarding getting out, I've been suggesting that before anyone else did, mainly because I foresaw this happening, and have worked to direct it in this direction. I'm happy to accept the blame for things screwing over, because like the groups criminal status, I deserve it. And to an extent enjoy it. However all this "Nady screwed everything over, we did nothing wrong" is what's starting to make me think as some of you as simple idiots. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Ether To do that, you'll have to kick me out of the RP :P Which I suppose most of you won't mind at this stage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Snowy/Phoenix/Cynthia Plan A sucks, and I could counter that with Kamilla alone. :/ Plan B on the other hand makes a lot more sense and could use tweaking.
  3. If you never ignored things, we wouldn't be in this situation :/ Well not as bad off as the group is at the moment at least anyway. You've said that you decided to intentionally abandon the arrest because you figured there was nothing to gain from it? So pretty much, you decided it wouldn't lead to a result you wanted, hence you decided to ignore it and pretend it never happened. Now you're going to say you didn't ignore it, then I have to ask, dead soldiers, and Percy on the wobble run after seeing Esphyr threaten to lop off Katie's head. Exactly how did you plan to solve this without addressing the entire issue? I refused to let it go because letting it go didn't make any sense. And you the apparent GM, didn't seem to have the brains to address the question. Knowing there's a problem and not doing anything about it, is considered ignoring. I can agree with one comment though, trusting someone for legal advice on an forum about games is stupid, yes. That's why your comment about taking it to the courts was stupid, and why you claiming that you have legal background and then saying people approve papers without reading them is just as stupid. I'm not sure if you realize but journalism and law are completely different. What applies for maths, may not apply to English. So saying people skip through details in journalism, and saying it's reason for people to skip papers in law and politics is an immature statement. It's also important to distinguish between College (or whatever institution you learned from) I think Elementary school and the actual job. Phoenix is fun to pick on, but is not necessarily my only nitpicking toy. And nitpicking isn't what I'm doing with you, the issues you've left unaddressed are by no means small, and you're the one who started telling me to not do stuff, not the other way around. I look forward to your resolution, and hope Cynthia's participation has made it at the very least plausible.
  4. @Snowy Good! That's nice to know, Snowy actually doing something :) @Phoenix And it's a very interesting one, and one I can use to illustrate my point. You also know by now that telling me to "Not do" something, usually results in me doing it right?
  5. I see no reason to? Nevermind it would require 'thinking' and like your paperwork, I don't enjoy thinking, I'm more of a "moment" person. Elysimma is the most powerful nation? What, with a crappy military and an independant mage academy, they're the most powerful? For some weird reason I was under the impression it was Halton that was the "powerful nation" :/ "all are friends"? XD Right, apparently this nation couldn't even solve it's own internal turmoil, but now it's able to cross over borders and tell people to be friendly. Not very effective either considering Jerdon's position. Snowy, I'll say this clearly for you, "You're an idiot, perhaps worse then Kai." You've pretty much supported my comments about you "ignoring the problem" and "hoping it would go away." Apparently your solution to problems is ignoring it, you've stated this as a resolution in your religious topics in serious discussion, and have further emphasized this with your current relationship" Ignoring it, will not solve anything? You got that? It doesn't solve stuff! Speaking of the religious topics, you sure you have a background in law? I recall your comment about "If you have any problems take it to court" and I remember how stupid everyone thought that comment was. I can go get quotes if you want? I don't see why I should help clean up a mess I enjoy exploiting, if you people are willing to clean up, I wouldn't mind helping, but your solution is "ignore" and the more you "ignore" the more it's rubbed in your face. So after she got her memories back she's doing what? While it's seemingly unrelated to current discussion, are you saying she's willing to be all hush-hush about making a fake report to protect her/Conrads career? Cause that would be fun to exploit :/ Unfortunately (or Fortunately) the group not cooperate, and unless Viveka came out and said "Hey guys, I'm gonna file a false for you" I doubt anyone would have known that, and even if they did, if the group took her up on the offer that would be a serious OoC issue. Either way, this stuff isn't likely to happen anymore is it?
  6. Firstly: I am honored that the term "Naddy" can be so descriptive here now. Though I wasn't aware that Elysimma was so powerful as to influence the other nations into cooperating with hunting down bandits. Secondly: Should have tried to fix things earlier eh? Not leaving things so unclear and hoping everything would solve itself. @Edit: You clearly are illiterate or have a 5 second memory, but just for you I'll quote my message Though if I were to clean it up, it'd be an actual attempt to clean it up which is more then anything you've done. Again, you're citing corruption, which Viveka isn't possible of doing, due to her not knowing she's making a false report. And that's getting away with "Shit". That's different from a group of people completely blocking their senses and pretending nothing happened, without any coercion. Viveka's report would be filed to someone, someone being either Conrad (Who would want to see Chase's dead body, to which Viveka would reply "who?) or another officer who would probably question her reports validity.
  7. Corruption is a possibility, but that wasn't mentioned, and what wasn't mentioned shouldn't have been considered to have happened. It's not deskwork people missing a document, it's the bureaucracy approving of a document without reading it. It's like congress passing a bill without reading it. And wanted criminals running around is pretty important IMO, don't know about America, but if criminals were hiding around my area, I'd get notified to be careful, and another notification when the criminal was captured, whether that be via news, word of mouth or whatever other medium is available. Even if Elysimma someone convinced everyone, "oh, no it's just bandits, attacking our military right enough of our gates, right next to your homes, no need for concern" I seriously don't know what you people are thinking anymore. Mind you Harold mentioned a "bandit hunt" meaning several people may have been looking to "capture/kill" the group for a reward, you (Phoenix) have built on the fact that soldiers do not like Viveka's promotion, and such a claim going uncontested doesn't make sense at all.
  8. In that case you need to revise your legal history, unless you learned your legal matters from sesame street. Your claim is true for minor cases, perhaps minor theft, or a civil case. But wanted criminals who have killed armed officers (think police killers) and are held accountable for several disasters, it'd be neccessary to identify who these people were, if they had any connections and what their motives were. If you're saying a single piece of paper is your attempt at clearing the groups name, your attempt is laughable and ridiculous. If that were the case, I could have a soldier file a report saying they exterminated local bandits from Elyssima, and he'd be promoted in no time right? After all, no one questions the almighty paper. Citing legal background and then making stupid comments like that emphasize a lack of knowledge, in a desperate bid to pull your point through. Losing legal documents in the mess is one thing, but outright ignoring one is a completely different matter. Also, if you ever get assigned to paperwork duty let me have a word with your employer, since that has got to be the most irresponsible rubbish I've heard you spout thus far.
  9. 1: Viveka's memory was restored, making that entire argument nulled. 2: Right, no dead bodies, no evidence, no witnesses, and the army believes that the group is dead. Chase at the very least wasn't part of the group, he was in jail prior, and making a jail break go unnoticed is another convenient plot fudge, or a lack of attentiveness. All it takes is one little report paper? This is why realism fails you, or rather, you fail it. This is a group that (with help) destroyed an army of cavalry, and then broke free from captivation, you'd think bodies would be required. But no, one report, with absolutely no evidence is enough. It's just a group of highly dangerous criminals, who cares if the report is incorrect? @Elysimma I love causing trouble, but I've given you people more then fair warning, and I tried to let things work itself out as you entered the capitol, no soldier attacks barring entry. Which would seem stupid if the guards didn't think a bribing man with a tattered group was suspicious. Instead we decided to socialize at TISME, and have a purple cat running around.
  10. I did have half a page of comments and arguments prepared and written up, but have decided that any further attempts at trying to make this RP follow a logical course of action is impractical and impossible. There is a distinct difference between leniency and idiocy, and you willingly followed the course of events to a certain degree with my deviations before deciding you didn't like it anymore and would pretend none of it ever happened. The issue isn't exactly an easy one to fix, but instead of attempting to remedy the situation the option to ignore it outright was taken, this is not leniency, but as you say idiocy. And I apologize to all members for wanting the RP to follow at least some logical sequence. A trial was just as plausible as Katie's trial, if Harold can blackmail/bribe an entire courtroom, having the group trialled with the group and cleared was an option. If not a trial could have simply been the group getting captured, *End chapter* and the results of the courtcase as an opening post. Not very long at all. So, I can't help but ask, why do Ilyphina? To clear our names? Did people try to do in another thread because I don't see any attempts to head towards Harold, Conrad, and the only person that approached the headmaster was Ixion, who couldn't care less about the groups criminal status. Crimson weapon: Conrad was holed up and refused to come out, he dealt with Chase a bit but while Viveka came out and tried to pull away one or two members, that doesn't help at all. Never mind the concept of Conrad actually agreeing to follow the group being ridiculous. So, we didn't go to get our names cleared, we didn't go there to for the CW. I ask, why the hell did we go to Ilyphina? And don't give me "In character" bullshit, because there's nothing in character about heading straight into enemy headquarters for no reason.
  11. Well instead of whining about it, how about you actually try to resolve it? I'm going to stop when you people have the sense to do something about it, and if there's no solution then GTFO might be a good idea. I've been telling you people that it makes no sense to stay in Elysimma right after you all ignore me telling you heading to Ilyphina makes no sense. And you've claimed you didn't solidify anything, this is false. I burned down an inn. Unanimous consensus seemed to be to flee. (Group) Phoenix decided it'd be a good idea to make a quick buck out of the situation by conning people (Phoenix) Pre-Percy wyverns attacked and were killed (Snowy) Percy was defeated and Esphyr(?) threatens to kill Katie (Snowy) Istample Conrad sends troops (Chase) Selizara Phoenix and Rein organize a showdown which makes no sense, I end situation (Rein/Phoenix/Kanami) Convoy is destroyed as we arrive at Ilyphina (Cynthia) Bandit raid upon Ilyphina fails, though group participation was group choice (Kanami) Soldiers followed group, wasn't supposed to be hostile and only one attempted attack (Kanami) Soldiers notice group at Hamburg (Kanami) I'm only playing on events that you solidified after Isotov set the inn on fire. Might just be me, but Selizara exploding is pretty big news, coupled with the group escaping captivity right under the militaries nose is also another mark. If you actually planned things properly instead of carrying plot through in garbled mess heaps, I wouldn't be interfering as much. If Elysimma is just supposed to cover it's eyes, and stop looking for you, I'd like someone to provide reasoning for that. Instead of you simply demanding I stop.
  12. Nyeh, reinforcements is bluff, not sending more units over. Assuming you people have the sense to leave Ilyphina Just need to make some sort of indicator that the group was around the swamps. And to be honest I just needed a sighting and then a fast way to let the capitol know, pretty much just support info to establish what I'm going to be doing next :P Hmmm, only posts I see are 1: You complaining about wanted status 2: You talking about Amari mauling 3: You not having artistic ability. :/???
  13. @Snowy Warning? When? And what did I do that you just noticed? @Map I suppose you could use this map for general placing. (Make your own once you've determined positioning) Big places should take multiple numbers, and ignore the borders,
  14. Lmao XD I wouldn't mind orchestrating the RP to head for that end, though since you people refuse to die, but I can still try, right? OoC suggestion, head to Halton, Septimus, Jerdon, Tora, Hell, anywhere other then remaining in Elysimma. Though Halton might be a bad idea since I've already got some scheming started there as well. Though personally I'd prefer Halton so I can argue why Halton isn't going to be best friends with you all.... well they might have a common goal and get along with Morgan :/
  15. @Snike Snike is scheming something? Good or bad? Or just character development? Nyeh, doubt anyone wants to share info with the Nady anyway. @Snowy Using Elysimma as a central point, and then describing what's around it, (even scribbles on paper/MSpaint) would be good enough. And then someone like Phoenix or Lacuna can pretty'fy it I suppose. If they're willing.
  16. Phoenix has plan? :/ ..... Discuss it with someone, I've kind of got enough ammunition at the moment, without having to rip your plans to shreds again. And what do you mean "with me"? *Is very wary of the Phoenix* @Map In useful notes, please. Hoesntly don't need a thread dedicated solely to displaying a map. Even Alch/your art gallery, anywhere other then new threads >_< @Self Hmmm, been a long time since a day ended without me getting a PM :/
  17. No idea, a general map would help I suppose, since I don't even know which way Halton, Septimus or anything else is from Elysimma, but maps are a pain to make. As for season, I'd think summer-ish as well. Doesn't seem like Spring, and it's certainly not winter. Early autumn is a possibility I suppose, don't know. I think someone mentioned that it was getting dark in the RP, and soldier pursuit in darkness = bad idea, so that works with the idea of not sending more soldiers out.
  18. That works too XD. Go find a small clearing or something and camp there, Nady promises no to send soldiers after you, not until the following day at least anyway.
  19. OoC Kicking you all out. The armored man glared as the group retreated out the town gate, most of them being on mounts he had no chance of defeating them now, and the rest of his men lay sprawled across the area dead or unconscious. "Incompetent fools" he yelled, "Someone get me a carrier pigeon, I hate to ask for help from those city dwellers but we clearly can't handle them ourselves." He looked around, noticing that none of his men were responding, huffed and headed off to send the message.
  20. Sorry Snike, my attention needs to be divided to others as well. If you want to further your character development via set course, it involves planning, and this attack involved no planning, it was just an idea that came when Kelas successfully sold the horses. Though, now I can link it to my main screw over plot. Which.... will happen as soon as everyone goes to sleep. (RP-wise) Motion to GTFO granted, Shoo! XD
  21. @Psych, you can always just make a new one, and try to amalgamate it into the plot you know :/ Though Tora and Jerdon aren't exactly prominent due to being destroyed :/
  22. @Snowy Eh, it's nerves are still alive, I'll keep beating it until it dies completely. @Snike, you can hijack the soldiers you know? I honestly don't care what happens to them anymore, they've served their purpose.
  23. Don't worry, I've already got enough ammo to shoot the lot of you up to Elysimma's most wanted, a situation that Conrad and even the King won't be able to do anything about. (Well the latter could solve it, if he's prepared for open rebellion). Though..... you're probably already most wanted. XD Ah well, doesn't hurt to be safe. As for being alive to GTFO, you people seem to be taking advantage of the "can't die" rule just as often as I am :/ Should have headed somewhere other then the enemy main base (capitol) Could have headed away from captiol after being captured, but went to TISME. Could have headed out of Elysimma, but you wanted to go Mesh hunting. Even if Kiev hadn't attacked the inn, I was going to have the innkeeper recognize you (Hard to ignore a group of mercenaries who stink and look like they've just crawled out of a swamp). But Cess secretly prevented that by making himself go in. If you people decide, "Hey, we're tired lets head back to Ilyphina." I seriously will have to kill someone, if not in the RP, RL is fine too.
  24. @Snowy, you're the one who pretty much solidified it by having wyverns attack the group without warning pre-Percy, if it was just arson, the group could probably pay their way out. Solution: Leave Elysimma? @All Why are you all acting like I have a whole army?
  25. The soldier who'd been headbutted, fell right on the spear of a fellow soldier who looked bewildered. And as the innkeeper finsihed speaking it was obvious that the man wasn't going to respond, not with his neck leaning at that angle. A man in armor snarled as Kelas claimed sanctuary, there were regulations against attacking those under the churches protection. But they only applied if the church accepted them, otherwise they'd be no different from bandits occupying a church. And he could always claim that the churchies were in danger if he didn't slay the trio. Deciding to deal with them later he sent what remained of his men at the other members of the group. OoC: 4 more soldiers + Leader guy, this isn't the capitol, and only patrol guards are around, though reinforcements might arrive later
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