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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Crap >_< Did I just solve an argument? <_< Phoenix get in here! I need to flame someone to relieve the stress I just accumulated for doing a good deed. Need to keep the amount of good and evil in the world, balanced, you know?
  2. I'm really confused over what you people are trying to say :/ 1: I think we all agree that he can use his knife in the RP section of the game 2: He can use it during the Rping of his battles What I think Kai is getting at is Countering. And to be honest I don't really see what counters are, We don't counter the enemy anyway do we? ..... So what's the issue? @Snowy, it'd help if you gave some sort of indication as to where we're going next, are we going to march on to the absurdly close Capitol, or are we going to stop at some town/village/city/palace?
  3. Maybe after Chase has promoted, then instead of making him a Sniper we could give him the knife option? I agree with it sounding cool, and in terms of RP'ing, I doubt anyone has a problem (Kelas (Nomad) has knives too). And to add flavor to your RP battle description you could use the daggers. I don't see why not, as long as Chase can't counter, then it really makes no difference what weapon he's using (No CW, no weapon triangle effect) Summary: As long as Chase can't counter anyone with his daggers I don't see an issue. Stat calc will ignore he has daggers though
  4. It looks like a woman! XD Wow, Rein and Kai don't get along do they? XD And here I was thinking it was just exclusive to the RP
  5. Woo! I got the bottom in each one :D Not sure if Irina/Reika is accurate though, can't ever recall them making contact :/ But then again it doesn't really matter. *Contacts Helios to start the anti-Isotov coalition* Comrade! To be honest though, I expected Isotov to have default (disinterest) with the entire group. (With a few exception of course) What did Aiya do to Iso though?
  6. That's the current list of characters (according to Lacuna's chart). For me though; Damian/Aiya are a straight out "no" because I just don't find Ether online enough when I am. Isotov/Irina seem to have enough supports going their way, and I could never support birdbrains intelligence anyway :P Don't really like Kelas/Arrin in terms of character :P Nyahaha *laughs at Lacuna for some reason* Don't ask Don't like Katie, she's a Mute :P Leaving me with Esphyr, Morgan, Tessa, Helios, Mark, Eric, Chase. Of which, Mark & Eric I know nothing of :/ And Helios is an annoying nooble noble XD *Shrugs* Doubt anyone wants to support me anyway XD So I'm open to a support with Esphyr, don't know if I want one yet though XD
  7. Not that I mind, but when you say "invisible" you do mean she's temporarily removed right? Shouldn't she been under "missing" then? Speaking of "Missing, You can just delete Sabla since she's not coming back, (She was only intended to be a filler character until I somehow forced Reika to join the group (never happened)
  8. @Rein+Anyone else interested in supports If you want to start forming a support with someone, it's best that you contact the individual you want to form a support with "BEFORE" you even get started on building a support with them. If they agree, it'll be alot easier to grab their characters attention and that way their more likely to respond and build an in-game relation with your character. Once you've had a few conversations with eachother in the game, you can probably progress to the initiate Support phase. This is NOT a C Support, it's just an indicator to all the RP'ers that you both plan to form a support with eachother. Keep in mind this counts as a support level, Support Level D, which yields no bonuses, and can be cancelled. It should take at least 5 chapters for you to create an S support with anyone, since you shouldn't be increasing the same support twice in one chapter, regardless of how much closer your characters have gotten. Pretty much 1 Support level per chapter. (Debatable) You can however create two supports in one chapter as long as they are with different people, controlled by different RP'ers. This is mainly for the sake of social networking within the group. Once it has been a chapter since your character has attained Support D, you can then progress to Support C, if you have had a few conversations with that character after attaining Support D. To prevent people complaining about lacking interaction, you should try to start a conversation, or respond to your partners actions in a visual way (Not, Kamilla thought Isotov was an idiot, (but) Kamilla sighed "You're an idiot" she stated bluntly). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It would also be a good idea to create connections with non-popular characters, if you tried supporting Isotov or Irina, then you may have to wait awhile. Whereas characters like Helios and Morgan which don't seem to be openly working on supports would make supporting eachother more plausible then the former two.
  9. I thought you were over it? Anyway in regards to Iso/Katie, I think we're all done arguing over it really :/ It would be great if you put perhaps another (non-count support conversation) in, sometime in the next chapter (earliest last few pages of this chapter) to even things out, but for the sake of keeping supports decent, I'd think any more then 1 support per chapter is pushing it. One might argue, that their character joined late in the RP, but that doesn't really count for anything, both in terms of FE and in terms of logic.
  10. So the Demon Lord is sealed away in a bakery somewhere?.... I'll get to setting all the bakeries in the continent aflame then *Gets Reika to do work*
  11. Hmm you set me aflame? Should I be "Flaming Nadesico, or Nadesico Flaming Phoenix? You're done? Owww :/ Probably a good thing too, since Snowy and yourself were the only ones defending it, Lacuna said she didn't care, but everyone else seemed to be a "no" :P I still don't agree with an auto-support between anyone, using everyones beloved FE as reference, there are plenty of siblings in that game so much to the point were some speculate incest. Yet I don't think any of them start with a default support, (Maybe RD, but that was a carryover of PoR) But Ethers was done ages ago, and I didn't complain at the time, too late now. In terms of supports as a whole though, what Cynthia said. I'm not really sure what the verdict wsa on the Iso/Katie, but the current discussion on supports was more about Irina/Mark :/ Anyway -Have we solved how we're going to get Eric to join? -Are we going to be at the capitol soon, personally I feel it'd be more realistic if it took a few days (one day from the border to the capitol ehhhh) I personally think maybe a night at some small town/village, then finishing chapter 4 with a 2~3 day time skip. (Chapter 5 starts with everyone arriving at the captiol) Would be a good idea here :/
  12. Umm, birdbrain? If you hadn't noticed it was Cynthia who said it wasn't a support first, and Kai himself who asked if it was a legitimate support :/ Read before you try acting smart :P Edit: I also have the power to complain and that's much more fun :)
  13. Hmm, well, Kamilla doesn't really have a good opinion of "wanted outlaws." Moreso then usual due to her being raised in a strict "We are holy and good, non-believers are evil and bad" environment. And I honestly can't say I can see Kamilla getting along with Chase when he does stupid things like cry out to his captors "I'm a criminal don't kill me" XD Edit, should have editted the last post, sorry >_<
  14. Give him time for what? I was just saying that it seems too early for someone who "just joined" to be creating supports the moment he enters. :/
  15. He rejoined the group right after Isotov set fire to the inn. Somewhere between blazing inn and the town gates. You heard the lady! Nady agrees! Seriously though, Mark's activity in the group isn't that much better then Isotov (I actually think worse) despite the fact that he's been around since chapter 1. And this is the first time I've seen Mark interact with Irina properly. Hence I think it was a "no support" @Snowy: Are we restricting Supports to one support per chapter as Snike(?) suggested, or can we do as many as we want?
  16. Screw it Kamilla yawned as she watched Mark and Irina prepare to kill eachother in the friendliest way possible. She couldn't understand what was so fun about fighting with steel, regardless of whether it was a practice or not, it still came with the risks of being fatally injured. She looked up at the sky which had started getting darker, dark clouds were coming in from the west. "Rain...." she muttered quietly, she didn't know what the others were thinking but she didn't want to be out here in the middle of nowhere when it started pouring...... Or maybe she did, she wasn't really sure anymore, they were all going to die sooner or later. "Oh well" she stated before she stood up, and started walking off. Towards the capitol, if she remembered correctly, this path was connected to a small town nearby, and she didn't feel like waiting for everyone to finish convincing Percy.
  17. I really hope it's an error on your behalf when it says Isotov has two B supports Lacuna, or I'm going to have to flamethrower the birdhead in OoC again :/
  18. XD I knew Kai was going to explode when I saw your post Birdy XD But yeah, his explosions are fun :P @Lacuna: Please don't tell me you're PMing for a support with Isotov <_<
  19. I predict a "Now is not the time" from Morgan XD When I said "interact" I didn't mean everyone set up camp and relax XD We are technically still on the run you know :P
  20. I recommend getting a pot, filling it with oil, leaving it on high heat, and then go out and eat take-away. *Is wondering why she's always the last one to have posted in the RP, nearly everytime she checks :/ You people could interact with eachother while we wait for Snowy to make Percy respond you know :/
  21. Kamilla looked at Chase and raised an eyebrow "I have no intentions of making friends with bandits, but do whatever you want, it doesn't bother me" she said clearly uninterested in Chase's apology or offer to get along.
  22. I think you people might be taking his obesity a bit too far, he's still human, if he managed to climb ontop a wyvern he's not just a round ball of fat. I get the feeling some of us are thinking fat= balloon body, and while that's what's sort of implied by Snowy. If we were as active in the RP as we are here, we'd be at the capitol by now :/
  23. Don't know, but I doubt Snowy has problems with making it nearby. Alternatively we could just camp out for the day. @Snowy, how many days until we reach the capitol?
  24. @Kai, Hmm, my issue with holding a knife to his neck (if meant literally) is that a wyvern is a moving vehicle, it's like holding a knife to someone's neck while you're on a bus. Sudden jerks, and change in the flow of movement could lead to an "accidental" slit throat :/
  25. It's safer then the guy riding his wyvern IMO :/ Probably should kill the beast unless it tries to save it's master.
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