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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. So if Threaten skills are you beating an enemy at a staring contest to lower their stats, what are Ploy skills? Like you're so terrifyingly powerful that low Res units can detect you from a distance?
  2. I mean... Ike's original Aether animation (the first part) is pretty much the same thing as the Merc/Hero crit in GBA anyway? It just has an extra slash at the end (which Chrom didn't do in this video). I think this is the "critical hit" thing when you stun a named enemy, or just a regular combo move. But the fact that they're having Chrom homage Ike when he didn't do this swing in Awakening makes me feel like they're not putting in Ike. Yet.
  3. My mistake, the timestamp I gave you was 2 seconds past the sword throw. But to save you time, this is a screenshot of Chrom throwing his sword: And the sword spinning in mid-air like how Ike's Aether works:
  4. I even gave you a timestamp for the video.
  5. It could be a different animation. But he definitely threw the sword in this one.
  6. Nope, he definitely threw the sword first. It's 3:15, go look for yourself.
  7. Nah, I mean Chrom actually did Ike's signature Aether animation in the video, which Chrom didn't do in Awakening.
  8. How do you feel about Chrom stealing Aether lol?
  9. Well, in my book, if the character is bad anyway, might as well pick the prettier one.
  10. It's dumb gameplay wise, especially if it stuns named people too. On higher difficulties where even grunts do noticeable damage, this is top level cheese, especially since Xander can't be knocked off his horse.
  11. Well, if Priscilla's in then I'm going to root for her until she's gone, then I'm going to Team Sakura.
  12. Strange. The character entrance cutscenes are in Japanese, but pretty much everything else is in English. Perhaps this is just an incomplete build or something, but who knows, maybe we'll get dual audio. 3:56 Booooo Chrom, stop stealing moves. Corrin's metereless crowd control is pretty insane. Ryoma's face looks weird af. But yoooooo he just held a sword of pure lighting made out of the Raijinto's electricity and dual-wielded. Wtf Xander knocks people around just by running. That's dumb as hell. I don't like the "Mission Start" and Level Ups. They break the flow of the game really bad. Good thing they can be turned off, apparently. These meter specials are pretty lame. They're just "slash this guy like fifty times, then slash harder once or twice". Only Corrin's are kinda special.
  13. I'm sure we'll be getting Male Robin, since he seems to show up more in media. F!Robin isn't as popular as F!Corrin. I find it extremely funny that literally no one in this world gives two shits about male Corrin, and I'm okay with this.
  14. Xander's English voice gave me cancer once again. The male protag too.
  15. Alright, fully updated for the GHB characters, and moved Athena.
  16. Okay, now it's here.... I must be tripping, or I did something that triggered the button to disappear without moving anyone. I'm 100% sure everyone had not moved yet though, though I was randomly fiddling with my phone before starting as I did something else.
  17. Strange, the button was not there and I hadn't moved yet for Hard 1.
  18. What the hell, the new maps don't let us rearrange units?
  19. I'll update in a bit, I'm just trying to work through my final essay for English class rn.
  20. I didn't know about the -4, but really, not much was to be expected from -Atk.
  21. Should work okay, I guess. Nino doesn't really need her Special almost ever, so she doesn't need Quickened Pulse.
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