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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I've seen Frederick as the melee Cav, and Matthew as the ranged infantry.
  2. I'm just trying to run Julia/Lucina/Reinhardt. I put Bridal Lyn on the team at first, but it's not really working out, so I'm subbing in Azura. I kinda have trouble winning once my main team falls, though.
  3. What are you guys running? Forsaking a dancer for a healer is messing me up.
  4. Having to play around losing a team member is actually kinda refreshing... For now.
  5. I mean yeah, it definitely takes practice, but nowhere near what it takes to wield a sword properly. I imagine a lot of random villagers would be familiar with cutting wood, and so have some idea of how to handle an axe.
  6. So is there any point to doing the routes that aren't the hardest one?
  7. Lol 30 matches in now, still no 7 win streak. Or any semblance of a win streak.
  8. Today is another one of those days Where I somehow end up spending almost my entire stock of 13 Arena crests in an attempt to get some form of a streak going
  9. I also have sweet tooth, but I'm probably less extreme than you lol.
  10. aaaaaaaaaaaaa my Bridal Lyn still isn't complete. I'll have to do with just Hone Spd 1 for now. At least she can function with Rehabilitate, and her B skill is ready.
  11. Yes, the entire song was written by Anankos, which he then taught to the Vallite Royals. The Revelation verse also implies this.
  12. It's wise to recognize an unwinnable situation, but I just wouldn't approach a situation thinking it could be one of those, that's all. Reinhardt would probably love that seal, but Bridelia can get away with Luna since she's quadding. Though, with the seal, maybe she can even opt for a 4-count Special.
  13. Maybe, but I don't subscribe to that line of thinking. If you don't think you can win, you'll never win.
  14. Oh.... It's okay, Oboro and Nino still believe in you. I think.
  15. Huh, never heard of 凶星 just standing for comet. I thought about writing Star of Calamity but I just thought of feng shui stuff and my brain blew a raspberry. Why didn't you check skills bro Who saved the day?
  16. Fun fact: Astra in Japanese is called "Meteor", and Glimmer is literally "Evil Star". So if you're still running Cymbeline I guess it kinda fits.
  17. Miracle is a 5-count Special, so generally it just takes too long to start up. Heavy Blade Miracle is kinda funny I guess. It's pretty useful when you have a Wrathful Staff Sakura solo the Narcian GHB though. I mean, I didn't say it was a bad thing.
  18. It's okay.... Did he have G Tomebreaker lol? I've actually seen a Hector with that. Your brain is full of legal Tiki, that's what's happening.... The true Anthiese would lead the defense of their own castle.
  19. It's okay.... Did he have G Tomebreaker lol? I've actually seen a Hector with that. Your brain is full of legal Tiki, that's what's happening.... The true Anthiese would lead the defense of their own castle.
  20. You should merge all your Fredericks together, then. Do you want to talk about it?
  21. Gotta keep it exciting, y'know. Legal Tiki gives Bonfire, not Luna. I'd need some extra Catrias, but I only have the free one we got ages ago...
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