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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Well, no idea. At least until I pull Bride Cordelia, if that ever happens. Xander and Camus are both pretty cool though. I actually went and checked again, and for my +2 Celica, L&D offers no additional wins on PP and only a few on EP compared to Swift Sparrow, but almost double the EP losses. I imagine it gets a bit worse with SI factored in. screw L&D Celicas
  2. The L&D isn't for Celica anyway. I want to spend feathers, I just don't know who deserves them first...
  3. Well, the Echoes people shouldn't even have tomes.... So for my next 20k feathers, I can't decide on who to promote. Alfonse to have a full set of Askrs for Arena? Xander? Camus? Life and Death fodder?
  4. I hope they throw us some out-of-left-field combinations instead of just same series or something. Would not be mad at Camus talking to Xander or something.
  5. This happens in the Japanese version too. I think it only doesn't play the audio on DLC maps.
  6. But instead of being a crit, the Triangle Attack creates an AoE attack that has the patterns of every AoE special.
  7. I was touched when I saw the animation it got in Echoes. Squares always have to have the same length on each side, no matter their size. Triangles come in all sorts of funky shapes, like right-angled, isosceles, irregular, etc. etc. They can adapt to any situation.
  8. But if a square has to become triangles to have fun, what's the point of being a square? So triangles are just better?
  9. The triangle is always the life of the party, man. Two triangles touch tips and the magic begins. Squares with their parallel lines just slide past each other, never connecting. It's sad, really.
  10. The Earth isn't round; the land is held up by a triangle, since triangles don't bend when you put a load on them. And under that triangle, another triangle holds it up.
  11. You mean they're both terrible in their own games? ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
  12. Yes. But they are inferior. I see you have strange tastes, my friend.
  13. I guess I'll have to bring up my trump card. Pizzas are cut into triangles.
  14. Also, are you talking about the two triangles together?
  15. Muh 2-D shapes... What kind of villain adds an extra dimension?
  16. The split triangles may have more points, but it doesn't work like that. Their area has been reduced greatly from the original square. Their tiny size can't hold that power.
  17. But the two triangles only have half the power of the original square. It's easy pickings.
  18. But you can ram a triangle into a square, and the square can't defend itself.
  19. Do you remember how many Stale Breads you've fed to Faye?
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