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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I really liked it! Matthew Mercer singing is smooth! And it was crazy, but I managed to get all parent/child conversations and clear the map without losing units.
  2. Makes me wonder what the result would be if there wasn't a distribuition. Greninja is also getting a Special Edition New 3DS.
  3. Yup, Greninja will be distributed at the new movie's lauch day and it will be holding a Master Ball.I believe it's Japan only, however. EDIT: Ninja'd.
  4. Actually, in the Robin/Owain support, with Robin as the father, Owain says that Robin vanished, instead of saying he died. That they never found Robin's body.
  5. People tend to assume the loudest ones represent the entire fandom. And it's very easy to judge a group of people, by considering the loudest ones. And some people just want to critize things, without being critized for it, take JoshScorcher: He critized Kingdom Hearts, but to avoid being critized for it, he made himself look like the victim and the fandom looks like the villain.
  6. I know, and it makes me very happy that legendary didn't win this time. If you research other official polls, you'll see that Arceus won almost every single one.But the winner was a Water type, and it makes me so glad! And a easy one to get at that! It's definitively won becuase of popularity, and not because people wanted one. Armaldo, Archen, Archeops, and Magnemite being so popular surprised me however. And yeah, looks like Glaceon is the second most popular Eeveevolution.
  7. You are aware that the reason why Arceus and other legendaries ranked so high is because people know that the winner will be distributred? Anyways here are the top 100: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/132/248/77b.jpg_large http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/132/249/91c.jpg_large There are some suprises in that list, and for those who are curious, the pokemon that ended up in last place and was considered Japan's least popular Pokemon was Simsear.
  8. Perhaps, some them have similarities, like Aced, the Ursus Foreteller's keyblade having an earth theme, and Ava, the Vulpeus Foreteller's keyblade having a water theme, they might be counterparts, but I'm not so sure about the whole reicarnation theory, I know about it, but I'm don't think it is right.Something interesting though, didn't the sixth apprentice, the black hood guy, had an attitude similar to Xigbar/Braig? Oh, I promised to talk about Skuld and the Dandelions, right? Okay, so Skuld is a female keyblade wielder who, like the player character in Unchained, befriended Ephemera, and again, like the player, had dreams about Ephemera after he vanished. Ephemera told Skuld in the dream that the world they know would soon end. Skuld and the player decided to enter the foretellers's castle to look for Ephemera. The eventually run into the foreteller of the player's guild, who asks Skuld and the player what are they doing there. When they say they are looking for Ephemera, the foreteller says that Ephemera was meddling too much and he was eliminated. Skuld and the player get angry and get ready to fight the foreteller, however the foreteller vanishes and it was revealed that it was an illusuion created by Ava, the Vulpeus Foreteller. She created the illusion to test Skuld and the player. She says she's gathering keyblade wielders, whom she calls Dandelions, to protect them from the war, and to the protect the future as well. And when she says future, I believe she says she will send them into the future. But I'm not sure if she means time travel or that they will sleep and wake up in the future.
  9. She still in the Realm of Darkness. This game is about how she survived in there. Also, Ephemera, the white haired kid from the trailer, he's a bit of a mystery. He's a keyblade wielder that befriends the player character in Unchained, and is also interested in what the foretellers are hiding. He is talking with Ava, about the book of prophecies, but is also concerned about Ava, and he notices that she is very worried and depressed, and Ephemera tries to cheer her up. They also talk about the player character. He promises to work with the player but eventually disappears, and the explanation for why is a bit iffy. He was supposed to meet the player, but never showed up. And the player dreams of Ephemera running into a black hooded man. Speaking of black hood, the blqck hooded man from the trailer is actually a sixth apprentice of the Master of Masters, and a bit of a renegade. Chirity is a cat like being that is given to each keyblade wielders as an assistant of sorts. Think of them as a Navi. However, they seem to know the foretellers personally, and under the cape they wear is a Also, Xehanort's Keyblade is said to be very ancient, and notice how it has a Goat/Lion theme to it? Some think that it has a connection to the foretellers, since they all have animal themes. There's still Skuld, the Dandellions and others things to talk about, but I'm a bit busy right now, so I will write more later.
  10. Okay, you know how there was a war before the events of the game, that tore the world apart?Even before the war, there were Keyblade wielders who fought the darkness, and they were divided in five unions, each were led by a Foreteller, the masked people you see. The five foretellers were apprentices to the Master of Masters, who wrote the Book of Prophecies, which has the power to change reality. In the book, there was a part were it was said that one of the foretellers is a traitor, and that lead to the unrest that appear in the trailer, with all them distrusting each other. The only one who didn't get into the fight was the Vulpeus foreteller, Ava, who was said to be the foreteller that was the approachable. She is planning something to save young Keyblade wielders from the war that will unfold. Did you get all that? There's more to it, like Ephemera, Skuld and Chirity, but I will talk about those later, since there's quite a bit yet to talk about. It can be overwhelming, and I know I talked a lot.
  11. I think it was because a lot of people complained that Pokemon were evolving to early. You could get powerful Pokemon very early. For example, Houndoom at level 24, Manectric at level 26, Gardevoir at level 30, Staraptor at level 34 and so on. To be honest, they were evolving to early, at least by levels.
  12. Another interesting thing, I've heard that Hisame was originally Hinata's younger brother, before they made him his kid. It's quite possible that a lot of the kids weren't meant to be a second gen unit and were part of the main story instead.
  13. I'll admit, at first, I wasn't interested, but this trailer changed my mind! I'm also very interested in the Voice actors! I'm pretty sure the Ursus Foreteller is Travis Willingham and the Unicornius Forteller is Matthew Mercer. Not sure about the rest, but I swear I heard Ephemera's voice actor somewhere...
  14. It's no dream, you're still in school. And the teacher still is waiting those homeworks. So get to it!
  15. Actually Luke's fighting style fits Hero more. Guy should be the Swordmaster. Also, to keep the Abyss theme: Tear: Strategist- A healer who can also attack. Natalia-Priestess/Adventurer- An archer who can heal. Jade-Sorcerer- An offensive mage that can't heal. Anise-Mechanist-Does this even need to be explained?
  16. Since it's very likely that the remake will be based on the International Zodiac Version (A rather ironic name, as it was Japan-only), I though I should list that weren't in the original and were added in the zodiac version: The Zodiac Job System-There are now twelve License Boards, each one representing a job. Once a character chooses a job it cannot be changed. Isolated licenses can be accessed by unlocking Espers and Quickenings. Trial Mode-The party must fight through 100 stages, each one containing stronger monsters. Completing this mode unlocks New Game+: Weak Mode. Controllable guests-Guests can now be controlled, their gambits can be edited, and they can level up. Their equipment cannot be removed. Controllable Espers-Espers can be controlled once summoned, and their gambits can be edited. The player can use their ultimate attack at will. Turbo Speed Mode-Holding down L1 speeds up the game, making exploring the world and engaging in battles faster. The music and cutscenes still play at normal speed. Gambit Changes-There are 16 new gambits. All the gambits can be bought upon leaving Barheim Passage. Stat growth Changes -Each character's stat growth has been altered slightly. Item Changes-New items have been added, and some of their effects have been slightly changed. Enemy Changes-Enemies have been changed slightly, plus new enemies have been added. A battle against all five Judge Magisters is also included. Magick Changes-Water and Watera are renamed to Aqua and Aquara. Many spells have been re-categorized; Bravery and Faith are now White Magick for example. Cure and all tier 1 Black Magick elemental spells have an area of effect (same as their higher tier counterparts) instead of targeting a single unit. Not all magick can be bought, and some must be found in treasure chests. Equipment Changes-New weapons have been added, like the Excalipoor, while others have been slightly changed. Armor and accessories have also been slightly changed. Some weapons have different elemental alignments. Shop Listings-Some shops have had their inventory changed. Hunt Reward Changes-Rewards for defeating Marks have slightly changed. Mist Knack (Quickening) Changes-They no longer take up MP. Instead, they have their own separate gauge. MP Changes-Since Mist Knacks do not use MP, obtaining Mist Knacks does not increase MP. Instead, characters simply get more MP as they level up. Max MP is determined by the character's job. New Game+ -Two New Game+ modes are available. Strong Mode, where all characters begin at level 90, and Weak Mode, where all characters begin at level 1 and never level up. Nothing carries over into these new save files. Treasure Respawns-Treasures now respawn by just moving one screen away. Treasure Item Changes-Some items inside coffers have been switched around, added, or removed. Break Damage Limit-There is no damage limit anymore. If a character does more than 9,999 damage, the game will show it. Against weak enemies, it is possible to achieve over 100,000 HP of damage with a single attack. This gives the strongest magick spells greater potency to rival melee attack with high hit combo.
  17. The Gameplay is interesting, it has Final Fantasy's classic ATB system, but the battles are all done on the field, there's no change to a battlefield when you touch an enemy. There are also gambits, which some like, but others dislike. It's a bit hard to explain, but they are "orders" that you can give to your party members before battle. For example, you can give a gambit to a character that will make them use cure or a potion on party member with less that 50% HP. You can also use gambits to make a character use an antidote or esuna on poisoned without having to give them the order to use it. You can arrange the priority of gambits and so on. It can be boring to watch, but it's very interesting to play. There are also licenses, but I will explain those later. FFXII is also a grind heavy game.
  18. But isn't Vaan the game's best character, when it comes to stats? A lot of people say it's like a MMORPG.I don't think it is like one, but I can see why people say that. And the game does start a bit slow. Storywise, the story is the grandiose type, but if it is a good thing or not depends on the player. However, the world-building in this game is excellent! Pretty much every single thing has a reason for it. Every monster has detailed bio, and even monster that are simple recolor have an explanation for why they are recolors. Every city had a backstory, and there are many little small details that makes the world of FFXII feel real. Seriously, the world-building in this game is impressive. Even the elemental resistances and weaknesses are explained!
  19. http://www.siliconera.com/2016/06/06/final-fantasy-xii-zodiac-age-announced-playstation-4/ The new remake is called The Zodiac Age. And it seems that it will include the Zodiac Job System. I'm very interested in the job system, since only Japan had it.
  20. Might said fanfiction be called Joining of Worlds?
  21. Beruka hurt Xander's feeling! And he worked do hard on making the food! He's probably sulking in a dark corner by now.
  22. All of Mitama's crit quotes are great, and the delivery is amazing.
  23. Sakura worships Corrin? When? In which supports Sakura worships Corrin? The only support that she mention Corrin is the one with Silas, and even then, they are talking about Corrin's memory loss.She's the female Royal who praises Corrin the least. And she's even willing to fight against him
  24. It's not that only Silas wants Charlotte.Pretty much, any physical male wants Charlotte. She gives +8 Str and +5 Spd. Any physical unit wants that. And all her kids gets amazing Str. That's what I meant by Charlotte being in high demand. Forrest's base Str growth is a measly 15%. Charlotte!Forrest is not really worth it. Beruka is a great tank, and can make others great tanks as well.Saizo has 45% Def growth. In the right class, he can be a great tank.
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