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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Brahma, Vishu and Shiva form a trinity of Hiduism's most powerful gods. Brahma is the creator. Vishnu is the preserver. Shiva is the destroyer. However, unlike Shiva and Vishnu, Brahma is the least worshipped god, and is not considered important anymore. If they make a legendary trio based on the Hindu trinity, this makes sense. There were similar cases before in Pokemon, such the Weather Trio and the Tao Trio.
  2. I totally forgot about Narasimha! And it's interesting to note that Narasimha is an avatar of Vishnu, the Supreme God Hinduism. Vishnu is particularly associated with light and especially with the Sun. And in some texts he is said to lead seven solar deities. And another interesting thing is that Shiva, while not a moon god, is heavily associated with crescent moon. He said to carry the moon on his head and gives it light. And what symbol on Pokemon Moon's logo? A crescent moon. This is getting interesting! Maybe if we have a third version, it's mascot will be based on Brahma?
  3. Congratulations, Fire Emblem! Hopefully there it will continue foe years! Man, I remeber seeing Eliwood on the box and thinking he was Roy, then I saw that the gameplay was similar to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and decided to give it a try. Needless to say, I loved it. Funny thing is, I didn't knew about perma-death when I first played it...let's just say I found out about it the hard way. Anyone else had a similar experience? Trust me pal, time gets even faster after twenty. Before you realize it, years will pass in a blink of an eye.
  4. Who knows? Just because they would have similar concepts doesn't mean they will be the same. I wouldn't dismiss it as unoriginal yet. Changing the subject, there's something interesting that everyone should read: The names Solgaleo and Lunalaa were not registered under Nintedo's or Game Freak's trademark. The name were registered under the name of Yusuke Inui. So these names may not be related to Pokemon at all. However it is interesting to note that Yusuke is a lawyer that specializes in IP.
  5. There are many connections between Lions and the sun. In the Zodiac, the Leo sign is associated with the sun. The Persian Sun God, Mithra, is said to look like a lion. The image of Lion and a Sun was one the symbols of Iran. And the mane of a lion resembles a sun. Moon's mascot may be flying and bird because there are many birds associated with the moon.
  6. Possible, are there any notable owls in mythology? Also, it's quite to imagine that the Sun's version mascot is going to be a Fire type, Moon's mascot on the other hand...is a bit mote complicated. The moon is associated with many things, like the water, cold, madness, darkness, the dead, and the Fairy type seems to also be associated with the moon. My guesses for Moon's mascot type are Water, Ice, Ghost, Dark or Fairy.
  7. Something interesting I found out: Apparently ala means in wing in italian. Which means Lunaala's name could mean Moon Wing. A bird legendary maybe? Maybe an owl or raven?
  8. Ziz, Leviathan and Behemoth.In Jewish mythology they were said to be destructive creatures during the early days of the world. Ziz is said to rule over birds and Leaviathan is said to rule over fishes. Not sure on what Behemoth rules over if anything at all.
  9. Now that I think about, aren't lion often associated with the sun, due to their mane? Makes sense that Sun's mascot is lion.Moon's on the other hand...hmm..maybe a wolf? Also, many legendary pokemon are actually based on creatures from mythology, for example: Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza are based on Jewish mythology Ho-oh and Lugia are based on Eastern mythology Xerneas, Yvetal and Zygarde are based on Norse mythology And there are other examples as well. Is there type of mythology that involves lions as important figures? I mean while Lions appear in many mythologies, has there even been an important lion figure? I don't remember. Granted I'm still haven't made my research , so I may be completely wrong.
  10. Now that I think about, Gaius does have great stats, and interesting skills. To be honest, I never paid much attention to him, gameplay wise. I wish Gaius didn't have such low availability in the game, I think that if I had more opportunities to play as him, I would appreciate him more. Then again, I shoudn't be blaming the game for the fact that I didn't use a character. Another question for you guys: Did anyone used a cross like formation on the bosses? Ever since the boss battle, I used a cross formation on all bosses onward. I worked well for me, but at the same time, I couldn't take advantage of crafts like Resounding Beat.
  11. From a gameplay point of view, MyCastle was a wonderful idea, and I hope it continues, but storywise not so much. Was it really necessary for MyCastle to be part of the story?
  12. Out of curiosity, why did you kick Rean of the party?
  13. Atrocious Raid and Eliminate Crisis are my favorites too! I love the heroic feel Eliminate Crisis has, it's a great way to end a chapter! Yeah, the obtain the S-Craft was a bit weird, especially Elliot's and Gaius's. It came out nowhere. Other than Rean, the only other one that was obtained in a fitting moment was Alisa, and maybe Jusis.
  14. Gaius is a pretty good character, but his problems are that there's usually little reason to use him, Try linking Jusis with Emma when Jusis gets arts support, Emma's spells will hit incredibly hard!
  15. Well, to be honest, I always hesitated to use Zeram items, a bad habit I need to stop. There's no need to hoard them. Maybe that's why I used Alisa a lot. I also noticed that some characters do better depeding on what type of party you have. For example, my party was mostly of spellcasters, so Jusis was pretty useful with his ability to boost the power of spells of the party member he is currently linked with. Laura is suprisingly useful is spellcaster party as her cover ability can protect the weaker party members, even thought is a bit luck based.
  16. Man, Resoundng Beat is so good, and it comes so early as well! And Laura can dish some serious damage, it's almost ridiculous. About Alisa, can actually contribute a lot, because she has a Craft that can restore CP, but I forgot the name. It's pretty when combined with characters that use a lot of CP. Honestly, the only party member that disappointed me is Gaius, he really doesn't stand out much when it comes to combat, since there's usually a better option.
  17. I also finished it last month, By the way, what were your most used characters? I'm kinda curious to see what characters people use and compare to the ones I used. For example, I've heard that Jusis is not very good, but he worked out great for me. Especially when he was linked with Emma. Julius+Emma works really well.
  18. Undeniable proof that XanderxRyoma is canon:
  19. I'll put it simply: While Jakob is a jerk, he's only like that when people talk to him, if others leave him alone, he will leave them alone, he never seeks anyone to insult. Azama is quite the opposite, he actually seeks people to bother an insult and enjoy when they react badly. And while Niles is also jerk and seeks people to bother and insult, if ever crosses the line to something really personal, Niles actually apologize and tends to feel really bad.
  20. Actually, Sakura has decent enough Str to work well without the Shinning Bow.Also, Yumis are the strongest weapons in the game in term of stats, so that also helps her deal more damage.
  21. I don't think Yukimura is the supreme commander of the army, he is most likely an important tactician, besides, Sakura is a princess, she definitively has authority over Yukimura. I believe the supreme commander is Ryoma? Not sure. Also, a question, what did of the fact that Sakura chose to fight against Corrin? Did you think it was interesting and well written or stupid and badly written?
  22. Not bad, she joins early enough to have enough time to train her. Her speed is still a problem. There's also the fact that Hayato outclasses her completely, and honestly, in Revelations there's very little reason to use Orochi when you have Hayato.
  23. To be honest, this is not really surprising. Creating a game takes a lot of years. I imagine it's going to be a 2018-2019 release if development already started.
  24. Wow, the detail on his armor is amazing! And the sword, in particular, looks great! Makes me wonder how Golbez, Exdeath and Gabrath are going to look.
  25. I forgot say something, This is your first Fire Emblem game, so don't be ashamed of choosing casual mode if you're are unsure, Don't let others pressure you into playing classic because they think it's the only way to play a Fire Emblem game, play on the mode you feel most confortable with. Also, are playing the Normal difficulty? If so, there's no need to worry about reclassing, you can do well with the characters base class. That being said, you if want to reclass, there's no problem. It's your game and you should play the way want. Finally, don't be ashamed of asking newbie questions. Everyone is this forum is more than happy to help newcomers. If there's something you find difficult or don't understand, don't be ashamed to ask, as I said before, we're happy to help!
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