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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. One thing that I realized by reading this thread, is that no one here seems to agree on what a Mary Sue is, but unlike Gomez, I don't think this is a bad thing. The Mary Sue character archetype is actually something very new to the writting world, not to say that they didn't exist before, but only recently that we started that we started identifying characters as such. If I'm not mistaken the first time the term was used, was in the seventies, in a Star Trek fanfiction I believe. To the writting world, that's very recent. And because it's so recent is the reason we can't agree on what a Mary Sue is. Honestly I don't think we will ever reach an agreement on what a Mary Sue is, and if Kamui is a Mary Sue or not. Instead of trying to convice others as to what a Mary Sue is, I think it's better, and healthier, if we use this thread to state our own opinions as to why do you think Kamui is a Mary Sue or to say why you think he is not a Mary Sue. Let's keep this friendly, okay?
  2. To be fair those traits are sorta nescessary if you are going to have an entire army following you to certain death. Otherwise the game would be much harder.
  3. Good points gayserbeam, I though about using the video game argument, but I though it would be weak on it's own, but you made much better argument than the one I was going make. Here's something else: Kamui is meant to be a player avatar, so the fact that Kamui have few personality traits is most likely intentional.
  4. Not quite, though Kamui does come dangerously close to being one. Kamui does have some personality traits that individualize them, and their naivete does bite them back in the ass, even if very little.
  5. I can just imagine them speaking: "I miss Iwata's broken english!" "This guy doesn't speak funny like Iwata!" "Iwata's direct would always announce new games!" "I rather have no Directs if Iwata is not in them!" As amazing as Iwata was, he wasn't going to be presenting Directs forever, but some people won't accept that. But anyway back on topic: Maybe another reason for why they are not having a Direct now is because other than Mario Maker, there aren't any big games coming right now. I mean, there's Star Fox, but it was just revealed at E3, making a direct about them now is kinda pointless.
  6. I wonder if some fans will dislike the new host, simply for not being Iwata. It's sad, but I know petty fans like that exist.
  7. There had been Directs without Iwata, if I'm not mistaken. And don't worry, I'm pretty sure there will Directs again. It's just that things at Nintedo are understandably messy right now. They even haven't announced a new CEO. Then again Iwata's death was so sudden, so they probably didn't have plans for a new CEO yet.
  8. Most likely in her left leg, since it's always covered, or maybe on her arms, since she wears long gloves.
  9. Unlikely, part of that scene was shown at the E3 trailer, and it was pretty much the same. EDIT: Ninja'd by Azz01
  10. I did a bit of research on historical figures that have the name Llewellyn. I'm way to obsessed with this Most of Llewellyns that I found were members of Welsh royalty that weren't particulary memorable, however there is one thing that I've noticed that was quite interesting, the name Owain came up a lot when I was researching Welsh royalty. But that aside, I think we can safely assume that the Llewellyn of Fates wasn't named after anyone famous. This gonna keep bothering me until we find something, I just know it.
  11. Here's a weird thing: When you recruit him in Birthright, he comes equiped with a Hoshidan weapon. Anyway let's get back on topic, and try to find out who Llewellyn is.
  12. I think you're right about the countries. But I've heard he served the Hoshidan royal family, and ninja is one of his reclass options.
  13. But I did think about him, since his hair looks like a lion's mane.
  14. I still think it's Zero, since D.C. Douglas's voice fits him well. I can totally imagine Zero having a Wesker-like voice.
  15. Here's some more roles of D.C. Douglas: Alexei from Tales of Vesperia Dylas from Rune Factory 4 Raven from Tekken. We could use this examples to see which Fates character fits his vocal range, and figure out who is Llewellyn.
  16. D.C. Douglas is the voice of Wesker from Resident Evil and Azrael from Blazblue.
  17. I don't think it's Lazward since he is most likely going to be voiced by Liam O'Briam.Good call on the kids though, maybe it's Igins's english name.
  18. It doesn't have to make sense, many characters in Fire Emblem are given names that doesn't have deep meanings. And that Zero thing was just a guess, since D.C. Douglas's voice would fit him.
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