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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. A small question about VC4: Are B potentials random? For example the Lancer Jimmy learns First Aid boost first in one save file, but in another save file Jimmy learns Safe Not Sorry first? While it would be the reverse with the Lancer Keigel.
  2. My picks for Top VAs are •Robbie Daymond(Ares, Tobin) This guy’s range is amazing. My favorite voice actor overall. •Grant George(Sigurd, Clive) The perfect voice for Sigurd, he’s incredibly fitting for him. •Xander Mobus(Innes, Arvis, Kaze) Great deep voice which always leave an impression. •Ray Chase(Alfonse, Roy, Gaius) Another guy with great range •Kaiji Tang(Odin, Shiro, Narcien, Lloyd) You can tell he loves his job. He loves voicing Owain/Odin.
  3. Seliph being emperor is actually more of a case that it’s what the common people want. Seliph is seen as pretty much a saintly figure by the common people during Gen 2 and they were probably calling for Seliph to be king. Julia is probably seen by the common people as Arvis’s daughter and Julius’s sister. The people would probably riot if Julia was in the throne instead of Seliph. Leif and Altena have a similar problem, as the common people would riot if Altena got the throne instead of Leif.
  4. Those stats are insane, but her being a dragon/armor means she has plenty of weaknesses. While it’s a powercreep, Legendary Tiki is far from invincible, she has plenty of counters.
  5. To those who doesn’t find it cute, how can look at this face not call it cute?
  6. Appearance is highly subjective. Plus the internet seems to be loving it! I’m pretty sure it’s the new cute legendary.
  7. Well, she’s not really a lord to begin with, so Micaiah is the first Staff using lord. Well, if Elincia counts, then she’s still not first, as that honor goes to Leif and maybe Deirdre/Julia.
  8. 27 and still waiting, the only thing that changed was my perception of time. Time starts to go so fast once you hit 20. I’m 27 but I swear I was 22 yesterday! I swear!
  9. Actually it’s not really fake. The image was directly ripped from the Pokemon Go app.
  10. Since I placed spoilers in the title, I don’t think this thread will need spoiler tags, anyway looks like someone messed up at Niantic messed up and the new Pokemon was leaked: Look like it might be the new cute Legendary and it seems to be at least a Steel type. EDIT: It was officially revealed and it’s called Meltan! Seems to be the new cute legendary.
  11. Since lauch day, and man how the game changed! I still remember how you couldn’t swap unit positions at the start of battle, how the stamina cost for the Training Tower was really expensive, how the max stamina was 50, how GHB and BHB costed stamina, how Staff Units were considered bad, how Camus never returned, how Takumi was feared, how you couldn’t turn off the enemy music... The game changed so much in so little time!
  12. So Torna was meant to be in the game? That explains how it was released so fast. As I said before, I wish they held it back it’s release at peast a year more, for Torna to have more content.
  13. You mean Lilina? It’s neither of these, she dies for good actually.
  14. I think they wanted to release ot while there was still hype for the game, but wouldn’t mind waiting a year or two for a longer Torna. They already have the resources, and creating resources is what usually makes game development take so long.
  15. Do you mean as too long or not long enough? To be fair, it’s impressive that they created this much content in less than a year. Make me wish this expansion was released in 2019 because it could be even longer!
  16. I was just watching the Torna cutscenes, and I first was disappointed that it was only 2 hours and a half worth of cutscenes, but when I looked back that original Xenoblade 2 cutscenes I realized that about 70% percent of the cutscenes were tutorials, world building and needlessly dragging out arcs.
  17. I’ve heard reviews that this expansion is only 17 hours long, sidequests included. For those who played it, is that accurate?
  18. Isabelle seems like she will be the Luigi to Villager’s Mario. And I’m fine with that! I think she’ll far more agile than Villager too!
  19. I love the fact that despite ot being an expansion, we treat it as a new whole game. Just shows the amount of content it will have!
  20. Actually there’s a lot of people who never played a FE game before Heroes, and I actually think they outnumber FE veteran fans. Why do you think the original characters did so well in CYL?
  21. I love how Nintendo Directs come out of nowhere, barely giving you time. I think it will mostly focus on Super Mario Party as it will be released soon.
  22. To be fair, the 40 hours coupd be just story missions. Though the story cutscenes will likely add another 30 hours to the game’s length. This makes me wonder, how many hours did Monolith said Xenoblade 2 was going to last?
  23. The more I see of this, the more I think this is Xenoblade Chronicles 3. They said it the expansion was going to be 40 hours, but I thinking it will almost as long as the main game.
  24. Speaking of updates, did they mention anything about fixing the skill deleting glitch?
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