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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Interesting. Maybe it’s a reference to Sacred Stones having a lot of flashbacks involving Lyon. Joking aside, I’m almost sure that Mage Eirika is going to be the boss of the TT considering the japanese name.
  2. Only really two, Chuggaconroy and NicoB. Chugga, I like because his LPs are very high quality and can also work as a guide. And Nico , I like because he is a blind Let’s Player with very genuine reactions. Take his Kingdom Hearts LPs for example, he starts rather lukewarm about, but then ended loving. It’s fascinating seeing become an obsessed KH fan in a single year.
  3. I just realized that “anamnesis” means “remembrance”. This banner’s name is “Sacred Memories”...hmmm, maybe this is a post-game Eirika that learned Dark Magic in honor of Lyon’s memory? I mean, Lyon was the one who fucked up in first place and it’s kinda his fault that a lot innocent people died, but I can see Eirika doing that.
  4. Thinking about it, I wonder if they will do an all-male banner, with a “Brave” Ephraim wielding Garm. Perhaps they will do two Sacred Stones TT, like with Echoes.
  5. Not really. She was wary of it, but said that if anyone could do it, it was Lyon. Obviously, poor girl was proven horrendously wrong. EDIT: Just realized someone else posted the conversation. Thanks!
  6. Actually, she already knew he was dabbling in Dark Magic and eelven that he was experimenting with the Dark Stone.
  7. Also, apparently Marisa is going to be a Tempest Trial unit.
  8. Thinking about it, maybe Eirika using Dark Magic is a reference to Lyon. As in, he taught her how to use Dark Magic.
  9. As a 27 year old, I’m going to add to the voice that is saying that before 9/11. Seriously, people didn’t even know terrorism was a thing before this. And if they did, it seemed so far away, all the way in the east. Public safety really wasn’t a concern. And changing the subject, apparently the USA government is at shutdown. This will be interesting to see. Who will they blame?
  10. I wonder if Nasir could be GHB unit, considering he is sorta of a villain, though not as antagonistic as Ena, and while not a villain, Pelleas is also a good idea for a GHB.
  11. I wouldn’t say that everything bad that Lyon did was tue Demon King’s fault. In Ephraim’s path at least, he’s definitely aware of his actions. So he’s not completely innocent. And honestly, starting a war to rule over a larger area could be considered madness, kinda like megalomania but not quite it.
  12. To be fair, the Demon King is more of a force of nature than an actual character. Lyon is still the main villain, especially in Ephraim’s route. It’s feel weird calling Lyon a villain though, when his motives are mostly altruistic and his personality is genuinely gentle, but then again, that’s what makes him such a good villain.
  13. I see. Thanks! And considering the line, I imagine either Lyon or Eirika will be the boss. And the map will be the volcano one, since it’s there where the scene happens.
  14. I was thinking of that! And I was trying another translator, and it ended up “times you feel”. Not sure what to make of this one.
  15. That...makes even less sense. It makes me think of Legion, but I doubt it. Now I’m not sure if this TT will be SS themed.
  16. Actually, Dark Aura and Dark Excalibur aren’t really good examples, since in japanese, if I’m not mistaken, they are called “Echoes Aura” and “Echoes Excalibur”, so it has little do to with darkness.
  17. Considering Lyon’s GHB, it’s likely that this will be SS-themed, but thr name confuses. Say, what’s the japanese name of this Tempest Trial?
  18. Considering Loki stole Naglfar, maybe they will give Gleipnir? It is Grado’s legendary weapon, so it would be fitting for it’s prince of Grado, who uses Dark Magic, to wield it.
  19. They’re not really bad units, so why are you worried?
  20. Finally, the most well-written villain in the game is in Heroes. I wonder if he will be buffer like Eirika and Ephraim. It would be fitting actually. And which map will the use? I guessing it will be “Father and Son” from Ephraim’s path or the first part of final chapter. I’m very curious about his voice actor. It has to be someone with soft spoken voice. Robbie Daymond, Lucien Dodge and Justin Briner are my biggest hopes for him.
  21. You do know that he was trying to use the Demon King’s power in order to save people, right? He used that power to foresaw disasters and saved a lot of people. It’s outright stated in the game. He healed a dying little girl and stopped ships from sailing into a storm he foresaw. It wasn’t just to resurrect his father. Hell, in Ephraim’s path, even at the if his sanity, his desire was to save Grado’s people.
  22. It was obvious that it wouldn’t be new game, because they would have outright said it. Also, it couldn’t be Pokemon for 2 reasons: First, Pokemon likes to do it’s own thing, separated from Nintendo and second, calling Pokemon, and Nintendo games, for kids, it’s sore subject from older Pokemon games. They would never risk pissing off long time fans by calling it something “for kids”.
  23. It’s sad to see so many people here not paying attention. The price is not for the cardboard, it’s for the software. The cardboard will be distributed for free. http://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-labo-kits-apparently-not-mandatory-cardboards-pattern-will-be-offered-for-free-cartridge-still-needed/ It is pretty innovative and amazing. Gotta give it to Nintendo, they are pretty creative. That being said, it is clearly meant for kids, yet I see so many people overhyping this then getting disappointed. What were they expecting? A new Smash? They clearly said “for kids”. Most people who say this is going to be a failure, either don’t have kids or don’t interact with them a lot, because this is the sort of thing kids love.
  24. Wish more people thought like that. But back on subject, it’s worth noting that this game is honest about what it is. It’s a gacha game and it shows. You should know exactly what you’re getting into when you download it. If it is your first gacha game, research the genre before downloading it. Complaing about not getting the units you want in this game is like complaing about the Fire Emblem games requiring strategy when it is a strategy game.
  25. Got Oliver, and already have him at Lv.40. Was anyone else suprised by his Lv.40 dialogue? It’s surprisingly wise advice. Did not see that one coming.
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