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Everything posted by Zachmac

  1. Entertainment has all of the reason to give the entertainee what they want; after all, they want the entertainee to enjoy it enough to pay for it. It's just that some of us don't want shoddy writing as the cost for wish fulfillment. I don't like it either, but I understand why they do it, at least. Some of us don't like this type of writing, but I've met a ton of people who just eat it right up. Unfortunately, this is just what we're stuck with until they add some sort of compromise(like dialogue trees, as Loki mentioned on the page before).
  2. Wow, I didn't realize his dragon form was really that bad. I always make Manaketes a staple of my team whenever possible. In Sacred Stones, Myrrh was powerful enough to one-shot a Cyclops. In Awakening, they're defensive monsters. But in this game? It sounds pretty situational. How much does the Dragonstone+ lower your stats, by the way? -4 each or something?
  3. You can recruit the same character more then once, right? Just imagine an army of Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, Harold, Arthur, and Lutz.
  4. I don't mind sexual appeal here, it's the aesthetic appeal. It's the same for Camilla. I feel like they're using sexual appeal as a replacement for aesthetic appeal. I don't know. Maybe some people do think it looks cool, and it's just my personal taste in the way. But I don't see what's so great about weirdly placed grey tights. It also bugs me to no end that Odin can't sword fight. Owain was all about his twitching Sword Hand and legendary Missiletain in Awakening...
  5. Cloning, duh. That's why they all look exactly the same. ...Maybe that's how children characters will be done in the next FE. The children characters are exact replicas of their parents in class, skills, personality, and supports.
  6. I'm worried that children characters are going to be FE's future. I desperately hope that this is just a phase, and that they'll abandon it as soon as the novelty wears out(though, I already feel that it's already long since worn out). I love having paralouges and extra characters, but I want to see them find other ways to add these. I don't want to be forced to pretend I'm playing some limited dating simulator just to unlock all the maps and characters.
  7. I think it's just your typical Fire Emblem-ish culture. Rather then taking inspiration from a single, specific country the way Hoshido is based on Japan, it just wants to be a generic enough fantasy setting. Just as long as it has knights and mages and such, they're good. We're seeing inspiration from other settings as well. I believe that loup-garous, for instance, were French(even though the "Managarmr" was the name of a Norse wolf). Fire Emblem has been giving weapons, particularly legendary ones, Norse names for a while now, hasn't it? I think now they're just carrying that tradition to their generic tomes as well.
  8. Some people may think having a practically half-naked stalker is hot, but I'm not one of them. I initially voted Kamui-sexual/second generation for both routes, I may just change my mind.
  9. To be fair, it was pretty clear that Ewan was silly and fun-loving in Sacred Stones even without his supports. It's not as if supports never have serious character development going on. Look at Male Kamui's/Gunter's supports, for instance; Gunter is really well developed there. Though, a lot of supports, like this one, are more focused on telling a story then actually developing the characters. And I especially agree that a lot of S-ranks are really forced and have zero build up. They're just there to give you another option for Lutz's mom or whatever.
  10. Arthur isn't self-centered enough to be Gaston. He's something far, far greater then Gaston will ever be.
  11. Oh, uh, oops. For some reason I was thinking Awakening added all of your damage taken to the attack.
  12. Vengeance has been nerfed in both damage and activation rate. Galeforce has also been nerfed, as it will no longer work if they attack is in a defense or attack stance. Here's a list of Hoshido skills. Breaking Sky is a popular one, at least. Plus, the Dread Fighter has a nerfed version of Aggressor, which is also nice.
  13. If you want better quality, try posting screenshots to Miiverse. That uploads them directly from your 3DS.
  14. Jeez, this is an annoying design choice. Thankfully I mostly just marry to unlock all of the characters anyway...so I guess Kanna will be stuck as an only childen.
  15. Well, they could of just not given Gunter an S-support with her. Oh wait yes they did because Waifu emblem.
  16. If I were you, I'd just pay for the tuition and see if I can scrounge up the money through some other means, even if it means waiting a while. Maybe sell some old games you never play anymore or something.
  17. It's a lot darker then Awakening was as far as the main story goes, but a lot of supports don't seem that way, and especially not Amie. I expect them to be very humorous about it. After all, very few people here in the west take it that seriously(which is also exactly why we're all calling it Fire Emblem Amie).
  18. On the topic of Proximity Shot, I hope there's ways to avoid fighting people using DLC skills in the multiplayer mode. It'd suck having my archers being at a disadvantage just because I didn't want to spend a couple more dollars to unlock Proximity Shot.
  19. "I've never even matched up people, let alone giant reptiles!" - Robin "Before marriage, I can't thoughtlessly touch a woman's body." - Kamui And so history repeats itself yet again.
  20. It gets rid of the temptation. I always mean to reset when I play casual mode in Awakening, but it's really hard not to just keep going.
  21. I'm going to play normal on Nohr for my first playthrough, and hard on Hoshido for my second. I don't know if I'll stick to classic or casual, though. I'm the type who resets on classic. Usually, I'm fine playing like that, but I have a tenancy to rage quit when a character loses their life to some random enemy Mercenary's 4% chance to get a critical hit or some other incredibly unlucky deaths like that. I imagine this will add a lot of artificial difficulty. If better endings are often the result of shorter battles, for instance, then it might encourage me to play much more aggressively then I would otherwise.
  22. I might do -resistance, +magic. I've been getting pretty good at regulating which characters get hit by what attacks. Then again, I'll probably want to check out what stat boost the dragon stone gives first. In Awakening, Manaketes were awesome walls. If Corrin's dragon stone makes him into one as well, lowering resistance might be a waste.
  23. So every time two characters get married, there's a timeskip that last at least half a year, probably more. How many potential pairs to produce children character are there on each route? More then enough to let Gunter die of old age before you're done recruiting all of them, probably. Skipping half a year once may not seem like much, but it'll stack up. Here's my brilliant idea; don't recycle a silly Awakening gimmick that never needed to come back. Seriously. Why the heck do we need to have a second generation of characters anyway? Why couldn't they find a different way to implement more characters or paralogues?
  24. ...And what if something important happens in that cutscene? Cutscenes aren't meant to be skipped the first time.
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