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Everything posted by Sunsurge

  1. AH. AH. AHHHHHHH. AHH. MORGAN! I can't.breathe.omg.so.hyped. I don't have any orbs, omgggggggggg why did they do this after the stupid Legendary Banner! Ugh. And I INSANELY WANT ALL THREE. This is clearly the best Chrom (artwork wise), and I need him, to make my family complete (Lucina, Robin, F!Morgan, Chrom). BUT. MALE MORGAN LOOKS GREAT TOO. And my head canon is that they're twins, and I need the set. But gonna mostly snipe for blue because F!Morgan is literally my life. And then will ugly cry as I try to get Chrom or M!Morgan in the awful, insane pit that is red orbs.
  2. Cause I use him to chip away Armors sometimes. He does 0 damage, but it's guaranteed 10 after. And Iceberg does a lot. So that's 20 + two icebergs which is enough to kill them usually.
  3. This would be really nice. I like the idea of the guilt about having Corrin betray Nohr over a lie. Because that's what it was. They both were manipulating Corrin in the end, and in Birthright things got so washed over. I also think the story would have been more powerful if you HAD been half-siblings or full-siblings with the Hoshido side as a whole. I think that would have created a deeper impact than just the throw-away, "Actually you're not related to anyone, but Azura is your cousin." Otherwise, I think Revelation is the smartest choice in terms of a cohesive, good story. But I'd choose Conquest, because I think it has the most story potential of the three, simply because they could have TOTALLY made you fight from the inside. Like be actually, openly defiant, or take a rag-tag team of soldiers and hide in Nohr underground sewing discord. And then not have the Hoshido nobles know what you're doing, or the Nohr people know and then come out at the end as ruler after unearthing all the truth. Which I guess is more like Revelation, but I like the idea of not being able to convince everyone and working against the Hoshido siblings (and only getting select Nohr ones) to join you, and being seen as the villain despite actually helping everyone. Really I just love Fates in the sense the storyline could be so cool from ANY direction, and I hate it because they so thoroughly messed it up.
  4. Lunatic gave me some weird trouble this time (I was trying too hard to use my main team of Robin/Lucina/B!Ike/PA!Azura), and then I realized I just needed to be cheap so I just used Klein/PA!Azura/Ninian/Olivia, and steamrolled the map. Klein is really overpowered with Poison Strike Seal, and dancers. >_> But I don't think he could clear Infernal without a few merges, tbh. His attack could use a bit of a boost.
  5. Nothing this time. Well...I mean I got Summer Corrin, but honestly didn't have any orbs to really spend. Also got really unlucky with sniping blue. I got 4 different pulls with NO blue. Just red and colorless which was annoying and waste of 20 full orbs. I started the banner with 0 orbs after dropping all my orbs to get Hector and Grima!Robin and what not, and so maybe spent like 50-ish orbs total on the legendary banner. Didn't have enough time to farm orbs. Back to savingggg and keeping a stash for April, so I can finally get Ephraim.
  6. Clearly Robin. If Grima!Robin had better artwork (still not over it), I'd 100% go for Grima. But I want him to lose simply because of the artwork. Haha. I'm not bitter, I swear.
  7. Really? Awakening to me is 3 different points of time in the same narrative. Like ... a trilogy almost. Fates is 3 separate stories, because they don't really build off each other. I do think Awakening's trilogy was haphazardly thrown together, but it's still part of the same narrative and they (mostly) build off each other. Versus Fates which was 3 different stories that relate to each other, but don't necessarily build. I'm particular about definitions because I write, and so I guess to me Fate is objectively the worst, simply because the writing was objectively the worst (when it came to Conquest and then the mess that was Revelations in it's own way). I think if they just made Hoshido (or just Revelations), the games would have been a lot better off. Between Nohr and Hoshido, Nohr (while my absolute favorite), is the worse written story by FAR. And then when you throw Revelations into it, it makes even Birthright not nearly as good. I mean, I loved the idea of Conquest, and definitely love Nohr siblings by FAR compared to the Hoshido ones (except Sakura, I love her), but it's really hard to ignore that they erased his memory (essentially brainwashing him). Though I guess out of the siblings, Elise and Leo and Camilla were a lot less guilty of brainwashing (Because how much did they know), compared to Xander (who is my least favorite Nohr sibling by a LOT). Yeah, Conquest had so much potential. I wish they hadn't tried to justify it!!
  8. Now I feel stupid for wasting all those orbs trying to get V!Ike just to get him for free. Those damn 6 Siegberts and Sanaki HAUNT ME. I go out of my way to smash any Siegbert I see because I hate him so much. Hahaha...... I laugh, but my eyes are dead because it was a good 100+ orbs trying to get V!Ike. And the fact Winter!Tharja came in second is just sad. -_-
  9. Because it was the worst story in the franchise based on how it was written... Awakening came first. So I'm sorry that a similar awful story doesn't excite me? I had high hopes for Fates because Awakening (while basic) was fun to play and despite the linear, I can literally predict the entire story by chapter 2, story, it was simple. Fates tried to do TOO much, and for it to have the SAME pitfalls as Awakening makes it worse. If you're going to stretch yourself to create an awesome concept, you better make damn sure the story matches. Awakening wasn't trying to do too much, so its pitfalls don't compare in scale to Fates which really fucked up. So no, they're not identical, and it shouldn't be confusing if you put some thought into it. You seem really focused on the brainwashing aspect. But point is, Conquest could have been so much more interesting if they hadn't tried to make such a weak, pathetic protagonist/self-insert/dragon/whatever else Corrin is justify bad actions. Everything you just said is exactly why Conquest failed. Betraying the family that stole you, 'brainwashed' you, and that you love, only to be used as a weapon to kill a peaceful ruler. There is literally nobody who would choose Conquest. And if I AM that person, can I least be evil and kill those damn Hoshido scum? Like come on. Let me be evil if I'm making the "evil" decision. Conquest was a failed project, and because it was so hyped having two different (three total) routes, it failed a lot harder by making it so shitty and black and white. So yes. Awakening suffered from the same pitfalls, but it wasn't trying to do to much, so it didn't fail epically. And at least the stupid kids make sense there unlike Fates which was just shoe-horned into it.
  10. Huh. Spent 14 orbs. Got Grima, but I swear this game knows that I didn't really care about him, because it was TOO easy. Pulling for blues/red's but with no particular fervor. Upon examining Grima's art even closer, I still can't bring myself to use him. Might just save him to fodder off his B skill to a good armor... But it's so hard to fodder a Robin even if he's ugly as sin. *sigh*
  11. LOL. But like actual disfiguration. I don't mind the body so much. It gives it this ethereal vibe almost. It's really just that weird ass face. It just looks so out of place. Especially considering I'd put him with LA!Hector/Eliwood, and I'm weird and like the artwork on my teams to match somewhat. >_> I might just pull for Hardin's Bold Fighter actually. As much as I love Celica's artwork, I really, really have 0 use for another Red right now. Half my reds that aren't Joshua/Lucina don't even get used on a consistent basis.
  12. OMG. I like LOVE THIS CONCEPT. But I hate Robin's art so much, omg. -_- I want to love it, because I'm obsessed with Robin, but I just really, really, hate that style of art. I appreciate the detail and stuff, but it makes me cringe. Celica looks SO GOOD. OMG. I want her and I DON'T need anymore Red's at all. I'm sooo torn between pulling for Robin because I'm obsessed and GRIMA Robin is something I like .... desperately want. But his art hurts my eyes. But I love this concept, so I'm not complaining!
  13. I hate to tell you his, but I don't think Awakening had a dynamic, well thought out plot. Sorry that you thought being petty was a smart move here. I completely think Awakening had a very black and white plot. But the concept was interesting and despite many failings, the black and white plot at least worked out for what it was trying to accomplish. Fates's concept was TOO interesting to be handled so poorly in such a black and white fashion, which you would know if you read my post. Secondly, I know choosing Nohr is 'wrong'. That's my point. They never focus on the fact that it's wrong. They imply it vaguely, but for the most part make Corrin just that. A selfish, weak, idiot. And I hate characters like that. Either make Corrin heartless and evil, or make them take things into their own hands (but not in the way they attempted to do in Revelations). I agree that choosing to oppose Garon is the smart move, all I was saying was that they didn't do a good job with the two paths, and keeping it so black and white. They should have made both games a lot more grey for the concept to work. The theme of the game was Justice vs. Loyalty, but they played it up more as Blood vs. The Family that Raised You. That was my issue. They never harped on the fact that choosing Nohr was SO blatantly awful. It's just brushed under the rug. When they choose Hoshido they also brush it under the rug that you're betraying your entire family (I don't count Garon), without so much of a *real* second thought. I just thought the writing for both routes was awful, but Hoshido's writing was only SLIGHTLY better, simply because it was the "right" choice. That's my issue with the game. And me liking Awakening doesn't mean I love the story, or am so blind to it's faults. So next time you're disputing something, stick to the topic. There was no other reason, except pettiness to bring in Awakening.
  14. Yeah, it was just an awful game all the way around. But Hoshido is more "moral", but there's no gray area in the game and I think that's what makes it so bad. And I hate the whole "blood family" vs. "real family", because clearly you'd choose your real family, because blood doesn't mean crap. But they tried to make it seem so "wrong" to choose the people who loved/raised you (clearly not the father, but the siblings did), over people you literally JUST met and claim to be your 'blood'. But there's no gray area with Nohr or Hoshido. So Hoshido is naturally more moral because they're portrayed as "light". I don't think anyone could ever say Nohr was moral in any capacity. They really should have made Nohr more gray area, but had Corrin create an underground task force to fight from the inside. Because they portrayed it as Corrin fighting from the inside against a corrupt Kingdom, but that's not how the story played out at all, and I would have appreciated it more if they just made Corrin someone strong enough to defy the King, without choosing Hoshido (who I didn't like). But Corrin in Nohr just comes across as weak and pathetic. And Corrin in Hoshido is "good" but imo, pretty damn ruthless for turning against people who loved/raised them their ENTIRE life. And Revelations is the better of the two (for obvious reasons), but the other stories are so bad, that it doesn't make it any better I guess.
  15. Ugh. Got a 5-Star Faye as a pity breaker on the Amelia/Tana/Elincia banner. -_- No green orbs, literally all colorless and one red, and my pity rate was super high, so was afraid to pull a on focus banner unit. Just wanted Armor March for my Hectorrrrr. His move is so limited!
  16. Chapter 5 wasn't good at all. I don't think they had a single chapter that was good. Even half the concepts were shitty(imo). Choosing blood over the people who actually raised you? So many issues there. And idk. The whole thing. I think the concept was messed up from the start for that game for me, so I never saw it as wasted potential so much as just, already messed up. But for favorite Lord (with concept)....hmm. If Lucina counts, she is my favorite. She bore witness to so much, and came back to save the world, and idk. Her whole story is so deep and I love her. And even though I feel like there could have been a few changes, she had a great concept (imo). Second would be Lyn. But I feel like she was written a bit flat (part of the times I guess).
  17. Definitely should stay. I think it add so much to the replay value and lets me optimize a playthrough with skills. I loved Awakening for this reason, because I didn't get "optimal" skills, but I did make my favorite units each really unique and the way I wanted them. Sorta like how Python in Echoes was an archer but I just felt he was SO much more of a sword fighter and so that's what I declassed him too. And to me, it just fit so much better. I like being able to choose a unit and their path. It's not like they gave every character EVERY single class, and so I enjoyed being able to shift characters around or get them new skills. And also from a character perspective, I think the idea makes a lot of sense, because they're all in the army and barracks together, so I like to think of the characters teaching others fun things and them gaining useful skills from those lessons. So I love it in that sense. Also, I think it makes units so much more varied than they were before. I did love the "personal" skill that Fates introduced, and think that should also be kept, though I felt Fates was really clunky for some reason (maybe it was just the story that made the whole thing feel incredibly tedious), but in Awakening, I built a very custom and fun army that felt very unique. And at its core, FE is a strategy game. And skills are just that. Strategy. I love making little charts and notes on sticky notes, planning out the perfect skills and how to attain it without having to spend 9 years of my life grinding away. It's just fun. It adds a dimension that reminds me of FFX and that whole thing, which I loved. So it should definitely stay. My only complaint is I want it to be a bit more custom. Like the armor. I don't want a head plastered on a default armor. If everyone is limited to 2 reclass options, then it should be easier.
  18. This is a silly question, because DUH. Yes. I wish Awakening had full voice acting. Echoes was by far superb because of it. Even characters I'd usually probably dislike got so much more dimension just by being voice acted. Made me appreciate all the characters a bit more. Better than the stupid grunts and nosies in Awakening. Even though I sometimes skip the voice acting because I read fast, it was nice to listen when I wanted (especially at the intro of new characters), because after a few lines I would get their voices in my head, so even if I skipped, I could still hear them! And most of the voice acting was pretty superb for a game, so I was super happy! I feel like Fates might have even been better (maybe?) had they had voiced supports and stuff, because I feel like it lost a lot of emotion without voices (though maybe not because I probably would have died listening to Camilla's breathy voice for every support).
  19. That wasn't as bad as I thought. Threw a little under 50 orbs at this banner and got Hector, +Def/-Res (only one I wanted), so glad it didn't sink me my 140 saved orbs like the Legendary Banner for 6 Siegberts (I'm not bitter. Not at all...). Now trying to get Amelia for Armored March since I'm gonna try building an Armor team now (even though I still hate armors). Also randomly got a 5* Clair which I was upset about, but then got Hector the next pull, so I'll accept her useless fodder self.
  20. Yeah, I really don'y like Lyn getting ANOTHER version. I do agree the reaction isn't nearly as bad, even though it's the same issue. And I LOVE Lyn, just ... there's so many other characters. Also, Hector's artwork is SO drool worthy, but I just realized he's an ARMOR and I literally refuse to use armors because I can't stand one movement (and it's not like I've pulled armor march or anything), AND I realized he's sharing a color, soooooooo not going to pull for him. I just wish he was infantry axe. I always need more physical green units, but ughhhh. Armor. But Eliwood is armor also (and I want to support them). I wish he had Armor March as his skill. Ughhh. Dilemma.
  21. Huh, interesting. Really dislike Lyn's artwork. And Lilliana. And Roy. And yet, I actually REALLY like Hector's artwork (even though I really dislike his character). But I like his artwork so much (and Eliwood!) so I may pull a bit for Hector and then pair him up with Eliwood. Still, ALL their outfits looks STUNNING!
  22. I got literally 6 Siegbert's, a Sanaki and no Ike. Please trade me. Haha.
  23. Ugh. Tanked a lot of saved orbs and only got Siegbert and Sanaki to show for it. I already has a Siegbert in my barracks for fodder, so I guess having two is fine. And Sanaki doesn't even HAVE good skills to fodder off. I just want RD!Ike even if I have like literally TOO many reds. I don't even mean too, but I love them. Also the new Ike totally destroys original Ike, so maybe I'll switch the two instead of adding another Red to a team that doesn't need it.
  24. I COMPLETELY agree, there's so many better combinations. Sure some are destined to be repeated every once in a while based on having SO MANY characters, but there's so much more they could do with it. Even with standard characters (what they do now) there's more variations. And I would love if they tacked on both ethnicity (outside of shapeshifter) and sexual orientation to their writing. And yeah, Fates was a mess. Some of the support conversations painted characters in completely different (and better lights) than it did during the main story which was just an actual mess.
  25. This little gem of a comment is filled with so much "nope" I don't even know where to possibly begin to help educate you. But suffice to say, if they're working together with the original team, I think it's okay. Not to mention there was nothing to save Fates from being the tragic mess it already was. I wish Treehouse took more liberties with fixing that game tbh. I think it's all about the end product. But marketing is designed to appeal to different markets. What sells well in ONE place doesn't sell well across the mediums. It's basic advertising/marketing.
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