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Everything posted by Sunsurge

  1. Woah, I actually beat this Infernal. I usually don't even try but I need Lyon to be as strong as possible, so I dedicated myself to it. Looked up a few different guides, and managed it with Klein (THANK YOU POISON STRIKE!), Olivia, NY!Azura and P!Azura. Had to position for the right Hone Spd's and what not. P!Azura tanked a few blue's and managed to be the MVP (aside from Klein, clearly). Whew. Glad that's over. Now to finding the feathers to promote both extra Lyon's. I was sitting on like 99k feathers at some point, but with Joshua, Corrin, Lyon(raised from 3star for SP) and a random 4-star for skill fodder (plus a few 3 to 4 stars for skill fodders), I'm down to like 12k. Time to start building.
  2. Ugh. I hate, hate Hector. I disliked him when I was a child playing the game and I disliked him even more when I replayed the game much older. So blah. And I also hate Camilla. Her design I like a lot (I loved her New Years version!), but her personality in Fates killed me. But in reality, almost everyone's personality and Fates killed me, so I generally just dislike all those characters. But Camilla and Takumi (more Takumi) stand out as ones I specifically really disliked. Ephraim is okay. I like him a lot so I'm okay with that. I also dislike Celica. -_- She wasn't awful by any means (and better written than a lot of characters), but I just found her storyline so draining to listen to her complain and talk. I loved the rest of her cast, but idk. She was just too ... something. Typical, perhaps. So not really excited she's number 1. But I LOVE her design, so I'm not mad. Veronica would be SO cool, I hope she pushes past Camilla!! I'm surprised (and SO HAPPY) Morgan is top 20 for females. I've only voted for her onceee. Mostly because I really, really want Robin to get a Brave version cause he needs it.
  3. No. Druid Ewan is amazing! Sage Ewan is boring, and who doesn't love a super colorful and fun Druid?! Just looking at the sprite brought back waves of nostalgia. *dreamy sigh* I'm surprised people are upset about it being an all girl banner though? I mean, I would have loved Ewan/Cormag/Knoll as much as anyone (more for Ewan), but I like the all girl vibes! And it's weird I also mind Eirika being in the banner LESS today. Maybe because I really like her artwork so I'm kinda excited to pull for her? I'm really crossing my fingers that for the anniversary they add some of these other "less special" SS characters into the 4-5* pool. I can't see Ewan really getting a banner anytime soon, but releasing him would be nice.
  4. Not particularly in love with the banner (all the artwork looks really nice though!). I have a bit over 100 orbs saved (thank you Micaiah for coming so quickly), and I don't know if I want to throw them all to the ever bloated red. I have SO many red units too, I don't really need another one, but Eirika looks soooo good. I don't even know WHY they put a second Eirika but I like this one more than the first one, so part of me really wants her. And part of me doesn't wanna waste the orbs. So I might do a couple red snipes then give up. Maybe I'll see what else comes up and snipe near the end. Idkkk. Also if Lyon is red mage, I definitely won't need Eirika. Hmmmmmm.
  5. I really, really, really want Ewan to be in the banner if it's Sacred Stones. Amelia got in (she was my second favorite), but Ewan stole my heart (and was also my best unit). I never understood the fascination with L'arachel, so I don't really want her or Myrrh. Marisa I would LOVE, but also I would think Ewan would be red tome, so would want him more. Knoll would also be cool. If anyone can't tell, I really like mage characters. EDIT: OMG I FORGOT ABOUT CORMAG I'M SO ASHAMED. I've been wanting him forever.
  6. Omg, Male!Robin with Levin Sword and Grandmaster (or possessed Grima) garb! That would be so cool. And hopefully with built in DC (or CC depending) to be faithful to its power. I would die of happiness if they did that.
  7. I like vibrant colors, but the realism feels off with the rest of the game. I don't mind the artwork on their own, but in the context of the game they feel so off it pulls me out of the game. Clarisse isn't what I'd consider "awful", but the wild hair against those tiny eyes and the nose too far down just bothers me. But art is entirely subjective—my entire job revolves around artistic decisions so I know how subjective it can get when you're debating designs. And I also dislike Lissa/Sophia/Selena soooo.... XD When it comes to the artwork in this game, I'd say I personally like about a third of the artwork, so if that says anything about how particular I am I don't know what does. Either way, I just hope they give him a normal looking artist/look that doesn't feel too off from the characters I like. And also hope he doesn't have one abysmally low stat. A decent stat spread (or just a good personal weapon) is all I can hope for. Maybe we'll see a unique skill on him!
  8. As is no surprise, I'll go for Robin. And second Morgan, because she's not in the game and I love her.
  9. Please, no. I love Niles and I can't use him because his art is atrocious (to me). And so is Clarisse. Shigure is the only one I kinda like and even then... I really just want a good artist for him. I'll be so sad if he looks ugly (or like Eliwood or Dorcas). Ugh. My worry is only tempered by how much I LOVE Lyon and need him in the game. I hope he's the good version (with maybe his damaged artwork looking possessed), so I can put him with Erika and Ephraim on a SS team. =D So excited. So worried. Haha.
  10. If it's so tedious, then just use the free NY!Corrin? I didn't have any 40% units for the Christmas one since I don't like armors so didn't pull from the banner, but I just used Lucina at 20% and was fine. But they'll literally GIVING you a 40% so your complaining is literally moot. You don't have to do more runs, because they're giving you the 40%, to make it easier. Anyways, I'm super happy I have NY!Takumi and NY!Azura on this one. And then with Alfonse and NY!Corrin I'll have fun having all bonus units to sweep this trial. And also I desperately need some SP for NY!Takumi/Azura soooo perfect! =D
  11. Well that was quick. 3rd (not including free) pull. I sniped blues, but still. Also, +Spd/-HP, so I’ll take it! And I still have 46 orbs left from my 59! And don’t want Sothe or BK!Unmasked sooooooooo I can keep saving! Though I was excited to dive into Blue again so I could get some extra Robin’s to merge, but alas.
  12. Hmmm. Listing in order. Morgan. I'm trash. She's my favorite. Best daughter. I like want her more than anyone else. And I need to complete my family. (Robin/Lucina/Morgan) Lyon. I need him so much, omg. Ewan. Loved this kid. Red mage. Nils. I kinda hope he's a blue mage singer instead of a dragon though. Heath. Cormag. I just want some badass male dragon riders please. Saleh. Green mage, hopefully. Shigure. (not a seasonal version-and a flyer please) Conrad. I liked him in SoV what???
  13. Micaiah!! Finally. The art is pretty, even though I'm not the BIGGEST fan of the really big eyes, but I think she looks pretty, so I'll drop my orbs for her. I wish Sothe looked better, I really liked him in RD but I just really don't like his art. Same with BK!Unmasked. Also wished they had used his red armor instead. But I wouldn't go for him either way because I hate armored units with a passion. Haha. I won't complain though. When I like ALL of the units, I never have enough orbs. So I'm glad I only like one here! I just need Morgan and Lyon and I'll be happpppy!
  14. I love, LOVE avatar characters. Ever since I was a kid I’ve always imagined a unique character in every game I’ve played, so I love the idea. I’m a writer so I love creating characters, so I never usually make “me” just a new character. I also was a huge fan of Robin. He had a unique and fun personality and I got to customize his looks and made him into a powerful mage knight character (my favorite!) and I loved his plot relevance and story. Fates avatar was awful. Like....trash. Having the avatar also be the main character was a terrible decision because it didn’t even feel like a character I got to create. So if it’s like Awakening. Yes please. Or even Heroes. Or even less plot relevant than Awakening, but just with a good personality. Also....skin tone. Like come on. Not everyone is white, it’s so exhausting to always be white. And I too, am a filthy shipper, so please S supports. Just no kids. Please no kids. Morgan was literally the perfect daughter and nobody can top my angel so I don’t even want them to try.
  15. Umm, but how about Raven tomes? I may be biased, because Robin is literally my star character (and everyone else useful to me got upgrades), but I feel like Blarraven+ could get a nice upgrade. A natural distant def 2 or something built in? Orrr just a general stat boost. A 13 or 14 Mt would do wonders. Or even just a Death Blow or Swift Sparrow built in would be great. Otherwise, I'm good.
  16. Just Lyon. He was always my favorite. I just want him to have a good artist, because idc about his skills/BST. Just make him loooook pretty and not super demented, kay, thanksss.
  17. My heart. Just pulled a pure neutral NY!Takumi!!! <33 So glad I got both of the ones I wanted in 2 days. Ny!Azura (+Spd/-Def (which I already fixed with a +Def weapon upgrade) and now NY!Takumi. Back to 0 orbs, but at least I can start saving since I don't forsee any new banners which I'll HAVE to pull from at least for a week or more. Really glad, because actual Takumi took me literally since the start of the game to pull (and countless wasted orbs (and painful 9% pity rates) on all his banners), and I was worried my bad luck with him would carry over. Haha.
  18. Ugh. Was trying so hard for Takumi, but rolled no Colorless when my pity rate was 8%.... So pulled green and got NY!Azura. I wanted her too, but she was gonna be my pull afterrrr I got Takumi. Already blew 80+ orbs, so back to square one. Lol. Still refuse to drop a dime on the game, though I wanna speed up the orb getting process.
  19. Well, I'm in love with this Fire Emblem game. I loved Awakening (despite the criticisms), because for what it was, I loved the story, and the characters, because it was just fun all the way through. I laughed out loud and I genuinely played a long time after I finished the main story. Confession, I STILL haven't finished Fates. And going into it, I expected the story to be bad so I just went in expecting nothing. But I didn't expect it to be AWFUL. And so I just couldn't get through the game. Conquest is left somewhere on Ch. 21, and Revelations at Ch. 20. I managed to power through Birthright, but that was only a modicum better because Birthright main character isn't totally awful. So I was really, really, REALLY worried about this one. But it has been spectacular to me, thus far! I just got Clive and a couple others, but one I LOVE that it's fully voiced. I think Fates might have been better had it been fully voiced because if I just READ through Gray's lines, I don't think I'd like him that much. But somehow, his delivery, and listening to him, makes me LOVE him when I don't think I would have as much. The story is generic thus far (and predictable), but fun! And this is not knowing anything about this game from the original or the pre-release stuff because I just didn't have any hype for this game. But man, I'm really liking it. And I don't hate some of the mechanics like I thought I would. Such as Mages losing HP. Mages are my FAVORITE characters to play (hello Robin), and so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to play them as much, but it's much better than I thought. My only main complaint is I really, really LOVED branching promotions, and having a wide swath of classes to choose from. And I hate feeling so limited in that regard.
  20. Hmm, I have 9 unique at the moment, with no re-rolls, and no money spent on the game. But my Lucina is +4, because I KEPT drawing her. Oh and I got a 5 star Rebecca that I merged for her skills. XD I also got 2 more 5 star units in the real beginning before inherit skill was a thing, and when I desperately needed Hero Feathers for my Alfonse and Robin, so I mercilessly sacrificed them. Ugh. The mistakes I've made in this game. Not that I mind, but it would have been nice to draw 5-star Elise maybe. XD I just got Spring Chrom, and I have Alfonse, Lyn, Erika, Ephraim, Lucina(4), Cain, Robin, and Sakura.
  21. I really dislike Felicia's voice. I thought I would eventually get used to it, but I actually never did. And I was playing and she was on my team and I heard her stupid "Heh, hehe, hehehe" after a level up and just rolled my eyes a little. And I'm not a huge fan of how they made Effie sound. But otherwise I love all the voices. None that I can think of grate on my nerves, except Felicia, who I immediately dump in favor of Jakob, because I like his sarcastic ass. XD
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