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Everything posted by wvype

  1. Aand, Luna/Suzukaze. I like how they reference that their portraits are always crossing their arms.
  2. Here's Hinoka/Sakura! Aww, Hinoka. Aww, Sakura. Awww.
  3. Here's Ryouma/Mozume! I think after this only his support with Saizou is left?
  4. Is it a fixed fee to grind on the Hoshido maps, and will you always get more gold than you spend?
  5. Just finished Asama/Mitama. It was really tough so there are probably a couple of inaccuracies here. Sorry. Looks like Mitama gets her eyes from Asama!
  6. Ryouma > Marx, by the smallest margin Camilla > Hinoka, again by the tiniest margin Takumi > Leon, because Takumi's design >>> Leon's design. Also plot reasons. Sakura = Elise Kamui = Aqua I really think both pairs of sisters, as well as Aqua, had a lot of wasted potential. Sill adore them all, though. I think that I might prefer Aqua being the main lord of the game rather than Kamui, though I have no idea how that'd work out story-wise.
  7. Kamui yes i know its a very creative name Hoshido Hard/Casual +Str, -HP Marrying Ryouma Secondary Class: Wyvern Rider Personality: A rather sickly girl who has long-since mastered the art of looking stern and scary so people won't talk to you when you don't want them to, courtesy of imitating her brother Marx's facial expressions. You know how parents (*cough*Camilla*cough*) always say that if you make weird expressions your face is going to stick that way? Yeah, basically, that's what happened. Still, she's very keen on making new friends, though her unintentional glare can sometimes be an obstacle. Athan Nohr Normal/Casual +Mag, -Lck Marrying Zero Secondary Class: Rod Knight Personality: He's very reserved, though he gets embarrassed very, very easily. He doesn't give his trust easily, but when he does he will defend his loved ones with his life. Can occasionally have bouts of low self-esteem when comparing himself to his brothers, but Elise always knows how to cheer him up- it's not a surprise that the two of them can often be seen training and joking around together. Yuuma IK Normal/Casual +Spd, -Lck Marrying Aqua Secondary Class: Lance Fighter Personality: Literally nothing. A blank piece of cardboard has more personality than he does. Kidding, kidding; just haven't come up with one yet. I'm sure he'll be more interesting in time.
  8. The characters used in the text files are 'success' for waking them up gently and 'failure' for the violent one. I'm assuming it means that they were sleeping really, really deeply and Kamui couldn't wake them up normally.
  9. I say it's good. Honestly I'm so bad that I lost units pretty regularly on Normal/Casual in Awakening if that affects anything. I think it's great for people who have never played SRPGs and want to start out. I'll probably be sticking to Casual myself, though. And anyway it's only available on Normal so anyone who wants to go Hard or Lunatic won't be affected by it.
  10. Hoshido: -Holy Lancer -Golden Kite Warrior (great design! also Yuugiri <3) -Puppeteer (really neat gimmick) Nohr: -Maid/Butler (seems like a great support unit) -Revenant Knight (just plain cool (Axes AND Tomes!?), though rather impractical seeing as they depend on both Mag and Str) -Hero DLC: -Ballistician (also has a great gimmick. Mobile AOE attacks sound really fun)
  11. Here's Silas/Setsuna. Smoooth, Silas. Real smooth. Edit: And Femui/Fuuga.
  12. This is an ever-changing list for me but at the moment: Marx/Charlotte Femui/Suzukaze Saizou/Kagerou Mamui/Aqua (especially on the Nohr route) Saizou/Felicia - this one isn't even because of their actual support, but I've been imagining what happens on the Hoshido route Also, I think Grey's supports with his mother would be really freaking hilarious with Felicia. Like, how could she have tailed him right to the enemy camp without him noticing at all? Felicia. Tailing someone stealthily. Tailing a ninja stealthily without him noticing. The mental image of her just popping out of nowhere is hilarious. I can't believe I forgot to add Aqua/Lazwald and Felicia/Lazwald those are adorable as heck. And Felicia/Nishiki!
  13. Is this the Spirit Mountain DLC for EXP grinding? Aww. This looks really cute. Anyway, here's a rough translation. Kamui: "Kya! Are you a unique kind of monster!? Since you suddenly appeared, I was surprised but... now I understand the truth about the rumors. If I defeat you I'll really become stronger, so let me confirm that!" Takumi: "Really... this test of courage is just foolishness. It's as if it were a child's game. Aahhh, I'm not afraid of this dark place. That fireball doesn't scare me at a.....Waa!!? A monster appeared in front of me!? Go away quickly---!" Kisaragi: "Waa, we've arrived! I'm not frightened at all but, finally I can have a real encounter with a ghost! ...is what I thought, but you're just a normal monster? Eh, what about the ghosts? The famous test of courage? Well, it's not easy to come across [a ghost(?)]. We'll save the fun for next time." Kanna: "M-m-moooom! As expected this place is scary--! A monster appeared in front of my eyes, and a fireball was flying...!! ...but I can't be crying here! So I can become a strong kid... I'll do my best!"
  14. Here's Asama/Hinoka. It's certainly... interesting. I have pretty mixed feelings about this one. Someone might want to double-check some of the phrasing though. I'm pretty disappointed in their S rank. It's just... ehh. It's a bit of a shame since Asama's supports were good so far.
  15. Yay, a thread where I can finally gush about my favorites! Essay incoming.
  16. Wow this one is really nice. Asama does have great supports so far.
  17. Gosh, Saizou and Kagerou are really adorable. They're so overly serious that it's great.
  18. Not so much hate as dislike/disinterest on my part.
  19. If I could turn back time and add in only one support, it absolutely has to be Joker/Flora. But Ryouma/Crimson, Yukimura/Yuugiri, Camilla/Aqua, and Gunther/Felicia+Flora are really great too. Camilla/Aqua is especially disappointing considering how every other royal could support Aqua. Also, I want to see Fuuga/Syalla grandparent/child supports! That would be adorable and hilarious. And more Oboro/Nohr supports, but only if they're not all rehashing the same 'I hate Nohr' thing over again. She has a pretty good set of Nohr supports right now but I would love to see some more.
  20. About Nyx/Suzukaze, she's also blushing up a storm through every single conversation. Any time she's embarrassed by what Suzukaze's saying, there goes the blushing. In fact, after she first complains about what he's saying in the C support, she spends the rest of the conversation blushing. And meanwhile Suzukaze's just smiling as usual. I really love this one. It's really, really good.
  21. This looks really fun! Thanks for the translations.
  22. And I just finished Nyx/Suzukaze too. Oh gosh this one is cute. Depending on how Midoriko would turn out I'm seriously considering this pairing for a Nohr run.
  23. Yeah, that S was not the best. I think the impression one is supposed to get from them is that they've known each other for a long time since Saizou has been in Ryouma's service for a while, but I guess I didn't translate that well. My bad.
  24. Finished F!Kamui/Ignis here. Also I finished Hinoka/Saizou yesterday but it doesn't seem to be getting much attention which is a shame because I kind of like it. It's an interesting direction to take a support conversation in.
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