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Everything posted by wvype

  1. A bit late for whoever was asking for good Eponine supports, but I just did her one with Kanna and I think this one's pretty good. http://megidoladying.tumblr.com/post/136507383619/kanna-and-eponine-supports-c-s
  2. I admit that I am very confused at Belka -> Beruka. I guess it's a very literal reading of her name, and technically nobody ever said it was Belka, but it'll still take a lot of getting used to. I am also probably more annoyed about Mozume -> Mozu than I should be.
  3. Kazahana and Sakura are adorable. Also Tsubaki braids his pegasus's mane and tail that's all I ever needed to know about him. Sakura's team is definitely one of my favorite royal+retainer teams.
  4. I believe the Eternal Seals do not have a cap- there are definitely people's teams out there with level 99+ characters. Maybe you're thinking of Felicia/Joker? They are special cases in that they can level up to 40 normally, as if they had Eternal Seals used on them. Edit: When I say 99+, I mean that the display stops at 99, but you can still level up. It'll just say you're at level 99.
  5. Whee, I finished one of the subplots of my project. Missed the pairing discussion but I live for rarepairs so here's Saizou/Felicia. C-support B-support A-support (bonus S)
  6. Marrying all my favorites, which is really going to take a long while because I have a lot of them Developing the My Castle and making it look pretty. Also giving everyone accessories and making them look pretty. The new weapon triangle! The soundtrack ninjas
  7. I'm planning on writing something, and I saw that you'd prefer if stories were hosted on Google Docs or something similar. How does that work out if entries are supposed to be anonymous?
  8. The pastebin is out of date- for more recent translations, check this link. Here's Asama/Setsuna.
  9. I think the consensus for Asama is Elfie. Very great development for the both of them. You could take a look at Hinoka, as I feel like they're quite unique compared to most other supports. I also took a quick look at Felicia and it's not as much of a trainwreck as you would expect, given their personalities.
  10. I'm kinda working on-off on a thing. It's mostly just a bunch of tiny stories all set in the same universe, not an actual long story. Also I vaguely have ideas for age-swapped royals but I'm not entirely sure what to do with it yet. Probably just tiny vignettes again.
  11. Asama/Kagerou is literally all about her boobs and I am disappointed.
  12. Ooh, some of the HC's here are interesting. Here are mine. You can tell how I slowly put less and less effort into them as I go on. I'm not certain what constitutes spoilers so here they all are.
  13. I have an unrepentant ninja bias. At first I liked Suzukaze best, but now my love for Saizou and Kagerou have vastly grown. I absolutely adore them- Saizou has so many good supports and Kagerou is both badass and adorable.
  14. - SCREAM ABOUT THE LOCALIZED NAMES - Complete support log - Compare localization with my translations - Optional: cry inside. Either because the localization is so good, or the exact opposite. - Let loose my inner Animal Crossing/Sims fanatic with My Castle.
  15. There's been some people checking the data and it seems it is indeed different from Awakening. Awakening is the average of both parents and the kid's intrinsic growth, but here it's only the average of the non-determinant parent and the kid's own growths. So, for instance, Shigure's growths only depend on his own + his Dad's. Also there might be a slightly different growth rate formula for Kamui marrying someone like Gunther, but that's not confirmed yet.
  16. aphonicdreams has translated them. And I just wanted to share Fuuga/M!Kamui, I really like their support. Also gives a lot of backstory on Sumeragi and Fuuga.
  17. I have to say, Hisame is probably my favorite of the children right about now. Before I read most of his translated stuff he seemed basically like Nah, who I wasn't that fond of. But he's actually really adorable and such a sweet kid. He's less gimmicky than most of the other children, and I really enjoy his relationship with Hinata, from their supports and his recruitment paralogue.
  18. Well, I guess the burden is on me to be able to convey this all without making it sound too bad? Even disregarding that, there are some lines that most probably aren't meant to be taken that way, but they give me a Frederick/Cordelia vibe that they're 'settling' for each other. Or I guess I'm missing a lot of nuance. Maybe it's better to wait for someone else to take a look at it. Looking over it again, I think it's the facial expressions. That might explain a lot of the context I'm missing.
  19. And the scar isn't mentioned outside of this support, I think.
  20. That's talked about a bit in this thread here but I don't think the actual ones have been completely translated yet.
  21. Haha, I've just been looking at their supports in my files. They're not translated yet, but I could definitely get on it. I could try Kazahana/Flannel too.
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