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Everything posted by wvype

  1. I like Mitama's hair, she looks really cute. Eponine, Hisame, and Ignis also look good.
  2. How significant are the weapon triangle advantages? Does someone who's capped skill/speed in a class like Elite Ninja or the like face a lot of trouble hitting/dodging someone with an advantage over them?
  3. My main gripe is about the story. If your story needs DLC to be understood, you're not telling it properly. I don't really mind that there's different routes, since they have a different gameplay experience. It's just that the overarching plot seems to be all over the place and contradictory in certain places. It'd be nice to have a concrete timeline like other FE games, where they had specific years being mentioned and such. And the children mechanic. It was fine for Awakening. It has zero plot relevance here, and the explanation is terrible. I hope they give it a rest in future games; marrying and having kids is not a necessary follow-up to an S support. I do like being able to pair together the characters though. Sure some of the S supports are pretty abrupt, but I just like to imagine the conversations we see as little extracts over a longer period of them interacting, so they've had time to get to know each other. While we're on the topic of supports: most of Elise's supports. Sakura at least seems more mature sometimes, but Elise... really doesn't. And I guess it's not really dislike but the facerubbing scenes are so awkward. I just have a very low tolerance for that kind of stuff, I guess- even the confession CGs from Awakening were too much for me. It's still silly and ridiculous, but I will probably be playing with the volume off for those sequences.
  4. For the characters available in both routes, I had a hard time deciding between Aqua and Felicia, but I went with Felicia in the end because she is really very adorable and I imagine Aqua will get a lot of love from others. For the guys it's definitely Suzukaze because he's so damn nice. He's a good friend/husband, and a good dad, and a generally nice person all around. Also he's very cute because he's so goddamn dense. I really like how most of his S-supports have the other party confessing to him. For route-exclusive characters, I like Ryouma, Takumi, Nishiki, and Yukimura for Hoshido, and Marx for Nohr. A combination of design and personality for most of them. They generally have really cute supports, especially Nishiki. And especially for Takumi, I like him because it feels like his personality is a bit more well-rounded compared to a lot of other characters. And after the Nohr route... And for the ladies, I love Sakura and Kagerou for Hoshido and Camilla for Nohr. Sakura is absolutely precious, and Kagerou is unexpectedly really adorable. Have you seen her Odin supports? For Camilla, I am very disappointed and sad at how the game treats her like walking fanservice but I love her. And for the kids, Shigure, Sophie and Midoriko. Sophie's optimistic and dorky and I love her (and her personal skill is hilarious), while Shigure is really cute. He's shy about his singing, but it isn't to the point of Olivia or Inigo and their dancing from Awakening, which could get a bit obnoxious at times. And Midoriko is the most precious daughter (have you seen her supports with her parents look at this ray of sunshine) and I'm already planning on marrying Suzukaze anyway so.
  5. I adore both of them, but I have to go with Sakura because overall I prefer the Hoshido family.
  6. Went with the Ike answer. I don't really care about which kingdom each character is from. What I really want to do is to go through the game and make sure that everyone whom each route assigns to my army survives because I love all the characters and I don't want them getting hurt.
  7. Thanks for that. I guess the timeline is just a bit wonky.
  8. Just want some confirmation on story/timeline details
  9. All of them, really. I told myself I wouldn't be spoiling myself and then about 2 hours after that I succumbed to the temptation of watching streams and reading the support convos. I guess I've been spoiled the least about the 3rd route because I never watched a stream of it, but I read all of the chapter summaries anyway so eh.
  10. And I've just finished the other one, with F!Kanna and M!Kamui. Here you go!
  11. From what I've heard about the DLC route, I'm not really surprised he worked on DD. It kind of has the same 'everything's gonna turn out fine!!!' atmosphere. Never played PL vs AA so I can't comment on that, but eh. DD was decent. I like it because of the characters, but its plot is a bit lacking, which so far is about the same as my opinion on Fates. Maybe that'll change when we see the localization.
  12. Haha, I had a lot of free time today so here are some supports. The Gunther one's been linked up here already but these are the ones I managed to finish today: Gunther/F!Kamui (C-A) Silas/Suzukaze (C-A) Lazwald/Felicia (C-S)
  13. For maximum family feels, here's Gunther's C-A with F!Kamui.
  14. I adore Gunther. His character is great, and he is the absolute best dad. His support with M!Kamui is heartwarming, and I only did his S support with F!Kamui but I'm working on the rest of their support chain and it's just as heartwarming and also really sad because Kamui's childhood was terrible.
  15. Just finished Odin/Camilla. It's pretty cute but Odin. Odin why. Why must you talk like this. Camilla is really nice in this and she only mentions Kamui twice! progress
  16. Woo, today I went on a translation spree (relatively, at least. I'm a slow translator on the best of days). Suzukaze/Charlotte (C-S) Ryouma/Aqua (C-S) Shinonome/F!Kamui (C-S) Looks like the Shinonome/M!Kamui supports are completely different. Also I was kind of exaggerating with the Charlotte/Suzukaze supports; I've mostly got everything, except for just one chunk of Charlotte's dialogue in the A support when I don't know what's happening.
  17. I got my 3rd route supports mostly planned out. Going M!Kamui for this run. My first gens who are still unassigned are Suzukaze, Asama, Tsukuyomi, Odin, and Benoit for the guys, and Mozume, Orochi, Elfie, Kazahana for the girls. I'm considering Suzukaze x Orochi and Tsukuyomi x Mozume but I'll have to look through the supports to decide for sure. I just know that I definitely need Midoriko, Shara, and Ophelia, so whoever is left unpaired is probably going to be Asama or Benoit. As for the second gens, I still don't know much about them. I'm torn between Dia x Sophie and Siegbert x Sophie though. They're both really cute.
  18. Yep, they can. I'm seeing Ignis/Matoi, Ophelia/Hisame, and Shara/Foleo, to name a few.
  19. Oh, this looks great! Thanks! That looks like it'd be chaos to keep track of. At least overworld grinding is possible.
  20. Honestly this is pretty hilarious because (at least for the C support) Hinata and Kazahana's conversation is also about personal appearance (albeit more on Kazahana's). Looks like Kazahana and Tsubaki are a lot more alike than they want to admit.
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