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Everything posted by wvype

  1. 21 and a half hours according to my save file, but 30 according to the activity log. Then again, I'm still only about halfway through the game. To compare, my Awakening run has 197 hours according to the activity log. I expect Fates will end up maybe around ~150 before I start getting really tired of it.
  2. As of finishing Birthright chapter 16, here's my Avatar (looks the same as in my forum avatar): Name: Yuurei Boon/Bane: Mag/Def Talent: Troubadour (currently Strategist at 20/4) HP: 31 Str: 14 Mag: 24 Skl: 24 Spd: 22 Lck: 22 Def: 7 Res: 16 That Def is not fun. Also she's still at D in both tomes and staves, so as of right now she's not contributing that much. At least right now I'm in the middle of paralogue hell so I can grind it up relatively easily.
  3. I didn't take gameplay into consideration at all for my A+ ranks- I basically treat it like another support level and always mutually A+ characters because i'm a filthy polyshipper So far it's just Kagero/Orochi and Sakura/Hana. The only one that I will do for gameplay reasons is Asugi/Shiro because I want Asugi to end in Basara.
  4. I'm pretty okay with the current system. I haven't gotten really unlucky except with Silas, who seems to be taking after his wife Orochi too much (I collectively refer to his family as "slow, slower, and slowest") but I'd say that the only really significant difference is in HP. I suppose some of the problem (especially on Birthright) is that some characters start in classes that don't mesh well with their personal growths, so people think that they're getting unlucky. Reclassing helps a lot with that.
  5. Sakura > Ryoma > Camilla > Hinoka and Takumi > Xander and Elise > Leo I haven't played Conquest, so my bias is currently tilted towards the Hoshido royals. Hinoka got bumped up from below Takumi because she's an amazing tank. If we're disregarding gameplay, Sakura and Camilla are my top two favorite royals.
  6. Does the Avatar's boon/bane have any effect on Kana's stats and growths?
  7. The AI in this game (at least on Birthright Hard) is making me feel a mix of anger and grudging respect, especially with regards to getting past dual guards. I know that 0 damage hits still trigger Dual Guard, and the enemy seems to exploit this whenever they can to empty out my shield gauge just in time for the heavy hitters to come in. Very annoying, but it definitely makes things interesting. Oh how I got my ass handed to me in Birthright chapter 12.
  8. I married Frederick, Priam, and Libra in Awakening. I'm in the middle of downloading Birthright right now, and I am definitely gunning for Izana or Saizo. Possibly Rhajat as well, but I don't like marrying child units that much. I like most of the characters, but whether I really want to marry them, I don't know. As of now there are a lot more ladies I want to marry (Azura, Felicia, Kagero, Scarlet, Reina) and I personally prefer female Kana to male Kana, so I might just play as a male avatar first.
  9. I was looking at Selkie's supports with her mothers and the B-supports are pretty different. In the original, Kinu was mostly just trying to figure out how to apply the makeup. Here's the localized B-support (Corrin's, which are the most generic ones): There's also a ton of variety between the different mothers: Charlotte is rather put-off by Selkie wanting green, Kagero finds it an excellent choice given her artistic sense; Hana has no idea how to apply makeup so she goes along with the green and picks orange for herself, Rinkah says that all she knows how to do is her red war paint, which Selkie is very excited about, etc. I'm going to check the rest of the non-determinant parent supports for the other kids, but if they're all customized like this, I'd be very happy.
  10. From Saizo and Kaze's supports, the name of their village is Igasato.
  11. I've put Azura's supports with Sakura and Elise up on the wiki. I'll do my best to get the other sibling supports up quickly.
  12. I'd definitely be interested if the files themselves are being provided.
  13. In a word: boobs. He does nothing except make fun of her for her cleavage. I am severely disappointed by it because Kagerou is my favorite female character, I so badly wanted to like Asama after reading his Elfie support, and their Mitama would be amazing, but this is what we ended up with.
  14. I am totally spoiled on Hoshido and Nohr because I have the text dump files that include all the dialogue of every chapter. Still, I didn't pay as much attention to those as I did to the support conversations. Mostly spoiled for the third route, though but I'm a bit fuzzier on the exact details/sequence of events because the text dump doesn't have anything for those. But I watched people stream it, listened in on the discussions, so yeah.
  15. I opened up 2 tabs in random.org and used list randomizer. I used 1 tab to list all the male units and another for the female units and just matched up the numbers.
  16. This seems like it could be fun. Here are my randomly generated pairings: Well, Hoshido seems pretty good, at least in terms of supports. Nothing I'm vehemently against. A couple of the pairings seem like a total waste in Nohr (Leon/Elfie) but it's nothing too horrible I suppose.
  17. It was difficult, but I do have to say Hisame is my favorite male character because I really like his personality and a great deal of his supports are quite cute. Runner-ups were Saizou, Suzukaze, and Ryouma. Favorite female character was more difficult, but I'd have to go with Kagerou. Close contenders were Sakura, Camilla, Nyx, and Flora.
  18. No problem! And I actually just finished the rest, so here they are! Summaries of all remaining non-Kamui supports
  19. I'm ambivalent on them. There's not anything I can do to change them so might as well get used to them. When I actually get the game I'll start referring to the characters by their localized names, but for now I'll stick with the Japanese ones. I'll also probably use the localized names to refer to the localized character (i.e. Niles vs. Zero) since some personalities appear to have been altered in localization. *prays that azama/kagero is better than asama/kagerou bc mitama would be beautiful with black hair and that str inheritance please*
  20. A brief summary of Grey/Sophie, because it's actually pretty good. Or, I think so, at least. After this, there's just 4 more (Kanna/Sophie, Lutz/Mitama, Setsuna/Tsukuyomi, Hisame/Matoi) before I can post the rest of the summaries!
  21. if i can get anyone aboard the marx/sakura, saizou/sakura, and nyx/suzukaze ships with me then i've done my job So yeah, I love all of those three. They have to be some of my absolute favorite supports, but there are a ton more I love. Lazwald/Felicia, Nishiki/Felicia, Mozume/Benoit, Hinata/Rinka, Shinonome/Ophelia, Matoi/Shinonome, Tsubaki/Sakura, Tsubaki/Oboro, both of the Gunther/Kamui C-A sets, etc, etc. Really, there are a lot of them. There are some really outstanding ones among all the supports this game. One that isn't translated yet (aah i'm almost done with the remaining support summaries, i promise they'll be out soon) is Mozume/Hinata, which is pretty funny and has an adorable confession. Lemme copy and paste the quick summary of it I have:
  22. I want to try one playthrough of each on Normal/Casual and then Hard/Classic, and after that I will probably be support grinding to fill out the support log so a lot of Revelations playthroughs on Normal/Phoenix for that. Possibly Lunatic at some point? I'm not sure, I never managed to get past Awakening chapter 4 on Lunatic, so if I feel up for the challenge, sure.
  23. Well, I haven't been able to translate any supports fully recently, but I am doing summaries of the remaining unique supports. Here are summaries of all of Kamui's remaining supports. If you want any more specific details about any of them, feel free to ask! I don't think I can translate the full conversations, given that I still have to do these summaries for the remaining non-Kamui conversations.
  24. I have 3 main MUs I want to make, and though the first two have 'canon' routes and spouses, I'll constantly be reusing their designs and names and just changing the other stuff when I want to marry different people. The third MU is special. Also their personalities are probably ignoring actual canon but who cares, really. Name: Ren Gender: Male Spouse: Kagerou Class: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord) Route: Hoshido Asset: Strength Flaw: Luck Personality: In a single phrase: totally oblivious. Or, naive would be a better word. He thinks the best of everyone, and is very quick to trust (and slow to withdraw his trust from those already proven untrustworthy), which leads to a lot of problems. Has problems reading the atmosphere, and often unintentionally ruins the mood by making off-the-wall comments and observations. Some people joke that his sense of humor matches Kagerou's artistic sense well. Name: Ragna Gender: Female Spouse: Odin Class: Rod Knight (Strategist) Route: Nohr Asset: Magic Flaw: Defense Personality: Honestly kind of a spoilsport. She's the kid you don't want to play make-believe with because she has no concept of 'suspension of disbelief' and will immediately comment how the situation is unrealistic, or things like that. She makes exceptions only for Elise, because the first time she did that when they were younger Elise started crying and she panicked, so she promised that she wouldn't do it again. Everyone wonders how she ended up with Odin. It's a mystery, even to her. I also have one more, who will be named Kamui, and I intend to play her in a very specific way in all routes. I haven't decided who she's marrying first. Maybe Marx?
  25. I don't mind at all. I'm glad you enjoy them! Edit: and I just finished Sophie/Hisame!
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