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Posts posted by gayserbeam

  1. The girly thing is his gimmick. Without it, they might as well not have him.

    Now if they made him a woman but made her transexual (via magical transition) that could actually be pretty interesting. They won't do it though, and they probably shouldn't as that would be changing his entire character, but it might appeal to a lot of Western fans and garner some positive press.

    I don't agree that they should change the character, but if they did, there is potential to make it interesting and generate some Internet buzz.

  2. I barely used it on my two Hoshido Hard playthrough. On my first, I used Kamui (+Def, -Mag) as a General mostly so the stone was not an option, and even if it was the -Mag would make it an horrible idea. My second Kamui (+Speed -Res) never used it due to preventing it from doubling (and she ended up as a Dread Warrior after all since -Res was a really, really bad idea).

    However, I'm finding myself constantly using it on my Hard Nohr playthrough and I'm currently at chapter 20. I picked +Mag -Skill, and while I do try to use magic or sword once in a while, I end up having to use the stone just to win the stages. Lately, Kamui is too slow to double any enemy unit and since her magic score is actually higher than her strength stat, the Dragon Stone actually deals more damage. It also has the benefit of being basically immune to effective weaponry (I've seen like 1 dragon slayer past chapter 5) unlike basically every other tanky unit on Nohr. I'm really looking forward to actually getting another stone beside the E rank one though (I think you get a new one in like chapter 15 on Hoshido, so I'm surprised I haven't got one yet).

    You don't get the stronger stone in Hoshido until

    Chapter 23 from Camilla

    and in Nohr you get it three chapters earlier from a Chest.

    While I did use it for a while on my +Magic playthrough, I immediately parallel sealed to Spellcaster when I could and I was significantly more effective.

  3. Seriously? If what has been said in this thread is true, there goes the idea of using the Dragonstone in the event the Avatar's forced to fight a spear user, due to the weapon triangle.

    Also, I take it that dragonstones can't be altered by weapon forging?

    You can't forge Dragonstones, no. But the two Dragonstones already have massive might, so that isn't the issue. It's everything else...

  4. Error code: 026-7511 Your credit card is not available. Please contact your credit card company you use for more information.

    This error code usually implies that your specific region's credit card is not useable on the Japanese Eshop. This is common outside of Canada and some of the US. The most typical solution is to purchase an Eshop card, which have a certain amount of yen on them and you enter the code to add that to your Eshop.

    Unfortunately these are region locked so you would need to order a Japanese one, but it will not cost you more money than you would pay otherwise (other than perhaps some shipping fees, which are low for something like this.)

  5. The real reason to ever use the the Dragonstone is if you are using a pure magic Kamui with +MAG -STR or something, and you want to focus on magic until you learn Dragon Fang and then reclass to Dark Mage/Spellcaster.

    ...it doesn't help, though, that you get My Castle, and therefore access to a Parallel Seal, only a few chapters after you get the Dragonstone. So I guess the Dragonstone is maybe a little useful for maybe doing slightly more damage for maybe four chapters or so. Maybe.

  6. Villager is interesting if it can only be inherited by the children. With Garou, Dark Prince/Princess and Fox Spirit, it would make sense that the spouses and buddies wouldn't have normal access to it since the classes are tied to a group by blood, so neither the spouse or buddies would be able to transform since they never inherited the ability. With Villager however, nothing about it implies that it's tied to blood, so logically it should be available to the spouses/buddies as well since all it requires is a change in their careers.

    The villager's shtick is their "potential" and perhaps that is genetic. It's not like you ask your friends to teach how to weild a lance like a doofus and grow really well

  7. Alright, from lurking this thread for a bit and seeing the list of available skills, I got a question regarding buyable skills.

    So my original plan was having a Dark Blood Kamui with Shadowgift, so I can make the most out of my 3 weapon types. That said, I'm not fond of playing as Femui, so after seeing the Witch Class' limitations (genderlocked DLC class), I was wondering if DLC/Genderlocked skills are buyable from people that have the class (Provided I have the corresponding DLC that allows me to identify said skill)

    This applies to Demoiselle/Distinguished Son as well. If I find a Femui with Demoiselle and I want it on my Mamui, Is that possible?

    Skills aren't gender-locked, so it is almost certainly possible to purchase or inherit a gender-specific skill. However, it might be impossible to purchase DLC skills, that hasn't been confirmed yet.

    Remember though that the only Dark Tome in the game right now is Nosferatu, so you are better off just getting Sol than Shadowgift.

  8. What? They've already finished recording?

    ....And we're still not getting this until 2016? What the heck?!

    Even if they did finish recording (which we can't really prove yet) the only voices in this game are the battle quotes, the handful of lines people squeak out during dialogue, and the voice acting in the CGs (which we can see have already been translated from the E3 trailer).

    There is still a ton of dialogue and interface to translate, and likely some adjustments to certain sugestive character models.

    Anyway, I'm glad they chose a singer to play Azura, even if she isn't well known. Her singing is pretty important.

    EDIT: Triple ninjas!

  9. In Awakening the underage characters presumably grew up between the war and the birth of their children, but now I am supposed to believe Midoriko was pregnant

    No, that can't be, I don't think anyone married Midoriko, right? Let's pretend nobody out there married Midoriko

  10. Its pretty wonderful. I wish some more of the blokes were a little bit more scantily clad in places. Ill settle for the ubiquity of the Tiddy Window of many males in the game for the time being.

    I like it.

    It helps that he looks hot.

    All these things.

    Odin's supposed to be a dramatic and charismatic guy, so I like how they gave him this in-your-face costume.

    Also he is hot

  11. So I maxed out my Avatar's skill and gave her Flamboyance, Hoshido, and Breaking Sky, and was considering this:

    -Make an avatar with +SKILL asset

    -Put the avatar in a class with a 35 SKILL cap

    -Get Breaking Sky, Hoshido, Flamboyance, and use any means necessary to get your skill stat over 50

    For example:

    39 skill = 58% chance to activate Breaking Sky, 29% chance to activate Dragon Fang

    With Skill+2

    41 skill = 61% chance to activate Breaking Sky, 30% chance to activate Dragon Fang

    After a "Rally Skill"

    45 skill = 67% chance to activate Breaking Sky, 33% chance to activate Dragon Fang

    With a Support that gives +4 skill

    49 skill = 73% chance to activate Breaking Sky, 36% chance to activate Dragon Fang

    After a Skill Tonic

    51 skill = 76% chance to activate Breaking Sky, 38% chance to activate Dragon Fang

    After Hoshido

    86% chance to activate Breaking Sky, 48% chance to activate Dragon Fang

    After Flamboyance

    100% chance to activate Breaking Sky, 63% chance to activate Dragon Fang

    After Robin's Rally Spectrum, assuming it still stacks with other rallies

    100% chance to activate Breaking Sky, 66% chance to activate Dragon Fang

    I have been running something very similar on my Avatar, just without Skill+2 and Rally Spectrum, giving me a 89% chance to activate Breaking Sky and a 57% chance to activate Dragon Fang. It's proved very effective and Saizou is running something similar without Hoshido that is almost as powerful. The only thing stopping me from pushing it further is this: is there a cap on the skill activation rate? Is it even possible to reach 100%?

  12. Do you mind sharing pics? Kisaragi from Takumi x Oboro has access to Herb Merchant, so at least in some cases the mother will pass on a secondary class. http://i.imgur.com/wiotwlw.png

    Here are thumbnails of Joker!Shigure, who is a Golden Kite Warrior and can parallel into Falcoknight, Butler, Strategist, and the Dragon classes (he was in them for a while via a marriage seal with the Avatar, so now he can parallel into them)



  13. When you marry Joker to Aqua, Shigure just gets Pegasus Warrior and Rod Knight. If you marry Nishiki to Orochi, Kinu just gets Garou and Spellcaster.

    So I can almost certainly confirm that when the classes the father (or Aqua/F!Kamui) gives the child include the mother's base class, then the child does not inherit the mother's secondary class.

    So in the case of Eponine with Nyx as her mother, she will likely just get Outlaw and Dark Mage.

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